Titan War

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It vanished.

I spit out blood, but stood straight up, dragging Eren away from the wall. After breaching Wall Rose, it vanished. Gone, without a trace. I dragged Eren to the end. "Go back to HQ. You'll get your squad members! The Titans will notice the hole faster than you know. Come back when you're done." I ordered with a calm voice.

Everyone flew off except me. I stayed there for awhile. Then I started heading to my HQ, where my squad was waiting. "Levi, Gunther, Oluo, and Petra. I haven't seen you guys in awhile. Except for vice commander." I nodded, pushing my glasses up.

They saluted to me, glum looks on their face except Levi. He had a disgusted one. I ignored him. "Then, move out." I raised my hand up to the members, bending my fingers into a gun shape.

"Bam." I murmured, making a small motion with my hand. My team rushed past me, their 3DMG in action. Levi stayed behind.

"So, you ready or not?" I said, looking at him. He ignored me. "Just like the old times. Let's go, Rivaille." I raced after my team, and spotted the kids (known as the 104 cadets of death camp). I pulled to a stop. Levi looked back at me. I gave him a small smile and urged him to go on.

"One of you squads, go and evacuate everyone. Reduce the people who gets eaten." A random team headed out. I raced after Levi. The Titans have already entered. I clenched my teeth and drew out a blade  allowing it to spin in mid air, and then catching it by attaching it to the handle. Swiftly, I struck the nape of the titan's neck. It fell down. I whipped away the blood even though I knew it was going to disappear.

I pushed up my glasses. "Titans, I'm not going to forgive you for what you did to my family 400 years ago." I striked another titan and the next. I was fine on my own. I can't die anyway.

I jumped onto an abandoned house and loosened my muscles a bit. I let my arms hang limply. Yeah, I forgot to let you readers this but...I'm kinda immortal. Don't kill me, 'Kay? I sliced at another naked giant and found Levi slaying one.

I struck its neck and it fell with a thud. "I didn't need your help, brat." I rolled my eyes, pushing my glasses up.

"Superior." I called out. It was his turn to roll his eyes. "Let's fight like old times." I nodded satisfied with my idea. I looked back. "Titan. 20 meter class too. This is gonna be fun. I ran up to the titan with Levi at my heels. I spun low on the roof with Levi jumping over me, getting the Titan's attention. I then shot up, swirling the handle in my hand as I annoyed Levi with jokes.

Catching onto a blade, I struck its knees, allowing Levi to kill the Titan. I landed forcefully on the roof. "Happy?" I asked, pushing up my glasses.

"I will be if you take off your glasses." Levi muttered. I looked at him.

I shook my head vigorously, "last time I did that, I almost killed Isabel and Farlan." Levi pouted, a small blush creeping up onto his cheeks. Oh, god. That was fucking cute. Levi dashed up to me and took my glasses. My eyes widened at the tiny movement. My turquoise eyes shimmered ruby and I muttered in pain.

Levi passed me one of his rare smiles, hiding my glasses. I cursed at him, noticing a titan. I striked. I striked all the titans in my way. Bathing in titan blood, I spun midair and spun the handle, collecting a blade and slicing any titan in my way.

Falling to my knees in sheer chance, I groaned. "Levi, glasses, I beg you..." If I use this curse so long, who knows what will happen? Levi's dull gray eyes engulfed me. I tsked. Running, I slayed the next titan I saw.

"Fuck, I need more blood." I growled, looking around. I was no longer controlling my body. The glasses was made of a special insulator that protects me. Once unleashed, the hunger for titan blood will become the hunger for human blood. That's what made me almost kill my family before I met Erwin.

Noticing my team around me, killing all the titans. I grit my teeth. "Don't kill everyone you see. No, never mind. Your just another titan. Carving for the blood." I screamed in pain, clawing my eyes out.

I screamed. Slipping out a blade and doing the best to ignore my hunger for Levi's blood, I grazes his skin, and the hand holding my glasses dropped them. I snatched them up, stuffing them onto my nose.

My arms finally relaxed as I stared in awe at the mess I made. Slowly looking to Levi, I muttered quietly," I did this?"

Painful truth is, I knew. "God, I did it again." My eyes subsiding back into its turquoise color.

I fell off the roof; unconcious.

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