Chapter 14

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Nayeon drops another peck on Mina's lips reluctant to let her go. "Please be careful Minayah."

Mina nods as she leans in again and sighs softly when Nayeon pries her lips open with her tongue deepening the kiss.

"Oh my god, can you both stop?" Chaeyoung demands impatiently as she steps between them and pull their faces apart.

"I'm just saying goodbye." Nayeon defends herself haughtily.

"You've been saying goodbye in her mouth for ten minutes now Nayeon." Dahyun giggles.

Nayeon watches as Mina steps into her car with Jihyo. "You're responsible for her safety." She threatens Tzuyu.

"I'll make sure she's safe Nayeonnie." Tzuyu reassures her and shuts the driver's side of the car.

An hour later, Tzuyu turns off the sputtering engine and steps out of the car in front of an apartment. Jihyo and Mina join her side looking around them tentatively. It's still raining and they're safe outside, once they step in the confines of the building, there's no guarantee for their lives.

"Are you both ready?" Tzuyu raises a concerned eyebrow in their direction.

Without tearing their eyes away from the tall grey building, they reply in unison. "Yes."

Their paces slow as they reach the entrance of the building. A silence thrums against their eardrums as the push the door open.

They waste no time as they begin to search for survivors, their footsteps echoing quietly in the empty corridors as they move from flat to flat.

Halfway down the second floor, Tzuyu freezes in terror and yells, "Run."

There are several zombies just at the end of the corridor and with every step they take towards the lift, the sounds of the zombie's footsteps grows exponentially.

"Shit, the lift is not working." Jihyo presses the button again and again, the panic in her eyes escalating.

Mina tries to open the door to the flat that's the closest. The undead are barely fifteen feet away.

Tzuyu swallows thickly and mutters, "Nayeonnie is going to kill me." The zombies outnumber them and there's no way they'll be getting out of here without at least one person hurt.

The zombies are only a couple of feet away now.

"Get in here." A voice shouts at them as a door flies open.

They rush inside the open door and click the door shut just in time for the bloodthirsty lurkers to be trapped outside.

A solemn silence falls over them as they pant for air.

"Oh my god." A soft gasp draws their attention. "You're twice."

A girl who looks about their age covers her mouth, her eyes round with astonishment.

"Yes." Jihyo looks around the empty flat. There's another person, a tall young guy next to the girl, who looks equally surprised.

"We're a big fan." His voice is full of awe and wonder.

"Thank you." Mina mutters.

"How did you survive here?" Tzuyu queries, relieved that Nayeon isn't going to kill her, just yet.

"We try not to make noise and gather attention." The tall guy replies, as he loops an arm around the girl protectively. "Although I'm not sure how much surviving we can do because we're running out of food."

"We could take you back to our safe house. There's plenty of food there." Jihyo remarks, "If only we knew a way to get out of here."

"The only way out is the lift and the stairs." The girl whispers. "But they're full of the undead."

"And also the fire exit." The guy corrects her.

"Where's this fire exit?" Jihyo's voice is quiet but they all hear her.

He points to the window that leads to a balcony. "It's right over there."

Tzuyu's face blossoms into a grin with the trace of hope and happiness. "You just showed us the way out."

"The fire exit is swarmed with the zombies too." He sulks.

"No." Mina chuckles with relief. "It's still raining."

The boy and the girl share confused glances between themselves.

Two hours later they're back at the safe house and see Team Nayeon has arrived before them.

"Your girl is safe and sound." Tzuyu shoves a blushing Mina into Nayeon's waiting arms once they step out of the vehicle.

Jeongyeon purses her lips to the side and gazes at the newcomers in quiet contemplation.

"We'll have to get you checked for bites." Sana says hesitantly. "I'm sorry but you'll have to strip down to your underwear."

The guy seems reluctant at first but then he agrees to be inspected. The girl is staring at Nayeon with her mouth slightly parted.

"You're much more beautiful in person." She remarks, her eyes raking up and down Nayeon's body.

"I know." Nayeon lifts her shoulders lazily, flashing a toothy smile.

Mina stiffens next to Nayeon.

"Jeongyeon, you get the boy checked." Jihyo announces, trying to deescalate a weird tension growing in the room.

Jeongyeon stares at her in disbelief. "Why me?"

"Because I said so." Jihyo dismisses her.

The new girl bites her lips and throws a flirty smile Nayeon's way. "I'd prefer to be checked by Nayeonnie." She declares.

"Nayeon?" Jihyo asks turning to look at the girl leaning against a car. "Can you do it?"

"I don't mind." Nayeon hums out.

Chaeyoung watches with wary eyes as Mina leaves the basement, looking like she's about to strangle someone.

The other girls filter out the basement one by one, leaving Jeongyeon and Nayeon alone with the newcomers.

Mina throws the door to her room open, wanting to divert her anger somewhere. Her eyes gleam when she sees Nayeon's pet zombie lurking outside the window.

Momo yanks her head towards the window when she hears a loud thud outside. "Tom just crashed to the ground." She breathes in silent horror.

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