Revelry In The Dark

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I hate writing in third-person. It's harder for some reason.

“Claude, you head that way towards that cliff too. Bo, you follow the path and make sure everyone’s ok. Delaney, you follow the path’s exit.” Ordered Salazo. He points to where each of the personalities are going. They nod their head and begin running in their given direperson.

“Hope I run into some villains!” Delaney rubs her hands together in excitement.

“Tsu and Uraraka were the last ones to leave. That means I will probably run into them first.” Bo began preparing what she should expect. 

“I hope you’re not about to do anything reckless, Midoriya” Thought Claude. “He’s most likely using his quirk, so I won’t be able to catch up to him.” Claude quickly runs in the same direction Midoriya ran. He didn’t say where he is going, making it harder for him to find.

He wasn’t running for long until he heard a giant explosion from the cliff he is running to. Claude climbs to the top of a tree to get a better view. All he sees is a giant dust cloud. Claude began to panic. To his knowledge, Midoriya can’t control his strength. If he is using his full power, his body will start breaking. He jumps down from the tree and makes a dart for the cliff.

Upon reaching the cliff, Claude faces another challenge. A simple wall.

”Midoriya… What are you thinking!?” Claude scans the immediate area. There is no quick path that leads to the top. Without leaving any time for thought, he begins climbing the wall.

“Midoriya!” He calls out. There is no response. After climbing half the distance, the wall begins to crumble. Claude loses his grip and falls to the ground. Claude, laying on the ground in fear, slowly gets up. “Please be ok.” Surrounding him are the pieces of the wall that were destroyed off. Miraculously, none landed on him. He spits in his hand, and cleans some of the dust off his face. He once again make his way up the cliff. Passing his last attempt, he can feel an immense amount of wind. Not enough to blow him away, but enough for Claude to fear for Midoriya’s safety even more so.

Just as Claude reaches the top, he can see Midoriya fighting off a villain. Dust is flying in the air, making everything harder to see. Claude pulls the rest of his body onto stable footing. Midoriya has once again broken himself. With one final punch to the villain’s face, the villain is sent flying back, knocking them unconscious. Midoriya then screaming into the night.

“M-Midoriya!?” Claude reaches out his hand to grab him but pulls it back. “What happened.”

“There’s no time to explain.” Midoriya spoke with a hint of anger. “Take care of Kota. He has a water quick that can be used against the fire. I know who the villain’s targets are. Kacchan and Salazo.”

“Salazo? Why would they…” Before he could finish, Claude remembered what happened during the Sports Festival.

“I’m going to go tell Mandalay.” Midoriya, broken as he is, starts running back to camp. His legs seem to be uninjured. He looks a Kota, who is complete shock.

“Ok kid, let’s head back.” Claude holds out his hand for Kota to grab.

“I hope the other are safe. Especially Salazo.”

Meanwhile, Delaney has run into two of her classmates; Shoji and Tokoyami.

“We have discovered two of the villains’ targets. They are the students ‘Kacchan’ and Salazo. Those students should try to avoid combat and acting independently. Understand.” Mandalay used telepathy.

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