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Kidnapped by a gangster xoxo

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Kidnapped by a gangster xoxo

AS he attempted to get home as quickly as possible, Yoongi tried to fill his empty head with filler thoughts that would buy the author some more time to conduct the scene everyone was here for. 

Who was that man? 

Why did sexiness radiate from every fibre of his body?

Why was such a gorgeous man trying to act like a creep?

Okay, now Yoongi's mind was appalling himself. No matter how good-looking the pimp might be - a pimp was a pimp; a gay one, at that. Those were rare. 

His knees buckled when he locked the door behind him and he panted heavily. No, he didn't have a weak heart like a certain Laura (which was a plotline created only for the sake of convenience), but the goosebumps that trailed from his shoulders to his wrists were a clear indication of the fear he was currently feeling. 

Maybe he was overthinking. Maybe it was a drunk, handsome man he encountered and not a sexy stalker.

He decided to get some sleep.


When he woke up, it was the crack of dawn.

That's strange.

He flopped back in bed and shut his eyes, making a poor attempt at drifting back to sleep.

It didn't work.

So, off he went out for a walk like the fitness pro he was (he wasn't), sports shoes and all.

The streets lights weren't lighted at this hour. Yoongi cursed the system for wasting the hard-earned money he spent in paying taxes. Luckily, he had his phone's flashlight to guide him.

Only, he had thirty percent of battery left.

By the time he reached home from his hour-long walk, it would be completely drained. He badly wanted to listen to Spotify, too.

Perfect walking soundtrack or safety first?

Yoongi considered his options. He took the pros and cons of each under surveillance and after much thought, came to the answer.

Perfect walking soundtrack it was, then.

So immersed in looping his favorite song (she got it by BIBI), he failed to notice the oh-so-scary  rustling of leaves behind him. Until the cause of its rustling jumped right in front of him.

As the song reached its chorus ("pack of cigarettes and condom in my pock-e-e-t"), Yoongi stared in utter bewilderment at the man from the previous night before him. He was, for some reason, dressed in a thin, black shirt despite the chilly weather.

Perhaps he was attempting to look the part of a sexy kidnapping gangster because he certainly did.

The words that left him in the next minute, however, did not.

"May I kidnap you?"

Yoongi paused the song, hoping that what he lip-read wasn't wrong.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, may I kid-"

Another figure, burly in comparison to the eccentric gangster, burst out from the bushes too.

"He said 'may I kid with you'," said the russet-haired man, nodding fervently. "He's a bit drunk, you see-"

"No, I'm not. I said what I said," protested Yoongi's would-be kidnapper.

"I thought you said 'let's get done with this quickly and quietly, boys'. What part of this is quiet? Or even sneaky, Boss?"

"W-well, I gave it some thought and it went against my moral compass," blubbered the boss.

"Yet, announcing yesterday night that you had to whisk him away even if he didn't agree, did?"

"I'm still here," Yoongi said, raising his hand.

The henchman frowned. "We thought you made a run for it. Most people would."

Yoongi shrugged. "I gave it some thought and clearly this guy," he said, pointing at the now gleeful male who had called him 'babygirl'. "This guy's definitely filthy rich."

"What gives that away?" asked his aide.

"It's in the law of concerning fanfiction and disturbing romantic dramas that any alarmingly attractive man who wishes to steal a nondescript protagonist in the darker hours of day (or night, for that matter), must be rich."

"That's a valid reason," said the underling, nodding.

"I have a few conditions though."

"And here comes the catch," muttered the cohort.

"Shut up, Jungkook," hissed the alarmingly attractive man. "What are they?"

Yoongi scratched his chin. Of course he hadn't thought of them yet; he said that just to flex his superiority.

"May I have a personal helper who'll scratch my back?"


"Granted. Next."


"Oh, wow. Can I also have a beauty bath, with milk and rose petals or honey?"


"Yes. Next."

"Can I squeeze your nipples? They are literally peeking out and really hard to miss."


"Nevermind, I was kidding. I consent to this kidnapping. Where's your van?"

Both Jungkook and Hoseok (surprise, surprise) wore a look of incredulity.

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