We Won

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Ya...getting revenge for Levi's gonna be hard.

I looked at Eren and he was shaking uncontrollably. I sighed and walked up to him. He saluted and waved him down. "Like everybody says, I'm not as serious as Erwin."

Eren just relaxed. His eyes shone without confidence and he was shaking. God he must be scared. Personally I would be calm like no other.

"We're going to announce the plans." Dot exclaimed, leading the way to the trainees and soldiers.

"I don't need to show my face right?" I looked over my shoulder at Dot.

He smirked. "Don't worry." We led Eren to the edge of the wall and allowed him to look down at the soldiers. Everybody looked up. I instantly hid behind Dot.

"Attention! We can't fight against the titans. But we can block the titans from coming in. We can, for once, win against the titans!" Dot glanced at Eren. "This boy will succeed! We need to protect him from harm.

" The plan is to draw the titans to a specific place. They like crowds of humans. There will be another squad to protect Eren from harm. And commander Moonlit is leading it!" I gasped. Damn, that was his shitty plan all along. He beckoned me out, smirking. "

"I swear, the next second we come back, your head will be off." I walked out from Dot and everybody either gasped, or attempted a salut for me but failed. "Idiots. I'm gonna need the best soldiers around." Dot nodded.

I could walk away with ease, but not escape my fate. All the so called good soldiers lined up. "Listen up, brats." I glared at every soldier. They tensed up and saluted cautiously. I didn't wave them down.

"You're protecting this brat from all harm, from the largest titan to the smallest bug." I pulled Eren to my face by his clothes. "And you, shitty brat," I spat.

"Humanity's Hope's on you. And people, fucking people are going to die for you. Don't let that be in vain, Eren." I threw him on the ground. I raced my arm and made my hand into a gun signal. And I raised it.

"Bam." I muttered. They were confused but as I looked up from my position, wind blasted at me, blowing my let down hair back. They raced off, with Eren in the lead, biting on his hand. Steam blasted out of him, and even I felt the heat.

The only problem. Eren was standing there, glaring at us. Fuck, he can't control his power. I groaned but just stood there. Adjusting my glasses, I looked at Mikasa trying to fight Eren. He was out of control, in his titan form.

Mikasa was on his face, and Eren punched himself since well, Mikasa was on his face. Armin was staring in shock. I couldn't do anything. No, I wouldn't so anything. This was between the three idiots that spent eternity with each other (I lost track of time after I lived, what, 200 years?)

Suddenly Armin jumped up and stabbed the titan. With my kind of sharp eyes, Armin didn't stab Eren to kill him. He stabbed him just into his arm. Shouting a few thing and with Eren not listening, I sighed.

I jumped onto Eren and muttered, "remember your fucking promises, brat. People are dying right now when you're wasting time." My voice was quiet and calm, scaring the blonde next to me.

But, it seemed to work, so oh well. I swiftly jumped off him. Armin shouted a few words to encourage Eren then flew off. Eren, I think, cleared his head. He started heading to the rock, and with all strength, I could see his titan muscles flexing and moving to the gate.

I gave a small smile and pushed up my glasses. Armin landed next to me and gave me a bear hug. Except that the 3DMG made it awkward. I instantly tensed up. I coughed awkwardly in his arms but he didn't let go.

Out of the corner of my eyes, and glasses, I noticed Eren slamming the rock in front of the broken entrance. The titan collapsed and the actual human Eren emerged. And a fucking 12-meter titan was closing in on him.

Armin reluctantly let go when I shot him a glare. I raced to Eren with the gas and weaved past the Titan's legs and cut the nape of its neck at the same time someone did that too.

I landed lightly on the disingrating titan.

"I clearly got it." I complained in monotone voice as I looked into Levi's eyes.

"Whatever." Levi looked at the steaming Eren. "Be careful next time, brat." He spat, glaring at him. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Mikasa...?" Eren murmured. I rolled my eyes again. I guess we won. For now.

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