The First Day of School

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I am learning how much harder it'll be making a story about someone who is already confident in their abilities.
Happy late birthday Shoto!

Today is the first day of school; U.A. is on the top mountain, so it feels like I’m going to the old campus again. I got to school extra early so I would be able to learn the layout of the school, and so I’m not late on the first day. I was walking for about 20 minutes before I was able to find class 1-A; my home room class.

I felt like a pebble compared to the door. The door wasn’t as heavy as it looked but I felt out of place opening it. This was a class of twenty, but only seven people were in the room. I don’t know anyone, but I saw, a guy with glasses, a girl with long hair that has somehow been tied into a ponytail, small Crimson Riot, a weird guy staring off into space, a girl with a very blank expression, a ghost, and a pink girl who I found cute.

“You must be Nautali, correct?” a girl walked up to me.

“Uh… yes, who are you” it’s the first day of school and I already feel out of place. Was I supposed to know who everyone is and what they look like?

“My name is Momo Yaoyorozu. I am the other student is this class to have gotten in based on recommendation.” Ok, the dots are connecting now.

“Alright, so how did you know me?” How is it that she knew who I was, but I didn’t know who she is?

“I asked Present Mic. He was the one testing the boys.” I felt dumb, if I had known you could just ask, I would have. I wasn’t sure where to sit so I sat next to Yaoyorozu. As time went on more and more students began arriving; I sat in the back next to Yaoyorozu and Todoroki. I don't know much about U.A. system, but I thought only two recommend were in each class, why were there three? I wasn’t paying much attention to my surroundings, but an argument broke out between the guy with the glasses and a spikey haired kid. Suddenly the room got quiet, there was a kid in the doorway.

“I’m Izuku Midoriya, pleased to meet you Iida.” Well, I know three people’s names. I should try to make some friends; I haven’t tried to make friends since third grade, better late than never, I guess.

“I’m your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you. Quickly now. Change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds.” I thought orientation was the first thing we were supposed to do, guess not. Everyone got changed and made their way to the grounds.

It’s only the first day at school and I’m beyond board. Normally we are introduced to our teachers, but instead we’re doing the same thing as the Recommendation Exam. I’ve done most of what we’re asked before coming to U.A. In the end, I ranked second. I was after Yaoyorozu but before Todoroki. Lucky, my “quirk” never got out of control. I haven’t made any friends, but there’s always tomorrow.

Sorry this story isn't as well written. I promise they will be better.


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