Nothing More

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"Don't do it at the party. Do it at the court."

I rolled my eyes at him, leaning on the wall. "I don't care about the fuck you say."

He sighed, messaging his temples. Music started playing by the orchestra we were close to. I just continued to stand there. Levi too until a screech that broke glass called out to me.

"Moonlit! Long time no see!" The one and only Joker (one of my OCs) giggled, pulling me into a hug. I cursed at her in French. "Sheesh, chill out sometime!" Joker laughed, hitting my back. Levi smirked but did not look at us.

"Let the hell go, Joker! I'll personally slay your head if you don't." I said as calmly as I can. Joker sighed and let go of me. I brushed off the invisible dust and stood up straight, running my hand through my curly hair.

Joker finally realized that I had company and she looked up - or down, at Levi. "Say, who's that guy?" Joker whispered to me.

"That guy, can hear you." Levi retorted, looking back at Joker.

She giggled and held out her hand, "I'm Joker!" She hugged me tightly and made a pouty face. "And if you touch her with your filthy, or clean hands, you won't have them anymore."

Levi raised one of his brows. He sighed, and tugged on my sleeve, and because I was wearing heels, I stumbled into his hold. "I can touch her however I want."

Joker growled and pulled me towards her. "But I genuinely love her." Joker smirked. I can't believe people were fighting over me.

"I'm going to go to the restroom." I walked out of their grasp, and looked back at them. "And don't any of you think you could fucking follow me to the restroom." I staggered away to the bathroom and did my business.

When I came out, some royals were smoking spotted me. "Hey pretty girl!" They slurred their words. I calmly wiped off the water from my hands. "You want to hook up with me?" I rolled my eyes and tried to pass through them.

"Oh? But pretty girl, I want to play!" One of the men reached out for my chest, but I was loosing my temper. I grabbed his outstretched hand and kicked him in the shin and then punched the hell out of the others.

"As expected from Moonlit!" Joker cheered. I shot her a glare and Levi one too.

"And even Levi." I sighed and walked out into the open area. Levi was in front of me, Joker behind. She suddenly pushed me and because I was wearing heels, I stumbled into Levi and he caught me. In an embarrassing way. We were way in the middle of the danse floor and the music ended just when Levi and I gained balance.

So...his hand was on my waist, his other hand holding my hand and his face centimeters from mine. His front hair brushed against my forehead.

"No fair!" Joker whined, but she was grinning. I looked into Levi's steel gray eyes and he stared back into my turquoise eyes.

"Oi, can you let go of me, shorty?" I asked, spitting on his face.

"Filthy." He replied, pulling me up and wiping off the spit. "Though I do prefer to tell you that you are certainly shorter than me." I rolled my eyes, and walked towards the exit. I didn't bother telling Joker or Levi that i was tired.

I plopped down onto my bed, kicking off my shoes and changing into something more comfortable like a tee-shirt and shorts. I sighed in pleasure as I massages my feet. They were red. I sighed again and slipped on black thigh high socks and lyed back down.

I was asleep by the time Levi came in.

Levi PoV

[A/N so I'm changing PoVs, and I'm so nervous! I hope I do this right! Please cheer me on!]

I opened the door to find clothes scattered on the ground. I growled in annoyance at the sleeping body, and picked up Luna's clothes, folding them and placing them neatly at her bed. I sat on my bed, loosening my tie, and taking off my suit.

I kept glancing toward the sleeping Luna and thought about what I said to Joker and the incident where Luna was forced on me. I suddenly noticed that I was the only calling her by her first name. I gave a half smile at the thought of that and instead inmf taking a bath or sleeping on my own bed, I crawled into Luna's and tugged at her waist.

We used to do this when we were still thugs. I sighed inwardly and hugged Luna tighter. "Mm, Levi..." I heard her mumble before I fell asleep.

Back to My PoV

I felt heat radiate to me. It was awfully warm in the room, since it was still Winter. I turned my body to face a peaceful Levi, one that don't furrow his brow or glare at you. Not like I don't do the same, though.

His raven bangs fell over his eyes as his chest rises and falls. I smirked at him. He suddenly moved and put his arms around me. "Oi, corporal. Wake up, idiot. Oi, brat." I snarled, trying to pry off his arm.

He only tightened his grip on me and mumbled in his sleep. Fuck. He looked cute. Adorable. I blushed slightly and took out a clip in my hair stabbing him. He instantly shot up and glared at me.

I glared back. "Why were you in my bed?" He ignored me and started changing into his uniform. I sighed and did the same; in the bathroom.

I tugged on the belts which I had adjusted to fit me and walked out of the bedroom. "Oi, we're getting out of this shitty place." Levi growled. I rolled my eyes but followed him out the door and out to the open area of the castle where "coincidentally", we saw the king.

"Ah, Moonlit and Levi! How was my party? Did you like it?" We instantly dropped down to one knee for the king. "No that won't do. Please stand up."

We stood up but bowed to the king. "It was a lovely party, your majesty." I replied.

"But we must take our leave." Levi finished my sentence. We stood straight and walked toward the carriage waiting for us. The king laughed and waved us off.

When we got on, I let out a breath. "He's boring."

"But we expect nothing more."

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