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The "good" stuff

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The "good" stuff

"WOAH!" Yoongi exclaimed, his eyes unable to settle on one place to admire.

Behind him, Hoseok wore an amused smirk while Jungkook stumbled behind him, carrying suitcases full of Yoongi's belongings.

"Well?" Hoseok finally posed the question: "What do you think?"

Yoongi took a deep breath in.

"For a place where you'll be holding me captive, it's pretty neat."

"It's my home."


"Don, where do I keep these?" Jungkook huffed, swaying around in the corner of the room.

Hoseok clicked his fingers. Instantly, a robotic maid, complete with a frilly apron, buzzed her away into the living room (which could easily fit Yoongi's entire appartment). She collected the suitcases from Jungkook and promptly carried them away, out of sight.

"Why didn't you call for Matilda beforehand, Captain?" Jungkook seethed.

Captain, Don, Sire, Boss - didn't this minion use too many names to address his superior?

"You used henchman, cohort, underling and aide to describe Jungkook in the previous chapter," Hoseok pointed out to the author. "You're no exception to the Synonym Curse."

Turning to Jungkook, he said: "She was charging when we came in."

"That's a lousy ex-"

"Where's my bedroom?" Yoongi butted in.

"Six flights up, second landing, four bedrooms away from the toilet section."


Hoseok sighed. "Jungkook, take him to the room prepared for him."

"Y-you mean the R-Red Room?" He stammered.

"No! That comes later in the plot! His bedroom bedroom, numbskull!"

"Right! I forgot you get to the good stuff later!"


"Master's calling you to lunch, sir," Matilda declared, as she knocked down the door to Yoongi's bedroom later that afternoon.

Naturally, he screamed.

"Matilda, you're doing it again! God, when is Namjoon going to fix her?" Hoseok's angry voice from two floors below was distinctly audible.

Matilda only shrugged in response - which made Yoongi wonder about its creator. Which appallingly genius person would give their invention the ability to shrug, but not the simple and profoundly less destructive one to open a damn door?

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