Death Camp (3DMG)

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I forcefully placed my clenched hand on my Heart and my other hand behind my back. The salut was quite the formal one. Next to me stood Eren, Mikasa and Armin in the same position. The general went around, asking random people what their name is.

He didn't ask Mikasa, nor Eren. "Mm, what's your name, newbie?" He shouted in my ear. I adjusted my glasses.

"Luna Smith. From the Shingashina district." I replied in my calm voice. Everybody started whispering. The general glared at me, not with an angry face, but with a curious one.

"Do you have family?" The general continued screaming. I cringed this time.

"My mother died last attack. Father died of disease. Brother is in Survey Corps." I replied coolly.

"Commander Erwin Smith?" The general asked. I nodded, adjusting my glasses. He nodded satisfied and moved on. Eren looked me, his eyes shining. I rolled my eyes.

Being shoved into the cafeteria, I noticed a girl, potato girl, running outside. I slowly nibbled on my bread as I dipped it into the soup.

"So you were in Shingashina? Did you see the Titans? Were they scary?" People rushed over to the corner of the room where I was sitting. I adjusted my glasses.

"Yes." "Yes." "No." I slowly answered the questions directed at me until Eren said something peculiar only the three of the friends heard.

"I will kill all of them." Eren snarled. A horse faced guy started laughing hysterically. They got into a fight.

"Huh? How about you? I bet you just want the safety of the MP!" Eren spat. I stood up abruptly, and sliced my arm between them.

"Please, stop now." I muttered, pulling back one of my hair locks. My curly hair fell down to my shoulders as I ordered them to stop. Eren glared at me and stormed out of the room. Mikasa followed him. I bowed slightly to the horse faced man and strolled after them.

"Um," the boy stopped me. I looked back at him, expecting something. He stuttered for awhile until words came out of his mouth. "Your hair, it's pretty." I smiled faintly at him and walked after Eren and Mikasa.

I heard them chatting, so I stepped out. I searched the area for my bunk until I found it. But bullshit, I'm sharing a room with a boy. I took off my jacket and stretched out my limps. I pulled off my pants and replaced them with comfy shorts. A quick knock on the door distracted me.

"Come in." I replied stoically. A boy opened the door,  and smiled to me shyly before sitting on his bed. I lied down and flipped open a book about the outside world. Snow, hills, ocean, seas. All of them, gone. What replaced them was big naked creatures known as Titans.

I shut the book and turned on my side, pushing my glasses up. Shutting my eyes I rested my head on my elbow until I fell asleep. The next day, my roomie quit the job. I yawned, pulling on my uniform. Today we were going to use the 3DMG or 3D Maneuver Gear. Not exactly, we're going to be taught how to use them.

I placed on my belt. It was not as though I didn't know how to use it. I used to, and still was, in the Survey Corps. I jogged outside to the area where we were holding training.

Mikasa, Jean (the horse faced guy), Eren and I went first. I wanted to get rid of the boring stuff. I clicked the machine on my belt and signaled my partner to level me up. I balanced perfectly well, with not one shake. Mikasa was shaking slightly, but she held still. Armin barely made it. Jean too.

I glanced to my right and saw Commander Dot Pixis with some other person. I gulped, adjusting my glasses. He saluted silently to me. I nodded back, hoping it was visible for only him. I could see him chuckle.

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