Combat Training!

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I don't realize how fun writing is until I start. This part was fun to write. I have a bunch of quotes saved so expect to see more of them; they will most likely relate to the part that is written.

After talking to Kirishima and Ashido for a while, lunch was over. We walked back to class knowing what class would be next. Rumor was that All Might would be teaching that class. I found my seat at the back of the class as everyone waited for the teacher to arrive. Silence filled the room in anticipation. I could hear someone walking in the hallway, their footsteps sounded heavy and continued to get louder.

"I am..." everyone looked up at the door in awe. "Coming through the door like a normal person!" only All Might's head and torso were in the classroom; he was in a very bizarre position. The chatter around the classroom began to pick-up. Everyone was looking forward to having All Might as a teacher, myself included. "Welcome to the most important class at U.A., hero basic training! No time to dally, todays activity is... Battle Training!!" All Might held up a card with the word battle on it. "And for that... you need these! In accordance with the 'Quirk Registration' and special request forms you filled out before being admitted." All Might pushed a button on a remote he had to make some sort of lockers appear on the left wall, and inside were our hero costumes.

Two weeks after the Recommendation Exam, U.A. called me to inform me that I had been accepted. The only things I had to do were pick-up the school uniform, pick-up papers with school information, and drop-off the "Uniform Subsidy." Creating my costume was the hardest thing I had to do over the summer; because none of my personalities were able to agree on something. In the end, we decided to use the assassination gear from last year. It wasn't super flashy, but it would do a great job protecting me and allow me to move freely.

Here are some pictures of the costume. They can change color and change into different colors of camouflage.

 They can change color and change into different colors of camouflage

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