Game Night

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Games were set up on and around the coffee table in Kara's apartment- Kara herself, half-asleep, her head in Lena's lap, with the brunette's hand lightly scratching Kara's head, waiting for everyone to arrive for Game Night.

"Kar?" Lena asked softly, nervous where this could go.

"Mmh." Kara opened her eyes, looking up at her lover.

"What's up with you and Clark?" Lena distracted herself, as she waited for Kara's reply, letting her hand dance through the super's hair.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not ready."

Kara knew what was going on with Clark but didn't know how to express herself without going into everything. She may trust Lena with her life but the truth was, they still haven't known each other for long and there were things that she just wasn't ready to go into, her life story, a story which no one knew the full extent of, not even Alex nor Astra. She felt guilty that the people she cared about don't really know what goes through her mind but that being said she also knew that she had to sort somethings out for herself before she could explain everything.

"I'm just angry about things that partly weren't his fault and partly were. I understand why he left me with the Danvers' but I can't help but feel abandoned. He wanted me to fit this image, to be human. I refused. I am proud of who I am, however I know that people knowing who I truly am is not only dangerous for me but also the people I love. I'm just angry. For so many reasons, some I'm not ready to go through."

Lena understood, yet she also knew that she couldn't fully understand the extent of what Kara has been through.

Kara saw the love and understanding in Lena's eyes as she sat up to peck Lee's lips.

"HOW!?" Lucy yelled as looked at her money, or the empty space where the money was supposed to be.

Everyone was gathered around the coffee table, playing Monopoly, and losing to Kara and Lena. "Luc, they are both CEO's, I'm surprised you thought you could win," Maggie said to the lawyer. All Maggie got was an indignant huff.

Both Kara and Lena were in the lead, respectively, bankrupted first Winn, then Mon-El, he was surprised he beat Winn, Nia, Ruby, Kelly, J'onn, Brainy, Alex, Sam, Maggie and now Lucy. It was officially a head to head with Lena and Kara, their friends taking bets of battle in the game.

Before anyone could win the game of Monopoly, a notification came through to Kara's phone, signalling that the shipment of Pink K had arrived at Kandor.

Kara distracted by her phone, she missed Lena making a winning play.

Only noticing at the laughs of victory and groans of defeat.

It was now Saturday and everyone who had a part in the project was now working on basically creating nuclear ignition but without the massive explosion. They practically built a nuclear reactor, but small and without the disadvantages and extremely high powered. Enough to power all of Russia and China combined. All powered by Pink K. Pink K would be the Super-Red Giant in this equation.

And with a project like this, what could possibly go wrong?

Well, they are about to find out as it turned out that there was a bit of a malfunction with the engineering that held the Pink K. Lena and Kara saw it, just as Winn was about to hit the power-up button but he hit it before they could stop him.

The explosion was something that could match that of the particle accelerator that caused Barry to get his powers. However, the explosion caused no harm and no one got powers.

That's not to say, nothing happened.

The superfriends were about to find out what could happen when a nuclear reactor, powered by pink kryptonite, went awry.

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