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It was early in the morning and Lena was sitting behind her desk going over yesterday's visit from the detective. Kara knew that she had a file on her. She knew she still wanted Lena to read it. Before her thoughts became all consuming Jess called in.

"Miss. Luthor a Miss Danvers is here to see you."

She didn't really know why, (that's a lie. She knew but she didn't want her traitorous heart to mess things up), her heart skipped a beat but it didn't care her like she thought she would, instead it brought a slight smile to her face.

"Let her in."

A few moments later in walked Kara (Zor-El) Danvers, dressed in tight black pants and white shirt that showed off her broad shoulders and clear muscles, her hair flowing over her shoulder. The sight made Lena's breath hitch in her throat.

"What are you doing here?" Lena breathed out.

Kara smiled as she replied, "Figured I should be here when you read that file."

Guilt seeped into Lena at the mention of the file, she knew she shouldn't have gotten the file but she just couldn't trust her heart that Kara was the pure sunshine that fell from her. It felt as though Kara was the sun itself and Lena couldn't trust that. Couldn't trust her heart or her luck that Kara really was genuine in her purity.

"I wasn't really planning on reading it. And it would seem that I would require my money back."

"I want you to read it. I know you probably don't think you can trust me but if we are going to work on this project together we need to be able to trust one another."

Lena opened the draw that brought out the file.

"So, who's Maggie Sawyer?"

Kara sat on the sofa facing the young Luthor's desk, with a smile that never leaves face.

"I met her when I was 15, we were both living in England at the time. Her aunt was one of my professors, Maggs was picking up her aunt when we met. Then my sister came to visit when I was 16 and her Maggie ended up dating and after a few years they broke up. I stayed in contact with Maggie. She's my family."

So Kara and Maggie are still friends, even though her and Kara's sister broke up? That could be explained however what couldn't be explained was that Kara was trusting her.

She was Lex's sister, Lex who tried to kill Superman. Her cousin. Even without that, they haven't known each other for long. So why the hell was Kara trusting her with all of this.

There's a lot to Kara that she doesn't know or understand and she's determined to discover who Kara truly is.

"Why trust me with this?" Lena couldn't help but blurt out.

Kara looked into Lena eyes, a storm raging in her blue eyes as she sorted out her thoughts.

"I try to not judge a person based on their families actions, if that were where you were going. On the trust part....I'm not entirely sure. I just know I can trust you. I follow instincts a lot. Trusting you is like instinct to me. It's like my brain and heart are on the same page and they're telling me to trust you. It seems.....for the lack of a better word....stupid to not trust you."

Kara's words brought a smile to the Luthor's face, she seemed to be doing a lot, smiling. Lena's pretty sure Jess is freaked out over the fact that she's been smiling.

"I don't know what to say, other than thank you."

A silence settled over them, a tension grew like a brewing volcano, what broke it was Kara clearing her throat.

"So, the file?" The blond asked.

"Ah, yes."

The Luthor opened the file.

"Greece?" Lena asked once she finished reading Kara's file.

"We needed papers. I know someone from Greece, and I always found their culture and history fascinating so we decided that I was born in Greece. It gave me time to also further understand the US, without prying eyes."

"And how did you have time to get this many PhDs and Masters?"

"How did you? You're only a year older, are you not?"


Lena gave the file back to Kara.

Just as Kara was about to leave Lena's office, she looked back and looked at the young Luthor, her mind going over and over a question she desperately wanted to ask.

"Would you care to join me for dinner on Friday?" Kara asked with a bite to her lip.

Lena blinked at the unexpected question, 'Did Supergirl just ask me out?'

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Lena's nerves were at 100. She so desperately wanted Kara's answer to be a yes.

"Only if you want it to be one."

Lena's eyes shone with happiness as she answered.

"It's a date."

Kara's answering smile could blind the Gods.

Kara left her office, fighting the urge to sing. She reached the elevator when she realized that she didn't have Lena's number.

Lena was so happy that her brain couldn't comprehend moving because it was so focused on the rare feeling. Just as brain started to work again Kara opened her office door.

"Can I...uh... Can I have your number?"

In that moment Lena knew that this was the beginning of something that would change her life.

In that moment she had hope.

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