The Incident at the USJ.

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This took longer to write than I would have hoped. But it's done so Woo!

“Now for today’s basic hero training. This time All Might, myself and one other will be supervising.” Explained Mr. Aizawa.

“Um, what’re we doing exactly?” asked Sero.

“Preparing you for disaster relief, from fires to floods. It’s rescue training!” Rescue training? They really aren’t holding back. First combat, and now rescue. I looked down at my notebook. I saw my drawings of Koro Sensei around the notes I’ve taken. I would be nice if I could move at Mach 20 too. The side compartment with our Hero Costumes opened again. “It’s up to each of you whether you wear your costumes. As some of them are ill-suited for this sort of activity.” The class stood a to grab their costumes. I grabbed mine as well; it was made is I could move freely. We all got changed and headed to the bus that was waiting outside.

Midoriya was the only one who hadn’t changed into his costume. I wonder where we are going. Also, who was the other supervisor? There is so much that’s unknown right now.

“Everyone! Organize yourself by student number! Then line up and enter the bus in an orderly fashion!” Iida shouted. He’s really taking this his role seriously. Maybe I’m thinking this way because Isogai was more laidback. Everyone tried to follow the instructions, but the bus had a different layout that Iida had envisioned. I was sat in the back next to Shoji and Uraraka. I spent most of the ride trying to relax, I had a bad feeling about today.

We arrived a giant building. It looked much bigger from the inside. It looked as though it was a theme park in a movie. Inside waiting for us was another hero, but I didn’t know who they were. The feeling of dread if have didn’t pass. As we were being introduced to Thirteen, he mentioned how his quirk could be used to kill. When he said that, a pit opened in my stomach. The power in the USJ began to go out.

“Gather together and don’t move! Thirteen, protect the students!” shouted Aizawa.

“What’s that?” questioned Kirishima. I looked to see what was being questioned. Villains were here! One of my personalities were trying to push their way out. But I had to keep them in.

“Don’t move!” Aizawa shouted again. Aizawa leaped into the action and began fighting. We all began running toward the exit door. When we were about halfway a villain appeared.

“Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves into the home of the heroes, U.A. High school, in order to have All Might, the symbol of peace, take his last breath.” Well, that’s not good. But All Might’s not here. “I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change?” How did he know All Might would be here!? I tried to think about what he said, but I was too focused on trying to keep myself in control. I dropped to the floor. I was exhausted from doing nothing. Everything began going dark; it wasn’t because was passing out, but the gas villain was surrounding us. Everything was fading until I began feeling wet. I looked up. I was in a storm?

“This must be the Storm Zone thirteen was talking about.” I said out loud for no reason.

“There’s one!” shouted someone for behind me. I quickly became surround by villains. I couldn’t feel the rain or the ground below. A villain close to me began charging in. I couldn’t move. Just as his sword was about to impale me; my body dodged and grabbed him just like I grabbed Yaoyorozu in the combat training. The only difference was that my knife was in this throat rather than being close to it. I watched as his life ebbed away.

“That’s not very heroic. Unless you don’t care about being heroic.” All the villains were charging at me. I watched as my body killed everyone without remorse.

“Who said I wanted to be a hero” No…no, no, no… this can’t be happening! She can’t be here! thanks I guess… but.

“Nautali! I’m relieved I found you before…” Tokoyami found me surrounded by dead bodies. Before I knew it, I had pinned down Tokoyami and held my knife against his neck.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you now.” The air felt thin, and the rain felt as if it was washing away my sanity. I could move; I slowly got off of Tokoyami and put my knife back in its holster. What do I tell him? I couldn’t bring and words out, I choked on everything I was going to say. It was much easier to explain this to Kirishima and Ashido because I didn’t just try to kill them. I tried my best to explain the situation, the full situation this time. Kirishima and Ashido only know of the good personalities I have. They have yet to learn of “The First.”

We spent most of the time looking for an exit, to no avail. Tokoyami was in charge of fighting the villains while I would lure them. We would stop and rest for a bit. Things were awkward between us because Tokoyami was on edge the whole time and I felt bad about almost killing him.

“You should announce your situation to the whole class, not just to those who encounter it.” He pointed out.

“I… don’t know if I could. People think I’m normal, and I want things to stay that way. It’s very rare for people to see me as normal.” I added.

“I understand, but you would be putting the others at risk if you don’t.”

“When do I say this, do I do it personally or do I say it to the whole class?”

“The choice is yours.” He wasn’t helping that much. He has a point though; if I don’t tell anyone, they will all be in danger. We continued to walk around for a bit, until the ground started shaking. “Is there some kind of earthquake?”

“Or maybe it’s an explosion?” We stayed where we were before continuing on. A few minutes later we met-up with some police. There were ten of them searching the area. We told them what happened, but I didn’t say that I killed the villains. However, they knew I was the one who did. We were taken outside where we saw our other classmates.

“16… 17… 18… aside from the boy with the messed up legs, looks like their all unharmed.” Said the detective. There was a loud ringing in my ears; I felt as if I was going to throw up. The world around me began fading.

“Salazo, are you alright? You’re burning up. Here, sit down.” Yaoyorozu was trying to help me. “Detective Tsukauchi if you are going to… Salazo with…” I had lost consciousness. I couldn’t hear or do anything. The only thing I heard was a vaguely familiar voice.

Hello is this… I’m going to have to cancel the playdate with… Salazo has… barely feel my leg… lost her eye… HE’S COMING THIS WAY… 911 NOW… closet… help me Asuka!

Is this a memory of mine? I don’t remember anything like this. Who’s Asuka?

I woke up in the hospital several hours later. Midoriya was with me, but no one else. I was able to go home, but I was still confused about what I heard. This isn’t something I wanted to talk to Annette about, but she might know who I’m talking about. I had the whole walk home to think about today. The League of Villains, “The First” killing villains, and the unknown voice and name. So many mysteries; one of which I will have to reveal to my class.

“That’s life.” I said as I walked, muddled with frustration.

And with that, season one is done. I skipped the whole "class repressive" story because I felt it was pointless. Up next is the Sports Festival.

Go Beyond, PLUS ULTRA!

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