Chapter 23

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"I'll be in my room." Mina tells the group of girls in the kitchen, "Drying my hair."

Momo wonders why she has to say it like a public service announcement.

With the zombie apocalypse and a broken bunny they don't have much choice but to be in the house somewhere.

"I'm going to get chocolates from my room." Nayeon declares two seconds later.

Chaeyoung rolls her eyes and steps in front of the older girl with a stern glance. "You're in a freaking zombie apocalypse, not in Fifty Shades of Gray."

Nayeon tries to step past her, "I swear I have chocolate in my room."

Chaeyoung blocks her again.

"I'll share." Nayeon grins.

"You get two minutes to get them and come back." Chaeyoung weakens a little at the tempting offer.

"Twenty minutes." Nayeon negotiates, "And you can get 50-50 of the chocolates."

Chaeyoung snorts, "Three minutes and 70-30."

"Ten minutes." Nayeon tries, "60-40."

"Five minutes." Chaeyoung gives in, "60-40."

"Fine you little shit." Nayeon huffs and shoves her out of the way. "I can't even touch a boob in five minutes." She mutters under her breath as she goes.

Chaeyoung pretends she doesn't hear that.

Aera hears footsteps in the corridor. She sees through the gap in the bathroom door Mina making her way to her room.

Sure enough a minute later she sees Nayeon appear in the corridor following her like a puppy dog.

"Nayeonnie," She slightly loosens the knot on the towel that's wrapped around her body and steps in front of the girl, ignoring the annoyed huff she receives in return, "I really need your help."

Chaeyoung looks at the clock, it's been six minutes since Nayeon went to get chocolates.

Mina looks at the clock in the room, wondering what's taking Nayeon so long. She's sure her message reached the target properly.

She wonders if the grandma turtle neck top she's wearing isn't tempting enough.

A little grin tugs at the corner of her plump lips when she hears the door being opened.

"Chaeyoungah." She tilts her head in confusion when the younger girl steps in to the room, because this is not the prey she intended to lure.

"Where's Nayeon?" Chaeyoung asks mirroring her confusion.

Mina lets out a huff, "Apparently still in the living room." She briefly wonders if the older girl is tired of her already but then she remembers hungry eyes on her chest and blushes a little.

Chaeyoung's eyes grow wide, "She's not there! Do you think-?"

"She sneaked out?" Mina's eyes grow as well, panic rising in her chest. Nayeon would be food for the undead if she stepped out with her injured arm.

They rush to the corridor together, wanting to stop the girl before she did something rash.

They stop when they hear a low raspy voice coming behind the closed door of the bathroom.

"Mmh Nayeonnie put your fingers deeper." Aera moans.

"I'm trying, it's so tight." Nayeon's breathless voice answers.

"That's it. Coming." Aera screams a little.

Mina resists the urge to cry even as her bottom lip quivers. She takes deep steadying breaths to collect herself.

Chaeyoung knocks on the door, ready to punch the older girl when she steps out.

Nayeon smiles at her innocently when she opens the door, "Want to use the bathroom? I'm almost done here!"

"Done fucking Aera you mean?" Chaeyoung scoffs throwing a disappointed glance at her friend.

Nayeon looks at Mina who's staring at the floor and pulls Chaeyoung close to her, hissing in her ear, "What the fuck are you on about?"

"She's talking about the fuck you gave me Nayeonnie." Aera drawls, mentally thanking her parents for the evil genes.

Nayeon turns to look at Aera ready to kill her. She stops, her mouth dropping open when she sees her naked. The towel that has been covering her body nowhere in sight.

Her fists clenches when she realizes that the girl had played her, and she has willingly walked into the trap.

She takes small steps to Mina, eyes pleading and voice hesitant, "This is not what it looks like."

Mina laughs bitterly, still staring a hole into the floor, "You don't have to explain yourself to me!"

Nayeon flinches a little at the cold tone she recieves, "I swear to god-"

"Save the excuse. I'm not your girlfriend or anything." Mina looks up meeting her gaze, her nose flaring and eyes turning to slit as she spits out, "It's the bloody apocalypse. We can all fuck anyone we want!"

Nayeon takes a step back like she's been slapped.

This thing between her and Mina, it isn't just fucking to her, apparently it was only that to Mina.

"Chaeyoungah do you want to fuck me?" Nayeon gasps when Mina directs the question to Chaeyoung.

"You won't dare!!" Nayeon takes a threatening step towards Chaeyoung who's stunned speechless.

Chaeyoung's face slowly splits with a huge grin, "Sorry Nayeonnie! You know it would take the willpower of a saint to resist Mina!"

"You both come back!" Nayeon shouts at the girls walking toward the bedroom, scurrying on her feet to claim what's rightfully hers.

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