The Three Musketeers.

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I woke up on the floor. My blanket was still on my bed, but my pillow was on the other side of the room. I was still groggy from the lack of sleep and my head was hurting. Probably the worst way I could have started the morning.

“Good morning Salazo… oh” I’m glad she’s aware of how much of a mess I am today. My hair was knots, I couldn’t walk straight, the light in the house was too bright, and I wrapped myself in my blanket because I was cold.

“Hi Annette. How are you today?” Annette was my parental guardian. I have been living with her since I was three, so I think of her as my mom. She started a bakery with her best friend. The bakery is called White Clouds.

“Better than you! Are you going to make it through the day?”

“yeah… I’ll be fine” I gave a clearly fake smile and marched back to my room. I changed into my uniform, packed my backpack, and threw my blanket back onto my bed. My headache was going away, but my body was still tired from the lack of sleep.

“I can make you something if you want” Annette trying to sound supportive.

“No thanks” I said as I tried to get the knots out of my hair. “I wouldn’t want you to burn the house down.” Annette glared at me, but I didn’t care; it’s the truth. She’s not allowed to use the stove without supervision. I grabbed a banana from the table and left. “Bye, good luck” I closed the door behind me as I walked to school.

I had nowhere to put the banana peel, so I put it in my backpack. My headache hadn’t gone away but it wasn’t as bad as before. My main goal for today is to make at least one friend, but how do I do that?

“Hey! I know you!” a low voice came from behind me. there were a few people walking around me, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. They didn’t call anything out again, so I assume the found their friend. Maybe I should try that with someone. “We finally caught-up to you” the man put his hands on my shoulder. I panicked; I turned to see small Crimson Riot and the cute pink girl. “You’re Nautali right?”

“You are correct however I prefer to be called Claude” my voice spoke, but I wasn’t the one talking. I couldn’t move my body; I was trapped. In any normal circumstance, this would be horrible for someone to go though. I have been thought this scenario before, so it became natural for me to not be in control of my body. The only bad part is whoever is controlling my body, is controlling my body with no say from me.

“Nice. The name’s Eijiro Kirishima”

“And I’m Mina Ashido”

“Alright. So how is it that you to know each other?” Really Claude?! That not the first thing you ask people; I mean I don’t know what I would ask, but it wouldn’t be that. Claude has always been the smartest of my personalities, but he always seems serious or board because he hardly ever shows his emotions.

“We went to junior high together and we both wanted to be heroes. Nothing really interesting happened” explained Ashido. That was a cute story; I had to kill my teacher to save the planet, so it’s nice to know people had normal school years. Claude walked over to Kirishima and stared at him.

“You dyed your hair, didn’t you?” all of us were shocked.

“What?! How’d you know? I thought I did I good job.” Kirishima touching is hair to check he dyed it properly.

“Your scalp is red. Unless something happened to your head, you dyed your hair.” I hadn’t even noticed his scalp; I couldn’t even see his scalp, but I know you never ask people if they dyed their hair. The air around me began feeling warm, I moved my fingers into a fist; I was in control. Without doing saying anything, I turned away and began walking to school.

“Hey… you can’t just say that and walk away.” Ashido was chasing after me, so I started running to school. Both of them were chasing after me at full speed, but the more I ran, the more my head pounded. I had to stop for the sake of my head. Ashido caught up to me first and Kirishima followed. Ashido chopped me on the head, it wouldn’t have hurt that much if my head wasn’t throbbing. “What your deal Claude, why’d you just run off like that?”

“No” I sat down with my hand on my head. “there is so much I need to explain, but I don’t… I won’t… I shouldn’t…”

“You’re not being very manly you know.”

“I…” I knew I was going to run into this problem eventually, but I didn’t expect it to be this early on. I haven’t thought of what I should say, I should probably tell them later, when I know what to say. “I have a headache… and that’s causing me more problems.” I don’t even think what I just said makes sense, but it was the only thing that came out of my mouth. They helped me up and walked me to school; we were still early so they took me to see Recovery Girl if she could do anything to stop my headache. The best she could do was make it more bearable.

The day was like any normal school day, there were normal classes in the morning. However, no one will ever be as amazing as Koro Sensei. All of the teachers were teaching us from a book; I have grown so accustomed to Koro Sensei’s teaching method that learning from a book is strange. He would fly across the world just to teach a student a lesson. No one will ever be as amazing as he was. I was only at Kunugigaoka for junior high, but because Koro Sensei was teaching his students the way he did, the principal wanted to make the test more advanced; all for his ideals. By the end of the year, we were learning high school level material. All morning was a review of what were should have covered and what we would be learning; the whole thing was a review for me though.

Lunch rolled around and I still hadn’t talked to anyone. My headache was going away but I wasn’t feeling very confident to talk to anyone. I still have to talk to Ashido and Kirishima about earlier today.

“You wanna eat lunch with us” I looked up to see Ashido with a big smile on her face. “It’s only me and Kirishima so it won’t be the crowded.” I returned a smile and began walking to have lunch with them. I wasn’t sure how to start the conversation about my personalities or if I should wait a little bit longer. My body stopped moving again, I tried to move but I couldn’t feel anything. One of my personalities is in control; but which one?

Ashido and Kirishima were just staring at me. I couldn’t move myself so I just had to hope that the person in control would figure out.

“You alright?” Kirishima was approaching me. 

“AH PEOPLE!” My body turned around and covered their face. I know who’s in control; Bo is a shy girl who doesn’t like talking to new people. Once she gets to know people, she begins showing her true colors.

“Are you… ok?” I couldn’t tell what the two were doing, but his voice sounded closer. “Claude… if you need anything, you can always talk to us.” My hands were still on my face so I couldn’t see anything. Ashido removed my hands from my face; she was looking into my eyes, and she seemed worried.

“Hi… I’m… I’m… Bo.” That’s who I thought it was. Ashido helped me up and sat me down at a table. The pair went to grab their and my lunch. I felt very awkward because of how weird I made this situation without doing anything myself. They returned from the line with three lunch trays; they gave one to me, but I couldn’t do anything to eat it.

“Should we take you to see Recovery Girl or Hound Dog?” Kirishima asked.

“N-No I’m fine” my faced was covered again by my hands. Kirishima and Ashido were nervous for me. Ashido pulled my hands to the table. She pulled them to fast and hurt my hands, wait… she hurt my hands; I’m in control! The time had come for me to say what I need to.

“I… my… the… ok. My name is Salazo Nautali, and I have a strange ’quirk.’”

“Wait what’s your name? When we met you said Claude, but earlier you said Bo. Now you’re saying Salazo.” Ashido puffed out her cheeks in confusion.

“Have you heard of Dissociative Identity Disorder formally known as Multiple Personality Disorder?” I only received blank stares. That’s the normal reaction I get. “Ok… so Dissociative Identity Disorder is a mental disorder where someone has more than one unique personality. When was younger my quirk developed and merged with my disorder and changed my quirk, but doctors can’t figure out what it can do so…? I’m pretty much quirkless aside from the fact that my eyes change color when I switch personalities.” Their stares were still blank. They became less tense and let out a sigh of relief.

“We were worried there was something else happening.” Kirishima cheerfully replied. This is the first time anyone has talked to me after I tell them about my “quirk.”

“I’m not entirely sure what you’re talking about but as long as you’re ok! We were looking out for you, that what friends are for.” Ashido said cheerily.

“Friends...? We’re friends?” they both nodded and gave a friendly laugh. I’ve never made friends on my own before. I’m looking forward to this year!

The Hero With Many Faces. (My Hero Academia) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now