Chapter Four

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Penny was right. The President and Sarah seemed to be doing just fine being Dr. Robotnic's hostages. Why, the President was relaxing in his office chair while the robots cleaned and did their own thing. Sarah and Dr. Robotnic sat down together, playing a video game. In the end, Robotnic won, and that triggered Sarah into whining and kicking her legs like a five year old.

"No, no, no, no!" Sarah whined. "You always beat me every time!" She eventually got over her whining and sat up, her hands clenched and face full of determination. "All right, one more!" Sarah humphed.

Robotnic tossed down his remote, his face showing irritation. "Just give up! We've played over one hundred times!"

Sarah glanced smugly at the doctor. "I'll stop being your hostage." She smirked.

Robotnic sighed in defeat and sat back down. "All right, start it again." He grumbled.

Sarah laughed in triumph. And once again, she was beaten by Robotnic. The girl started whining and kicking her legs again. "NO NO! YOU BEAT ME AGAIN!" She whined. "I CAN'T WIN THIS STUPID GAME! FINE." She humphed. Robotnic looked at her curiously. "Huh?"

"I quit!" Sarah announced, and Robotnic did another anime fall.

"I wanna go for a drive!" Sarah continued, eyeing at Robotnic.

"Absolutely not!" Robotnic snapped.

"No, no!" Sarah whined, furiously shaking her head. She started wailing so loud that Robotnic had to cover his ears. "I WANT TO! TAKE ME ON A DRIVE NOW!" She would've continued her whining if she wasn't interrupted by a giant crash that soon echoed the building, and Sarah toppled over.

What had interrupted the moment was a giant robot standing in the center of the room they were in. The doors opened, revealing a control room that was big enough for two people.

"What is this?" The President asked nervously, inspecting the newcomer.

Sarah squealed excitedly. "YAHOO!" She cheered. "YEAH! THIS IS GREAT, ROBOTNIC!" She accidentally smacked the doctor on the head as she ran over to the robot, her cat tail twitching with excitement. Robotnic chuckled as she ran over. "I'[m gonna drive first!" Sarah announced as she hopped into the cockpit. When she was in, the spoiled girl started pushing buttons on the robot.

"No, Sarah, don't touch it! Stop! Don't play with that!" Robotnic yelped as he dove in, and grabbed the girl. Sarah screeched at the sudden hold. "Stop it, Sarah!" Robotnic pleaded. The doors closed, encasing Sarah and Robotnic inside. Startled about this, the President tried to reach his daughter, but tripped over the desk. Beside him, a robot held a sign that read, "Good bye, Sarah!"

"Come back, Sarah!" The President pleaded from his spot on the ground, his eyes wide with horror.


It had been a peaceful flight to Robotropolis. Penny let out a startled gasp as a cloud went through them, and she clung to the plane wing even tighter and squeezed her eyes shut. Sonic yelped at the sudden movement. When Penny opened her eyes, she saw an eerie vortex that looked like it got darker the farther down you went.

"That must be the entrance to the Land of Darkness!" Sonic guessed. "Right below us!"

"We're headed some rough winds here!" Tails yelped. "I'm having trouble keeping it steady! Hang on, Penny and Sonic!" The two passengers yelped as Tails flipped his plane high in the air. Penny's heart stopped a beat as he took a high dive, driving his plane towards the center of the vortex. Penny shrieked at the sudden movement of the Tornado. Sonic and Penny yelped as they both almost lost their grip on the plane.

"SONIC!" Penny shrieked in terror, grasping onto Sonic.

"PENNY! JUST HANG IN THERE!" Sonic yelled over the rushing wind.

"KEEP HANGING ON YOU TWO! WE'RE ALMOST THROUGH!" Tails hollered at his friends.

Penny shrieked as the plane crashed to the ground.


Sonic coughed as he climbed out from under the wing. "Hey, Tails, Penny?" He asked. Tails grunted as he climbed out from under the wing. "I'm fine." He said, pulling off his goggles. "I'm worried about the Tornado, though."

"PENNY?!" Sonic called again, frightened for his young human friend.

"Sonic! Tails! Help me!" Penny gasped from somewhere under the plane.

Tails lifted the plane as best as he could, and Sonic rushed over and pulled the shakened girl out from under the wing. "Are you okay, Penny?" Sonic asked with worry, checking her out for any injuries.

"I'm fine." Penny gasped, coughing due to the smoke. When she calmed down, she opened her eyes. "Sonic, Tails, where are we?" She asked.

Tails and Sonic looked to where she was looking at. "The Land of Darkness." Sonic guessed, keeping a hold of Penny's hand.

Tails checked his navigator. "That means Robotropolis is just on the other side of those mountains!" He said, grinning at his friends with excitement.

"Let's go!" Sonic ordered.

Soon, Sonic held Penny bridal style in his arms, and they dashed to Robotropolis. Penny shrieked at Sonic's fast movements and buried her face in his shoulder due to her fear of heights. Sonic kept Penny tight in his arms as he and Tails dodged the traps that were layed ahead of them.

When they were nearly there, they were bombarded by bees. Tails and Penny shrieked and yelped as the lasers from the bees nearly hit them.

"Tails, something's wrong here!" Sonic said as he gripped Penny closer to him. "I bet Robotnic purposely picked the rout with the most traps for us!"

"But this really is the direct way!" Tails said, showing Sonic and Penny the navigator. "There should even be a warp zone coming right ahead of us!"

"Let's do it!" Sonic said. Penny held on to Sonic again as he zoomed towards the wrap zone, with Tails close behind. The swirling of the wrap zone was spinning so fast that Penny felt queasy just looking at the spirals. She squeezed her eyes and clung to Sonic as he carried her through the vertex.

Finally, the wrap zone ended, and Sonic, Penny, and Tails darted through a portal to a city-like world. Sonic set Penny to her feet and she stared at the place ahead of them. Strange. She didn't think the World of Darkness looked anything like an abandoned city.

"What does it say about this place?" Sonic asked Tails as the three walked around the area. Tails checked the navigator. "We just exited the warp zone, so according to the navigator, these are the Ancient Relics."

"Ancient Relics?" Sonic asked, motioning his hand towards the buildings. "These?"

"Somehow, Tails, I don't think these are Ancient Relics." Penny said, completely agreeing with Sonic. "In fact, these buildings looked like this used to be a city."

"I never knew the Land of Darkness looked anything like this." Sonic continued.

"But Robotropolis is supposed to be really close by!" Tails protested. "Let's go somewhere high up so we can see if we can see it from there!"

"Good idea." Sonic nodded, and once again Penny found herself in the hedgehog's arms as they sped up to the tip top of a skyscraper. "Look!" Sonic said. "The Relics are sinking right into the ocean!"

"Sonic! Penny!" Tails said, flying right next to them. "I bet it's because the Robot Generator is out of control and causing a reaction under ground!"

"Right!" Sonic agreed. "Let's hurry!"

They were about to when a strike of lightning was heard from behind the trio, and Penny and Tails gripped onto Sonic. "WAH! I'M AFRAID OF LIGHTING!" Tails yelped.

"Me too!" Penny whimpered, clinging to Sonic with her eyes closed.

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