Chapter 3

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"I'm Maddie, and this is my sister Liz," Maddie says, pointing to herself and her sister.
"Well its nice to meet your girls. I'm uncle Jesse, which you already know."
Maddie giggles, while Liz simple smiles.
"I've got chores to do," uncle Jesse says, lifting the rake in his hand. "I'll leave you four to your homework."
Bo groans. "Do we have to?"
"Yes you do," uncle Jesse says sternly.
"Don't argue with him Bo," Maddie warns. "Unless you want to be grounded. Or something."
"I like this girl," uncle Jesse says, causing her to blush.
"Yeah, me too," Luke mutters, just loud enough for himself to hear. "I heard that Luke", said Bo. " I know you like her sister Bo Duke", said Luke. He said so only Bo could hear it. Maddie and Liz go into the house. Bo and Luke go in after them. "Where's this cousin we've heard so much about?" Maddie asks.
"DAISY!" Luke yells, and a girl that look about 16 comes running into the room, carring a broom and dust pan.
"What is it?" She asks, slightly out of breath.
"Hi," Liz says, smiling at the teen, who in turn smiles back.
"Wow my cousins sure know how to pick em," she says, holding out her hand for a proper greeting. "Hi, I'm daisy."
"I'm Liz," Liz says, them points to her sister. "And this is my sister, Amanda."
Maddie glares at her sister. "It's Maddie."
Liz giggles. "Sorry." "It is fine just don't do it agin you hear me", said Maddie. "We are not dating them Daisy", said Bo. "Do we see u guys dating each other soon", asked Daisy. The guys faces blush, as well as Liz and Maddie.
"Maybe," Maddie says, trying to shrug it off, by her face causes daisy to raise an eyebrow.
Daisy gives them a knowing look. "Oh its going to happen." "How can you tell Daisy", asked Liz. "I see how they acted around you guys", said Daisy. "Hey," Luke says, we're standing right here."
"Oops," daisy says, giving him a fake smile. "Sorry didn't see you there."
He sends her a playful glare while Maddie giggles in the background and bo and Liz share a look, trying to figure out what was going on.
Luke takes Maddie hand and they head into the living room, to work on homework, while Bo and Liz groan.
"Do we have to do that now?" Liz asks. "Yes we have to do it Liz or uncle Jesse will be mad", said Bo. "I don't want to get you in trouble with your uncle Jesse", said Liz. When Bo and Liz walk in the living room they see Luke and Maddie sitting next to each other doing there homework. Bo and Liz sit in the kitchen table to do there homework. By dinner time everybody is done with there homework. "Would you guys like to stay for dinner", asked Luke. "We would love to stay for dinner", said Liz. "Do you guys have a place to stay",asked UncleJesse. "No we do not sir", said Maddie. "Why not stay here?" Daisy asks, glancing at her uncle.
"Well I don't know," Maddie says. "You guys have already done a lot for us."
"Really?" Uncle Jesse asks, confused. "How so?"
"Well, we were close to going without dinner yet again, and y'all were kind enough to invite us to stay," Liz explains, staring at the kitchen table.
Everyone turns to look at Maddie, perhaps hoping for her to tell them it was a joke, but she never did. She just stared at her hand that was holding the wall for support, and sighing deeply, closing her eyes so as to not see the looks on the dukes faces.
"Well in that case," Uncle Jesse says, "if its alright with daisy, yall can stay in her room."
"Of course its all right," Daisy says, pulling both the girls into a hug.

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