The Date

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"I have a meeting with J'onn in half an hour." Alex complained when her sister opened her door.

"And I have a date at 7. I have no idea what to wear. I win." Kara rebuttal, while walking towards her closet.

Kara had a few outfits on her bed, They were going to this fancy Italian place that Kara had been dying to go to since she found out about it.

Kara wanted to impress Lena but she couldn't figure out which outfit was best.

Alex walked up to the bed and upon seeing the choices, she walked to the blonde's closet and picked out a that went just past the knees.

"When in doubt go with blue. Blues your colour."

Kara brought her sister into a hug and whispered "Thank you." into her ear.

"Okay, go to that meeting and tell J'onn I say hi."

On the other side of town Sam and Ruby were sitting in Lena's living room judging the Luthor's outfit choices for her date.

"Alex just texted me that Kara's wearing something blue." Sam spoke from the sofa, waiting for her friend to come out of her bedroom in a new outfit.

Lena walked into the living room to show off her outfit. . She looked stunning.

"This or ?" Lena asked the mother daughter duo.

"Lena, honey I don't think you would have time to change but you look amazing, so don't worry." Sam told her best friend.

"Aunt Lena, I think you're going to cause Kara's mind to blow."

That caused the adults to chuckle, "Well we wouldn't want that now would we."

"Lena, that's exactly what you want."

Kara was sat waiting at their table when Lena walked in, her breath hitched at the sight of the Luthor,

"Wow, Lena. Just wow."

"I could say the same about you darling, you look stunning." Lena replied after looking the younger woman up and down. She really was quite stunning.

As the women sat down at their table the waiter came up to them asking if they were ready to order.

"I'll have a Sazerac to drink, please and to eat may I have the Balsamic and Rosemary-Marinated Florentine Steak." Kara ordered.

"And I'll have a Brovia 2016 Garblèt Suè to drink and the Grilled Salmon with Preserved Lemon and Green Olives to eat please."

Kara turned her attention back to Lena, "I've always loved traveling, seeing the different histories and cultures. It amazes me how diverse earth is. I love tasting the local cuisine. I always love Greece, where's your favourite place?"

"I loved the family trips to Italy. It was always so beautiful, my mother, Lillian made me learn the language to every place we would go. Italy was the only place where she didn't act like a monster under the bed. However I have to say Ireland is my favourite place to go. Before I was Luthor I lived with my biological mum in Ireland. It's the one place that I remember feeling unconditional love."

Lena and Kara spoke throughout their dinner, talking about everything and nothing. The conversation always flowed and felt completely natural to speak their heart to another woman. It was as though they had known each other for eternity.

"At the meeting about project N.E. the woman who stood at the back of the room, who was she? And why did she blush when Pink K was mentioned." Lena asked, after they had finished their meal.

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