Chapter 29

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The undead march towards the pair who are kissing in the middle of the corridor.

Nayeon retrieves a lighter from her pocket and without detaching herself from the kiss, rips a piece of lace from Mina's dress. She then slowly lifts her hand towards the ceiling.

The zombies are barely ten foot away from them.

Mina closes her eyes losing herself completely in the kiss. She wants to ignore the reality around her for a little longer and enjoy this while she's still alive and breathing.

She only opens her eyes when she hears the smoke alarm going off.

She pulls back from the kiss, gasping when she sees the zombies running as the sprinklers come on. The water sprays down on the undead, making them groan in pain and they scatter in all directions looking for cover.

She looks up at Nayeon who's grinning at her too smugly for her own good. She could have been killed, that idiot.

She shoves her away a little with a hand to her chest. "Don't smile."

"You like my smile." Nayeon tells.

Mina shakes her head, "I don't! It's-" Her mind screams endearing but she shuts it up and says, "-annoying!"

"The way you were worried for me before, one would even say you not only like my smile but you also like me!" Nayeon grins wider.

"That one person would be you," Mina pushes her to a side and grabs her wrist pulling the older girl alongside her to the stairs.

"And I'd be right!" Nayeon declares as she lets herself be dragged down the steps towards the parking lot.

Mina tries to bite back a small smile, "Maybe."

"Denial is not just a river in Egypt!" Nayeon chuckles lowly.

Mina laces their fingers together and refuses to indulge her teasing. "Shut up and come. I'm still mad at you!"

"Too mad to fuck when we get home?" She wiggles her eyebrows flirtatiously.

Mina's cheeks redden with a maddening blush, "Is that the only thing you think about all the time?"

Nayeon squints her eyes when they step out into the broad daylight. She tugs on the hand that's holding hers and brings Mina to a stop in front of her. "Do you really think that's why I came to get you?"

Mina searches into the older girl's gaze that's showing a myriad of emotions, "Why did you come?"

Nayeon looks vulnerable as she releases a shaky breath past her chest, but she continues to hold the penetrating brown eyes that seem to see right through her soul, "I think you know why!"

"I want to hear you say it!" Mina's voice comes out in a breathy whisper.

"It's because-" She begins and finishes with an "Oww oww!"

"You're fucking stupid," Jihyo punches her arm.

"Reckless!" Chaeyoung kicks her shin.

"A complete idiot!" Jeongyeon smacks the back of her head.

"And a hero!" Tzuyu and Dahyun step in front of Nayeon protecting her from the angry mob.

The girls stop when they realize that if it isn't for Nayeon then they'd have surely lost Mina.

"My hero!" Mina whispers as she looks up at Nayeon dotingly.

The toothy smile she receives in return seems to brighten up even the apocalypse ridden world around them.

"My girlfriend!" Aera cuts in.

Nayeon sneers at her, "You are not my sister or girlfriend or anything. You are just a stranger and that's who you'd always be to me. Is that clear?"

Aera is stunned at the older girl putting her foot down so strongly. She clears her throat and says, "That's harsh!"

"You almost let Mina die." Nayeon hisses, "I think this is on soft scale compared to what you did!"

"Show's over!" Jihyo claps when she sees that Aera and Nayeon are in a stand-off, neither willing to back down, "Back to the car kids!"

Aera turns around, stomping and huffing all the way to the car.

Jihyo picks up Jihyun and carries her on her back.

Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon give a secretive thumbs up to Nayeon for finally putting a full stop to all of Aera's ugly and lecherous stunts.

"That was-" Mina begins when she's once again left alone with the older girl.

"Lame I know! I should have put her in place way befor-" Nayeon sulks only to be cut off by Mina with a finger to her lips.

"I was going to say hot Nayeon-chan." Mina leans up a little and whispers into the older girl's ears.

"Yeah?" A dopey grin splits Nayeon's face.

"Yeah!" Mina husks, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, "Want to fuck when we get home?"

Nayeon scrambles after the younger girl who laughs softly when she almost trips and falls in her rush.

"Careful, you're going to fall!" Mina says.

Nayeon thinks it's impossible to fall anymore than she already had.

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