Trainee Death Camp (hand to hand)

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The next day.

I combed through my curly hair with my hand as I headed out to the field. My glasses laid lazily on my nose. It was polished clean before night so I couldn't see the specks of dust playing around at my eyes.

"Oh, you're here, Moonlit!" Armin greeted. I only gave him a curt nod. He started calling me Moonlit. I don't fucking know why.

We lined up, and with me and the three idiots in front, the noise was much louder than before in my previous life. "Today we are doing hand to hand combat!" The general screamed in my ear. "Find yourself a partner. Smith, you're with me."

I groaned inwardly. "Sir, with all due respect, I think you made a-" I was cut off by the general. I rolled my eyes and saluted to him instead of a yes. Eren looked at me pitifully.

We jogged toward the field. "Sir, may I ask why I am your partner?" I asked when I readied myself. He just smirked as he striked my waist. I swiped down my hand to block him.

I swiped my hand down, blocking his leg. Wind blasted out of the power that was released. I twirled the knife in my hand. He had to take this from me...? I shook my head.

I slipped the knife into my breast pocket and punched the general. He staggered back and I took advantage. I high kicked the general's head, allowing him to fall down.

I bowed silently and walked away, blocking Annie's kick, swinging her down. "Boring." I spat silently at the general. Everybody watched me as I made my way to the back and sat down. That night, I didn't get dinner. Not like it mattered.

I don't get it. I was punished for doing something the general told me to do. I lied down on my bed, sighing. "That's a big sigh." Armin giggled. He wasn't with Eren or Mikasa.

I ignored him flipping a page in my book. Animals. Ones that were extinct because of Titans. "Tigers, pandas, elephants. Stepped dead by Titans. Did you know? There was a peaceful world before this generation?"

I played with a curl of my hair, setting down the book and gave Armin a small smile. He blushed vigorously.

"Ya, I knew that same book at home." Armin muttered shyly. I blinked. He was surprisingly weak and shy.

"Lucky you. I don't have a so-called home." I fell down on my bed with a thud, my hair puffing everywhere. Armin started saying something. I didn't hear it. I gradually fell asleep, hearing my mother's heart beat for the first time.

I woke up to find Armin on the bed next to mine. He must've stayed here. Like I care. I fell asleep in my uniform, so I just let my hair flow down to my shoulders. My light turquoise eyes shone dully behind my thick lens. I pushed my glasses up.

Shaking Armin, he blinked groggily and said morning to me. I didn't reply. Instead, I headed out my room and stretched. The clear blue sky stretched way out before me. Shit, it's so bright. And I'm starving. I headed toward the cafeteria for breakfast.

"My god! She's the one who beat the crap out of the general!" Rumors were spreading; again. I ignored them and sat at the corner of the room, munching on plain bread.

"Everybody's talking about you." Eren pointed out, walking toward me. Okay, to be totally honest, I hated this guy. He was a crappy brat who was getting too familiar with me.

I just hummed. Eren sighed. He seemed disappointed. Hell, why would I know. Mikasa was eating her soup like nothing happened. Well, I didn't care.

I walked up into the field. The general (now with a broken wrist) still had the energy to scream. "Today we are using the 3DMG in the forest. You will be assigned partners for this. There will be fake titans here and there, you have to cut off the nap of its neck, understand?" He shouted.

I was assigned with Jean. He was fidgeting and it was annoying the fuck outta me. I pushed up my glasses as I finished placing on the gear on me and Jean. I was fast, but of course, I was part of the Survey Corps (still am).

Running into the forest, I allowed the hook to grasp onto a sturdy looking branch and zoomed with the gas until I spotted the first fake titan. I instantly drew out a sword handle and stuffed a blade on it. Slicing the nape, I put my blade back in and twirled the handle freely. Jean just blushed.

I continued striking first until day meets dawn. "Fuck you! You're just too freaking strong for me to beat!" Jean panted, at the end of training. I shrugged.

Jean chuckled, weezily. Walking to the cafeteria, half of the camp was there. The three idiots sat in the center. I went to my usual corner of course, once I had my soup and bread.

As usual, Eren and Armin came to talk to me, with Mikasa staring daggers at me. I had a feeling she hated me.

"Mikasa beat me so fucking much!" Eren whined. Armin nodded.

"So did my partner. How about you Moonlit?"

I nudged my head to Jean, letting them go to him. Standing up, I threw (not literally) my bowl down at the sink and headed toward my room.

"You're finally back, Luna."

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