Salazo Nautali: Introduction

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This part is mostly about the new character(s) in the story. This helps me know what I have decided already and lets me know I can't change anything after this is posted. If you didn’t know, this story has some connections to the story of Assassination Classroom; and I highly recommend that show if you haven’t seen it, but don't have to watch the show to understand the story. This chapter isn’t too important, but if you want a run down of the characters and their situations before they are explained in the story, then here you go!

This story is about someone with the mental disorder known as Dissociative Identity Disorder. This is when someone has more than one unique personality. The story is in first person, but when other personalities take over it’s still in the perspective of Salazo so it might be a little weird.

Salazo Nautali

Gender: Male

Age: 15

DOB: September 1st

Quirk: Personalities? (there have been no signs of a quirk, but when he first got tested, the quirk genes were similar to his father’s)

Likes: playing video games, cereal, mornings, dreams, the color red, reading manga, thinking about random things, Glitch Productions, and assassination.

Dislikes: Sleeping, being alone, being treated differently, when his personality’s switch at bad times, trying to agree with all his personalities, The First, and his parents.

He had a rough childhood; making friends was the hardest part. People have a hard time becoming friends with someone so unpredictable, and because he doesn’t talk to people. Salazo has four personalities, each with their own likes and dislikes. He currently lives with Annette Dominic, who’s been taking care of him since an incident that happened when he was young. Salazo has suffered from headaches and nightmares since The First appeared. Salazo has no memories of his parents.

Finally drew a picture of what he looked liked. After who knows how many chapters.

 After who knows how many chapters

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The First

Gender: Female

Likes: Death, fighting, Unknown

Dislikes: Unknown

Eye Color: Purple

The First is the first personality that Salazo developed. She first appeared at the age of three and changed Salazo's life.


Gender: Male

Likes: Reading, learning, Robots, making manga, playing video games, movies, mythology, puzzles, I-island, strategy, and problem solving.

Dislikes: not doing anything, showing his emotions, small children, Bo’s laziness, and trying to agree with all the personalities.

Eye Color: Yellow

He always seems serious, but only his personalities know how to tell when he is joking and when he’s serious. Claude developed at the age of seven. Claude doesn’t show his emotions very often, he always prefers to keep them hidden. When choosing a name, he saw Claude, and thought it was to “dashing” to pass up. He has been drawing manga since middle school. His current project is called "Assassination Classroom," and when that’s done, he’ll start his next manga called “My Hero Academia.”


Gender: Female

Likes: Watermelon, sleeping, watching anime, playing boardgames, freedom, pirates, Gentle Criminal, and soft blankets. 

Dislikes: talking to new people, having plants in a house, reading, being trapped within Salazo, and chocolate.

Eye Color: Green

Many people call her lazy, but she likes to think she’s carefree. She developed at the age of 13; she’s the third personality to develop and doesn’t cause many problems for him. She has always wished she could do things on her own and not have to worry about the others. She really enjoys music and has always wanted to make her own but has never put in the effort. She originally wanted to name herself Melony, but Annette, Salazo, and Claude knew she wanted to name herself that because she like watermelon.

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