The Gala Part 2

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"I'm just saying 'Attack of the clones' is the best Star Wars movie. EVER!" Winn argued with Nia, everything is forgotten in the background as he defended his favourite movies.

"I don't know. I really liked the 'phantom menace'. But the best Disney movie is 100% Beauty and Beast."

"WHAT!! No way!" Winn was absolutely horrified that Nia could even think that 'Phantom Menace' beats 'Attack of The Clones' in best Star Wars Movies, and 'Hercules' was hands down on the top of the Disney movies list, in Winns option.

Alex zoned out of the convention when she saw her. Across the room was a woman who stole her breath away and removed thought from her mind.

Winn stood in front Alex waving his hand in front of her face, still, no movement came from her. Nia quietly walked up behind Alex. "WAKE UP!" Nia screamed into Alex's ear, making her jump and nearly punching the young girl.

This caused everyone (Winn, Eliza and Brainy) to burst out laughing.

"You too, mum?"

The laughter brought the eyes of everyone, including the eyes of L Corps CFO.

"Cat. How are you?" Kara stood up from the bar and brought her arms up to bring Cat into a hug. "Fabulous as always.'s Astra?"

A shiver of disgust snaked down Kara's spine. The discomfort on Kara was beyond clear so Lena decided to try to save her.

"Hello, I'm Lena Luthor and you must be Cat Grant."

Cat looked over to Lena, like a Queen determining someone's worth. "Obviously."

"So Keira...Astra?" With that Kara grabbed Lena's hand and started to drag her to the dance floor. "Love you Cat and would totally love to finish this conversation but Lena promised me a dance."

"Of course she did." The words drawn out in utter sarcasm, accompanied with a smirk.

Kara brought Lena to the dance floor, Adele's 'Make You Feel My Love.' Playing in the background. Kara grabbed Lena's hand, her other hand going around Lena's waist. Lena rested her free hand upon Kara's shoulder.

"When the rain is blowing in your face

And the whole world is on your case

I could offer you a warm embrace

To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows and the stars appear

And there is no one there to dry your tears

I could hold you for a million years

To make you feel my love"

As they danced it was like the whole room disappeared and it was just them. To both Kara and Lena, it was like they had known each other forever and didn't need words to communicate.

"So what's this project about?" Lena whispered as if she spoke any louder whatever was between them would break.

"Something important to me that I think could help a lot of people but also I can't do this alone because it means doing something no one has done before. But it could have its consequences, so I wanted the people who could help make sure that doesn't happen." Kara spoke equally as softly in reply, scared of breaking the comfort between them. She may not know Lena much but she does know that being near Lena makes her heart beat a mile a minute, Kara didn't even know that her heart could do that.

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