Chapter 27

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Nayeon takes the lift, the stairs are usually the breeding ground for the lurkers- that's the first lesson they learned in this zombie apocalypse.

The first two floors are strangely empty, there are no survivors and no lurkers anywhere in sight. What's even more stranger is that the hallways and corridors are flooded with water.

Dahyun armed with a pistol, thinks she can finally relax when they come to an empty floor again on the third level.

"This door is locked!" Chaeyoung whispers in awe. A locked door meant only one thing, there are survivors inside.

They knock on the door softly, not wanting to draw attention of possible lurkers nearby.

Jihyo removes a hairpin from her hair and kneels down on the floor before the door, "I'm going to try and pick the lock."

She yelps slightly when Nayeon loudly kicks the door open.

Jihyo shakes her head and tries to calm the older girl down. If Nayeon starts kicking and breaking every single door, they'll either end up with a bunny with a broken leg or attract the undead, whichever came first. "I know you're mad because Mina said-"

"I don't care what she said. I can date who I want and she's not my girlfriend. She made it all clear!" Nayeon huffs irritatedly shoving the door open.

They walk inside the apartment, only for someone behind the door to suddenly reach out and grab Dahyun, snatching the pistol from her hand and hold it close to her head.

"Drop all your weapons." A young boy around the age of eighteen hisses through his teeth, "Or I'll shoot her."

Jihyo drops her axe immediately, and nudges Nayeon and Chaeyoung to drop their weapons as well.

"Listen to me." Jihyo takes a step forward to the boy only for him to press the gun tighter into Dahyun's temple.

"Step back." He says terrified, "I swear to god I'll blow her brains out."

Nayeon rolls her eyes.

"Dubu! Duck!!" She yells and when Dahyun does, she times her kick and in one swift moment aims for the boy's shin.

When he stumbles and drops to his knees in pain, she grapples the pistol out of his grasp.

And in the commotion the trigger goes off, thankfully no one is hurt, as the bullet hits and passes through a wall.

"Show over little shit!" She says waving the pistol in front of his face. He doesn't have to know that the bullet in his wall was their last one and the pistol is empty now.

"Please don't hurt my brother!" A tiny voice quivers from behind the couch.

Nayeon immediately hides the gun in her pocket. The voice, whoever it is, couldn't be older than five. A gun pointed at their brother, loaded or not, is the last thing they should be seeing.

"We're not here to hurt anyone!" Nayeon says in a comforting tone, "We're only here to find survivors and take them back to our safe house. We have plenty of food and water there."

"You promise?"

"Pinky promise. You can come out now."

A little girl crawls out from behind the couch. She hesitantly approaches the group shaking and trembling, and joins by her brother's side who immediately wraps a protective arm around her. "Jihyun, don't be scared. I'm here."

"If what you're saying is true," He begins after composing himself and calming the kid in his arms, "I'm sorry for the way I reacted. A group of scavengers almost killed my sister over a can of tuna last night."

Nayeon immediately regrets the way she's dealt with the boy.

"We're Twice." Chaeyoung says reassuringly. "We sing, we don't kill."

That earns a tiny smile from the boy.

"Why are there no zombies in this building?" Jihyo asks after a while once they've all settled on the couch in the living room.

"They're all in the B wing, shifted their base there because as you can see the pipeline exploded and most of the floor is covered in water." Kyong, the older sibling, replies and shrugs his shoulder, "It's like their body is allergic to the chemical component of water."

Chaeyoung thinks he's a smart kid. Momo still thinks the zombies don't like having a bath.

"They're all in the B wing?" Nayeon's shuddery voice drags her attention.

Chaeyoung only then realizes the danger of the situation. She gulps thickly and looks at Kyong, "How many of them?"

"Roughly about hundred," Kyong replies sadly, "Including our parents."

The girls share a terrified look between themselves.

Right when they're about to make their way out, they hear Jeongyeon's loud cry from outside the window. "Minayah! I'm coming back inside!"

Nayeon's heart almost stops beating when she hears the next words that's uttered softly.

"No!" Mina's sad voice breaks as she replies, "Get Nayeon and the other girls and get out of here. Forget about me!"

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