Chapter Five

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Soon, with Penny once again in his arms, Sonic zoomed through the so-called Ancient Relics. Tails used his twin tails to fly through the air next to them. "Tails!" Sonic said. "We just have to go straight ahead, right?"

Tails checked the navigator. "That's what the navigator says!" He replied.

That's when an explosion stopped the three in their tracks, and Penny yelped as the explosion shot her, Sonic, and Tails back. When the smoke cleared, the human girl's brown eyes widened with fright when a strange looking robot appeared. He laughed as he reappeared and disappeared again with a special lightning affect. Penny whimpered as she clung to Sonic, shaking with fear.

"AH! THAT THING'S METAL ROBOTNIC!" Tails yelped when he regained his bearings.

Metal Robotnic chuckled. "That is correct." He said in his robotic voice. "I am Metal Robotnic. Congratulations on your prowess in navigating through my traps!"

"We don't have time to play little games with you!" Sonic said, hopping in front of Penny. "Get out of our way!"

"That's not going to be that easy!" Metal Robotnic smirked, and he raised his gun-equipped hand and started firing at the trio. Tails and Penny teased the robot from the ground, and Sonic tried kicking the robot, but ended getting injured himself, and he hopped around, holding his injured knee and giving a shout of pain.

"Ha! You can't break through this polymer alloy!" Metal Robotnic sneered at Sonic.

Tails suddenly appeared in front of Metal Robotnic, and quickly sped off, causing the robot to slam himself in the face. Metal Robotnic groaned in pain.

Soon, Tails, Sonic, and Penny are on the ground, laughing hysterically at their success. That was when Metal Robotnic decided to ruin their celebration by firing missiles at them. The three friends screamed and teleported to safety behind a fallen bus. Penny covered her ears at the loud firings of the missiles.

"You can't hide from me!" Metal Robotnic roared as he continued firing. "Come here!"

"We don't have enough time to mess around with some robot!" Sonic yelled over the firing, holding Penny protectively in his arms. "Where's Robotropolis from here?!"

"Just a second." Tails said as he pressed a few buttons on his navigator. He pointed ahead. "That way! Just past that highway!"

"Good!" Sonic smirked. "Penny, hold on to me!" She nodded, and clung to his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. "Let's go, Tails!" Sonic ordered.

Tails smirked at his friend. "Let's do it, Sonic!"

"Robotnic!" Sonic called to the robot. Metal Robotnic turned around to see Sonic, Tails, and Penny from the top of a highway. Penny was still in Sonic's arms, and the fourteen year old was teasing the robot by giving him goofy faces. "We have some business to take care of!" Sonic continued as Penny and Tails continued to mock the robot. Sonic smirked. "We'll finish this game when we get back!"

The three friends stopped, and Penny's eyes widened when Metal Robotnic sprouted wings.

"OH NO!" The three friends cried, completely freaked out. Sonic gripped Penny tighter in his arms, and he and Tails dodged the robot who now loomed over them.

"I DIDN'T KNOW THAT THING COULD FLY!" Sonic yelled to Tails. Penny and Tails yelped as Metal Robotnic began firing at them. Soon, the chase was on. Metal Robotnic chased them all down a tunnel while the robot fired his lasers. Tails yelped as Metal Robotnic nearly grabbed him. "SONIC! HELP ME!" Tails screamed.

"TAILS!" Sonic ordered. "GRAB ON TO ME!" Boosting Penny up in his strong arm, he quickly reached out his other hand and grabbed Tails. Tails and Penny yelped as Sonic zoomed forward. Penny looked over Sonic's shoulder and shrieked when the missiles smashed right near them. This forced the trio to skid to a stop and land near the edge of a broken cliff. Sonic pulled Penny and Tails back before they fell overboard, and collapsed on their backs, exhausted. "That was close!" Sonic huffed.

Sonic movie 1999: Penny's AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now