Chapter 4

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Nayeon slams the brakes hard and tries to avoid colliding with the wall in the lobby. A quick swerve to the right and she narrowly misses hitting the concrete wall. The truck comes to a screeching halt in the corridor, in front of the recording studio.

She coughs as the dust forms a cloud of smoke around her. She kicks the door of the fire truck open and drops to the floor. The truck isn't damaged except for some minor scratches and bumps.

Jeongyeon scowls at her when they open the door and take in the destruction she's caused.

"Turns out I don't know how to drive a firetruck." Nayeon shrugs and pushes her out of the way.

Tzuyu, Jeongyeon and Nayeon form a protective circle around the other girls as they climb into the truck one by one.

Jeongyeon hops on to the driver side.

Nayeon is the last one to get on and squeezes herself in the cramped space.

Because there are only four seats in the front next to the driver's seat, the girls decide to sit on each other's lap.

Mina sits on Nayeon's lap.

"Keep a proper look out." Jeongyeon yells at Nayeon who is sitting next to the window, as she drives over another deranged zombie which Nayeon has failed to warn about.

"On it." Nayeon promises.

After a while, Jeongyeon hears her asking Mina in a low, husky voice. "Are you wearing a different shade of lipstick today?"

"Yeah." Mina blushes.

"Nayeon." Everyone in the truck shouts in unison.

Jeongyeon sighs when they finally reach the house but then her relief turns into a frown when she sees about ten undeads trying to get the door open, their fists making loud bangs against the metal.

"What do we do now?" She rubs a hand to her temple.

"We have to get past them." Dahyun declares. "We don't have any other choice."

Sana snorts. "Thank you captain obvious."

"There are nine of us." Tzuyu straightens up in her seat confidently. "I'm sure we can take them on."

"We have to grab something for each one of us." Jihyo looks around the truck for a weapon and grins when she sees an axe behind a glass cabinet.

Momo jumps excitedly. "Look what I found."

Everyone stifles a groan when they see a plush toy in her hand.

Nayeon pats her back. "She means a weapon Momo." When the younger girl's face fall, she quickly adds, "You can keep this too."

They land on the ground, trying not to make noise and draw attention to themselves.

"Here we come bishes." Tzuyu pulls the arrow on her bow tighter, taking aim.

When the nincoomps hear their approaching footsteps, they abandon their effort to break into the house and advance towards them with a bloodthirsty groan.

Dahyun smashes the head of a zombie with a fire extinguisher and Sana looks at her with appreciative eyes.

Momo giggles when she sidesteps one and he falls on to the ground face first.

"I made this jacket myself." Chaeyoung weeps when a creeper grips her denim collar and she has to slip it off her shoulders to get out of his grasp.

Jeongyeon moves Chaeyoung to a side and punches him in the face. "Pretty sure he doesn't care about your designer jackets as much as he cares about your insides."

Chaeyoung winces when his blood splatters all over the piece of clothing.

Jihyo swings her axe, proud of her ability to be an action superhero.

"What the fuck Unnie!!!" Tzuyu mutters, when the axe flies past her face.

Jihyo scratches her neck in embarrassment. "I was aiming for the zombie."

Tzuyu rolls her eyes and strikes the lamebrain behind Jihyo with an arrow to his head.

Nayeon dodges a dead one, maneuvering under his arms that's reaching for her and kicks him in the shin.

When she sees another cold bodied zombie approaching an unaware Mina from behind, she sprints to the younger girl, pulling her flush against her body and smashes his head in with her baseball bat.

"You could have saved her without touching her." Jeongyeon rolls her eyes.

Nayeon lifts her shoulder in an unapologetic shrug as she lets go of the blushing girl.

The commotion draws the attention of the other lurkers in the street. The smell of blood in the air gives them an euphoric rush as they advance towards the girls who've made their way to the door.

Chaeyoung gives them the finger and smirks. "We'll be inside the safe house motherfuckers. Good luck trying to eat us."

Dahyun feels a shiver run through her body. "Sana quickly enter the code."

Sana stares at her blankly. "I don't know the code."

Chaeyoung swallows thickly as she glances at the crazed creepers with a sheepish look.

"No hard feelings, aye? Please don't eat me."

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