Chapter Three

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"Mr. President, what's the urgent business?" Sonic asked when he, Tails, and Penny entered the President's office. Hearing an evil laugh coming from behind the chair, her eyes widened when none other than Dr. Robotnic turned around, chuckling. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?" He sneered at them. "Good to see you again, Sonic!"

"Dr. Robotnic!" Tails hissed. The boys instantly stood in front of Penny.

"Please except a small token of my gratitude for your coming all this way to see me."

Penny yelped as guns were soon pointed at the trio. Sonic grabbed the fourteen year old girl in his arms and dashed her to safety before smashing both robots. "That's a funny way to thank us." Sonic snarled when they were destroyed. Penny watched as the blue blur spun up to Robotnic to finish him off....

"Sonic, stop!"

Penny turned around, and her eyes widened with surprise to see the President and his daughter, being held captive by Eggman's robots.

"For the sake of my daughter and everyone else, please listen to him!" The President pleaded.

"That's a dirty trick, Robotnic!" Sonic hissed at the doctor, his fist still raised.

Robotnic chuckled in response.

"Not fair!" Tails snapped, pointing accusingly at the doctor. "You kidnapped the President and Sarah so that you can hold them for ransom and take over South Island, didn't you?!"

"Why would you do that?!" Penny snapped at him. Sure, she didn't like Sarah, but she really hated it whenever Eggman did something as bad as this.

Robotnic let out a nasty laugh. He did an anime flip over Sonic and Tails and landed in the center of the room. "Do you think I'm capable of doing something that underhanded? Me?"

"YES!" Everyone, including the robots, yelled. Robotnic did another anime fall, startled by the response. The doctor grumbled to himself as he got up, and looked at Sonic. "Now, Sonic, I've got the underhand. This is about the entire planet of Freedom, so you'd better do as I say!"

Sonic crossed his arms and looked away. "No way!"

Robotnic smirked and headed over to the half-cat girl, and held her by the chin. A few more robots surrounded the two, and one threatened Sarah with its mace. "Don't you care about pretty young Sarah?" Robotnic sneered.

"Help me, Daddy!" Sarah whimpered.

"Ugh. NO." Penny muttered under her breath, and Tails chuckled.

"Little Sarah!" The President gasped. "Sonic! Please listen to whatever Robotnic has to say!"

Penny sat down on the desk in between Sonic and Tails. Sonic looked like this whole thing was a big waste of his time. Finally, he sighed. "Oh, all right." He grumbled. "Give me the scoop, Robotnic."

"Thank you, Sonic. I will." Robotnic smiled. "As you three well know, Planet Freedom is made of a two separate dimensions," he said, creating a hologram map of Planet Freedom as he spoke. "Now, the land you live in is the Land of the Sky."

"Tell us something we don't know." Sonic yawned, and Penny giggled. This caused Robotnic to get furious. "Shut up!" He yelled. "HEED ME!"

The doctor continued his speech. "And the inner dimension is known as the Land of Darkness. There, I lived peacefully. In a Utopian city called Robotropolis. Until, Metal Robotnic came out of nowhere! And attacked my peaceful city, with a battalion of demotic robots! They conquered us, and drove me out of my home. Metal Robotnic then sabotaged the robot generator, which creates the high voltage electricity for the entire city! It is running uncontrollably, and there is no place to store this excess electricity. According to my calculations, if the robot generator isn't stopped by sunrise tomorrow, there will be a giant explosion!"

Hearing snoring, Dr. Robotnic lowered his sunglasses and looked around, surprised to see that Sonic, Penny, Tails, the President, Sarah, and the robots had fallen asleep during his boring speech.

"FINE!" Dr. Robotnic yelled. "Don't blame me when this happens!" With that, the doctor pulled out a needle and soon found himself covered in soot.

"How can we stop this terrible thing from happening, Robotnic?!" The President, now fully awake, asked in worry.

"There's only one thing to do." Robotnic said. "Someone has to get through Metal Robotnic's traps, go into Robotropolis and stop that generator before sunrise!" Robotnic turned around and pointed at Sonic. "And it should be the fastest one here!"

"Forget about it." Sonic said, rubbing his nose. "You created that stupid contraption in the first place, why should I have to go around cleaning up your mess in the first place?!"

Penny glanced at the President. He looked like he was completely going into panic mode. He raced over to Sonic's side. "Sonic, please do it!" He pleaded, folding his hands in a pleading motion. "You're the only one here that could save South Island and the entire Planet Freedom!"

Then, Sarah ran up, pushing her father out of the way. "Sonic, I don't care what happens to Robotnic or Daddy, but please just do this for the two of us?!"

Penny's mouth dropped open, and she had to hug herself to keep herself from strangling Sarah. How could Sarah say that about her own father?! Penny hated this girl even more. And another thing, Penny knew that Sonic had no interest in Sarah.

Sonic hopped off the desk and jumped to the center of the room, his arms crossed. "Tell me why I should trust Robotnic when 99 out of 100 times he's lying?!"

"But what if this is that one other time?!" Tails asked, running over to Sonic with Penny close behind him.

"Please, Sonic?" Sarah asked.

"Please, Sonic?" The President asked as well, looking more nervous than before.

Sonic took a glance at Penny. Penny knew he was asking her by facial expressions. Should he do this, or not do this and take any risky chances? Penny looked grimly at Sonic and nodded. Yes, we should do this.

Finally, Sonic agreed. "Fine. I'll do it."

"Sonic..." Tails started to say, when Robotnic loomed over him and placed an bracelet-like object around his wrist. Tails and Penny looked at it curiously. She watched as Tails pressed a button, and little radars popped out. "It's a navigator," Robotnic explained. "As long as you have that with you, it should take you to Robotropolis, using the shortest and fastest routes!"

"Thank you, Robotnic," Tails said, however Sonic just looked suspicious, and Penny couldn't blame him.

"Come on, you two! Let's go!" Sonic said, and grabbed Penny in his arms. Penny ignored the angry look that Sarah was giving to her, and Penny clung to Sonic's shoulders as he sped out the door. Tails followed behind him at the same speed.

Soon, they were in the air towards Robotropolis. Penny clung to the wing right beside Sonic again, and the three said nothing for a moment, until Sonic broke the silence. "Tails, Penny, do you actually trust that ridiculous gadget that Robotnic built for you? He's not exactly trustworthy, he would've put a bomb for us in there!"

Penny sweat dropped a little when she realized Sonic could be right.

"But Dr. Robotnic's the only person who knows where Robotropolis is,so we have to use his navigator and hope it works!" Tails said.

"Tails is right!" Penny said in agreement.

"I guess so." Sonic said, looking ahead again.

"Gee, I hope the President and Sarah are doing all right!" Tails said with worry.

Penny scoffed. "Oh, I'm sure she'll be just fine. If you ask me, she'll enjoy being his prisoner more than anything!"

Tails and Sonic chuckled as they flew off.

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