Chapter Seven

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"Man, he's fast!" Knuckles exclaimed as he watched Hyper Metal Sonic and the real Sonic fight. "I've never seen anything able to keep up with Sonic!"

In Robotnic's mobile, Penny and Sarah let out muffled yells as Robotnic laughed. The two girls were tied up next to each other, and tape over their mouths. They let out a muffled yell as Robotnic stood up. "Finally I have an invention that will mark my place in history and give me the recognition I deserve!"

Penny let out a muffled scream as Metal Sonic smashed into Sonic.

Robotnic laughed. "GO METAL!"

Tails let out a yell as Metal Sonic pulled Sonic out of Robotropolis, and ran after Sonic. "TAILS, COME BACK HERE!" Knuckles yelled. He flew up and grabbed Tails by the leg. "Tails! Hold up!"

Tails looked at Knuckles, his eyes wide with fear. "But if we don't hurry up then..."

"Calm down. There's no way either one of us is going to chase them down like this, so we've got to think of another way to catch them!"

Hearing rumbling, Knuckles and Tails looked up to see a boulder headed towards them. The two let out a yell as they dodged the rock.

"He did say he wanted to destroy the Land of the Sky, didn't he?" Knuckles asked.

"I'm sorry, were the ropes uncomfortable, Sarah?" Robotnic asked as he untied the cat girl. He decided to leave Penny bond and gagged, because she was on Sonic's side. He didn't want Penny to try anything funny. Penny glared at both Robotnic and Sarah.

"Come on, don't be mad." Robotnic said. "Stay with me for a little longer!"

Penny growled under her gag.

Sarah, battered up, turned over to Robotnic with a nasty look on her face. "No, I don't want to! I want to go home now!"

"Aww!" Robotnic whined, pulling up a screen. "But I was just about to show you something that was really spectacular!"

Penny watched with wide eyes as Metal Sonic struck Sonic hard with his feet, sending the hedgehog down to the ground. Penny whimpered. Sonic couldn't be gone! He couldn't be!

Hearing whimpering, Penny turned her head to see Dr. Robotnic looking like he was about to cry, and then he burst out laughing. "Sonic will never again be a pain in my egg!"

Penny just looked down.


"Tails!" Knuckles called to his friend. "What are you doing?! There's a warp zone right in front of us!"

Tails turned to him, and the kitsune's eyes had tears. "We're picking up the Tornado and going home!"

"What?!" Knuckles yelped as they flew in. What are we going to do about Sonic and Penny?!"


Old Man Owl smiled to himself as he layed down on a fold up chair. "What a perfect day to be lying on the beach!" He smiled.

Hearing something stomp up, Old Man Owl yelped, his glasses flinging off his head. "Master Sonic!" He gasped. "I wasn't expecting you back so soon!"

Metal Sonic walked closer to Old Man Owl, his eyes glowing red.

"Master Sonic?" Old Man Owl asked worriedly. "Is there something wrong? Wait?! What are you doing?! STOP!!!!"


Sonic groaned as he woke up. He found himself lying around in grass. Sitting up, he rubbed his head. "Where in the world am I?" He asked. "I remember leaving Robotropolis...." He grunted as he felt his head. Then, an image of Hyper Metal Sonic appeared in his head, and then a moment later, Penny.

"I know!" Sonic gasped. "I've gotta stop Metal and save Penny!"

He darted off.


"Oh, no!" Knuckles yelled as he and Tails watched the beginning of the destruction of the Land of the Sky. "The only person who would do something this terrible is robotnic." He said as he and Tails flew up to their home. He looked at the fox. "It's a lucky thing no one was staying here."

Tails nodded. Then, he completely freaked out. "THE OLD MAN WAS STAYING HERE WATCHING THE HOUSE!" He yelped. Knuckles said no more and darted over to the house.

"Old Man! Old Man, where are you?!" Tails yelled.

Knuckles surveyed the scene. "It doesn't look like anyone's been in here!"

Tails tried again. "Old Man, are you still here?"

"I'm behind you kids!"

Knuckles and Tails turned around to see Old Man Owl dressed in a pink outfit fit with blue shoes and a skateboard.

"Those are Sonic's favorite clothes, so don't blame me if he gets mad at you!" Tails growled at Old Man Owl. The owl looked at him. "Don't worry about it!" He said. "He was here last night! He forced me to put on his clothes and then he flew away without saying anything!" He let out a hoot of laughter.

Knuckles and Tails looked at each other. "He flew away?" They asked at once. Sonic doesn't fly... the only ones who could were Knuckles, Tails, and....

"METAL!" They both yelled in realization.

Sonic movie 1999: Penny's AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now