Chapter Eight

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Robotnik laughed as he flew over the Land of the Sky. Sarah still looked grumpy about the whole thing, and all Penny could do was glare at Robotnik. "Metal is doing a great job!" He said, eyeing the destruction of the Land of the Sky. "At this rate, the Land of the Sky will only last a few more hours!" He turned to Sarah and Penny.

Penny let out muffled growls at Robotnik, struggling against her bonds, but he paid no attention to her. He turned to Sarah. "Now I can take my plan to the next stage!" He said, holding out a short white wedding dress with a huge bow on the back. "Here you go, Sarah, this is a present I got for you!"

Penny awkwardly ducked as Sarah excitedly stood up and pointed at the wedding dress. "I LOVE IT!" She cheered.

"I don't...." Penny thought, glaring at the two.


Tails worked fiercely on his little gadget, while Knuckles frowned impatiently at him. "Tails, stop tinkering with that thing. We've got more important things to do, like finding Sonic and rescuing Penny."

"Metal Sonic and Robotnik's navigator are built out of the same kind of parts!" Tails said without looking up. "I think I can use that to our advantage! I just have to make this work."

Knuckles looked over at it. "I get it!" He said. "Do you think you can actually find them? But what if Metal Sonic and Sonic aren't at the same place anymore?" He asked, concerned.

"Don't worry," Tails said reassuringly. "Sonic and Metal will definitely be in the same place!"

"Huh." Knuckles frowned. "I don't get it," he told the fox. "How could you be sure of that?"

Tails looked up, his face full of determination. "Because Metal was programmed with all of Sonic's data!" He turned to Knuckles. "He knows everything! His likes, his dislikes, his personality, feelings for Penny, and all of his thoughts! That's why he knew to come down here! And he even gave the Old Man his favorite clothes!"

Knuckles frowned at Old Man Owl, who was dancing around with a goofy expression. Sighing in annoyance, he turned to Tails. "But Metal is a robot!" He said. "He's not really Sonic!"

"It doesn't matter if he's a robot!" Tails said, not looking up. "He's still operating completely through all of Sonic's thoughts. He knows everything that Sonic's ever felt or seen! The same goes for Sonic." He looked up. "In other words, they're like identical twins!"

"They're twins?" Knuckles frowned. "Huh...."


"Mr. President, we found something! You need to see this!"

The President frowned as he scanned the next few images. His eyes widened at the familiar figure in the center. "It's Sonic!" He gasped. "B-but that's impossible!" He turned to his vice president. "Get Sonic's house on the line immediately!"

"Sure." The vice president bowed.


Knuckles grumbled at the ringing of the phone as he tried to fix the Tornado. "SHUT UP! I'm busy! Is someone going to pick that up?!"

"Isn't anybody there?!" the President growled. He flinched back when Old Man Owl popped up on the screen, singing and dancing in Sonic's favorite clothes.

"Who's that idiot?!" The President complained over Old Man Owl's singing. "Hey! This is the President! You listen to me right..."

"Stop yelling!" Knuckles finally appeared on the screen, lifting his safety mask. "Who is this?!"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Knuckles. I'm Sonic's best friend!"

"I-I see! Is Sonic there? Is Sarah safe? What happened to Metal Robotnik? And the Generator?"

"Does anybody around here care that I have work to do?!" Knuckles grumbled.

Old Man Owl appeared next to him. "Hi there, Friends!"


Penny grumbled in annoyance under her gag as she watched Sarah change into her wedding dress. Sarah happily turned in it, the giant white bow behind her twirling. "Robotnik, don't you think I look cute?!"

"In your dreams..." Penny thought.

Robotnik, who was in a fancy wedding suit of his own, nodded happily in agreement. "It suits you very well!"

"Why did you give me a wedding dress?" Sarah asked curiously.

"What do you mean?" Robotnik asked. "Once Metal has destroyed the Land of the Sky, we'll be the only ones left! Then we can get married and live out the rest of our happy lives together, Sarah."

Sarah thought about that for a moment, and all she could see was herself caring for a whole bunch of babies that looked like Robotnik himself, singing, "Rock-a-bye robot, on the treetop!" all day long.

Sarah grumbled, looking furious. Penny awkwardly backed away as Sarah grabbed Robotnik and started shaking him. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" She screamed. "I WOULDN'T MARRY YOU IF YOU WERE THE LAST MAN ON EARTH!!"

Penny rolled her eyes.


"So that's what really happened." The President said understanding Tails' story. "Even with all of Sonic's data, that creature still can destroy the Land of the Sky, can he?"

"It's possible." Knuckles said. "I've traveled around several levels of this planet, and I know them better than anyone. I've seen firsthand on what his target is gonna be and it's at the Northern tip of this continent. The Land of the Sky is held together by a huge glacier which joins the continents. Beneath the continents lies rivers of magma that spread all over the planet like blood vessels. If the tip of the glacier was punctured by an explosion, the magma would rush to the surface, melting all the ice. The very backbone of our planet will be shattered! The rotation of the planet will hurl the continents into outer space, where they will be blown to pieces."

The President looked shaken. "This is impossible..."

"Sir, please don't tell Sonic anything what we just told you!" Tails warned.

"Why shouldn't you tell me?" Sonic frowned.

"Oh, Sonic!" The President turned around to face the hedgehog. "You're safe! Good!"

"You're too late," Sonic said, closing his eyes and crossing his arms. "I've already heard all of it."

Tails looked panicked. "Sonic, you don't understand! This is bad!"

An alarm shot up. "Metal Sonic has just turned north at top speed!"

"Metal is planning to melt the glaciers to the north!" The President said. "We have to stop him at any cost!"

Sonic zoomed off.

"Sonic?" The President asked. He frowned and turned to Tails and Knuckles. "Tails! Sonic just disappeared from here! He must've gone after Metal on his own!"

"That's bad!" Knuckles and Tails gulped.

"We'll have to do our best, too. We'll have to stop Metal no matter what!" The President said, looking serious

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