Chapter One

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Sonic sat resting in his chair. Besides him was a radio blasting music. He was enjoying his time when he heard someone calling his name in excitement.

"Sonic! Sonic! I finally finished it! See? Isn't it great? It's a jet-propelled body board! Come on, do you wanna try it out?" Tails cried, holding out his new body board.

"Not right now, thanks. But Penny would possibly like to!"

"All right." Tails said. "Penny and I would use this ourselves! PENNY!" Tails called, running over to the shack. "PENNY! WANNA TRY OUT THE JET-PROPELLED BODY BOARD?!"

"Is it done, Tails?" The voice of a young human girl asked as she ran out of their home, wearing a one-piece bright pink bathing suit. A pair of pink swimming goggles sat on her forehead, and her brown hair was plated in two neat braids. Her brown eyes widened with excitement at the board in Tails's hands.

"It's done, all right!" Tails said in excitement. "Come on, you've gotta try it with me! Sonic doesn't want to!"

The two giggled in excitement as they ran to the water. Sonic chuckled as he watched his two best friends. "Tails and Penny are just like little kids with their new toy." He said. He sat back and relaxed, turning his radio on. For the next few moments, all was calm and cool.

"Here, Penny." Tails said, offering the girl his hand as he got on the board. "Thank you, Tails!" Penny grinned. As she got on, she and Tails gave yells of excitement as it sped forward, creating a huge wave which splashed right on Sonic, who frowned.

The machine seemed to be going haywire, and this freaked Penny and Tails out for a minute. The two clung to the board and each other as tight as they could, screaming in the wind and waves. Finally, Tails managed to get a hold of the board, and pulled Penny to her feet. The two clung to each other, and laughed as they surfed through the waves. They sped right past Sonic again, and once again they managed to splash water on Sonic.

Sonic just sat there for a moment, then took off his glasses and blinked away the salty water. He looked ahead to see Penny and Tails having a blast on the body board together.

"SONIC! YOU HAVE GOTTA TRY THIS OUT!!" Penny cheered excitedly.

"YEAH!" Tails said as he did a flip. "IT'S OKAY IF YOU CAN'T SWIM! YOU SHOULD GIVE IT A TRY!"

"JUST DON'T SHOW OFF SO MUCH THAT YOU FORGET TO LOOK WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" Sonic warned his two friends from the beach. He was about to sit back and relax, when a splash and startled yelling from both Tails and Penny jolted him up a little, and he scanned the water. He finally found them, however their forms were covered by a giant wave.

"It was probably nothing." Sonic said, trying to calm himself. The blue hedgehog got back in his relaxing position and put his sunglasses back on his face.




Hearing the distress cries of his friends, Sonic's ears twitched as his friends continued their frightened cries. Completely annoyed, Sonic finally lost it. "SHUT UP, TAILS AND....." He stopped short when he saw what was troubling his friends. Penny was clinging to Tails and squeezing her eyes shut, and she and Tails screamed as a plane from behind them crashed right into them.

Tails managed to get away safely, holding Penny in his arms and using his two tails to keep them both in the air.

"Sonic..." Penny heard Tails say, and the girl looked down towards the blue hedgehog. "Are you all right?"

Sonic whipped his nose. "I'm fine, just fine. So, who's that?"

Penny looked up and saw that the plane that had nearly killed her and Tails was in the air again, but only this time she noticed that the engine was on fire. She widened when she saw Old Man Owl waving down at them. Why, he was so focused on the people below that he didn't notice that his engine was on fire!

"Hey, Sonic!" The owl waved. "I have some news for you!"

"Ugh, not that old man again...." Sonic groaned, scratching his head. "Count me out!"

"Sonic, how could you be so heartless sometimes?!" Penny snapped at her best friend. Tails shown the same look as hers. "Sonic, we've gotta do something to help him!"

"You're the one who can fly!" Sonic shot at Tails, ignoring Penny. "You and Penny do something!" And with that, the hedgehog turned to his things and started to pack.

"YOU'RE NO HELP!!" Tails and Penny roared furiously at Sonic, and he jumped in shock at their harsh tones. Penny looked at Tails. "Since Sonic is being selfish, let's rescue him together, Tails!" She said, her face red with anger. Tails nodded grimly and grabbed her under her arms, and the two flew off together.

"Penny and I will rescue the old man all by ourselves!" Tails said, repeating what Penny told him as they flew towards the plane.

"SIR?!" Penny yelled over the wind. She began coughing due to the smoke of the engine. When they finally got the Old Man Owl's attention, he turned and smiled at them.

"Tails? Penny?" Old Man Owl grinned at them. "I have some urgent message for Master Sonic and that's why I'm here today!"

"You have more important things to worry about! YOU'RE ROCKET'S ON FIRE!" Tails yelled, pointing to the rocket. Old Man Owl finally turned around, and panicked. "No wonder it's getting warm!" He gasped, eyes wide.

After putting Penny on the airplane, Tails lunged for the top wing. "Just keep it going steady!" He ordered. "I'll fix it for you!"

He was about to, when an explosion shot Tails away from the plane.

"TAILS!" Penny screamed over the wind.

When Tails steadied himself, he determinedly glanced back at the plane. "I'M NOT GOING TO GIVE UP THAT EASILY!" The fox yelled, and he flew back.

Sonic finally got back to his relaxing position on the beach, when he suddenly felt the ground rumbling. He yelped as Old Man Owl's plane zoomed right over his head, and zoomed right over the water. Tails and Penny yelped as the plane straightened itself.

"Really impressive, Tails!" Old Man Owl said, grinning at the fox.

"You did it!" Penny cheered, and the two reached over Old Man Owl and high fived each other.

"Thanks!" Tails grinned. "I had some practice before on my body board!"

And at that, Old Man Owl gave an hoot of laughter. "Lucky for me!"

"TAILS!" Penny's panicked cry suddenly pulled his attention. He turned to her. She was pointing ahead of them, her eyes wide with fear. "WE'RE HEADED FOR THE WALL!"

Tails looked in the direction where Penny was pointing and nearly flipped out. "SIR?!" Tails yelled.

"Hu?" Old Man Owl asked.

"SIR, LOOK OUT!" Tails yelled, pointing to the wall.

"What are you talking about?" Old Man Owl asked. He adjusted his glasses, and his eyes widened as the wall of the cliff Tails, Sonic, and Penny lived near came closer.

Penny and Tails screamed in fright.

"SONIC!" Penny and Tails screamed.

Sonic had just started packing away his things when he heard his young friend's distressful cries. Thinking quick, Sonic sped to the top of the cliff, and took a leap. He sped even faster when he saw the plane Penny and Tails were on get closer to the wall. He quickly grabbed Penny in one arm, and Tails grabbed Penny's hand. Sonic grabbed Old Man Owl in his other hand.

"Oh, Sonic!" Tails said. "Thank you!"

Penny said nothing, but clung to Sonic and squeezed her eyes shut.

Sonic shot them both a wink.

Sonic movie 1999: Penny's AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now