When are we ready?

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After her date with Lena, Kara and Alex had a sisters night then the next day. "Oh my god, she is so cute and funny and clever and so beautiful. Oh, and her accent makes me melt a little. Did you know she's Irish?" Kara rambled to her sister, each thought and word about Lena made her smile grow.

"And she's such a good kisser, I mean the best," Kara said, melting into the sofa at the happiness of her memories of the date.

"Okay, so I didn't need to know that, but I am glad that you had a good time tonight," Alex said to her rambling sister. Alex was happy for Kara, and nothing could change that, but she also knew of Lena's family, everyone did, she was, however, going to give the women the benefit of the doubt. For Kara's sake.

"Before you can't think of anything else but your girlfriend, let's talk about the project." Alex said when noticing that sister was going to get stuck in her thoughts about the other woman. At the mention of her project, Kara's mind went into science mode, as Alex had deemed it. "The project arises on basic law. Energy can not be created nor destroyed but only transferred. Everything has signs of energy, especially kryptonite, it's, ...., Radioactive and the energy is focusing on our biology. I want to redirect it. Have its energy focus on material things instead of organic. Have it power up a building instead of hurting someone I love."

"And why pink kryptonite?" Alex asked.

"Because if something goes wrong it won't kill someone, also if that does happen, it would be funny but now no work talk. Let's talk about you and Sam."

Alex let out a groan accompanied by a furious blush.

One Month Later

When Lena walked into Kara's office she saw the blond absorbed in her work, she was so focused she, even with super hearing, didn't notice Lena but her presence still caused Kara's shoulders to relax, this action caused a smile to grace Lena's lips. The owner of the kryptonite eyes walked behind Kara and placed a kiss upon her cheek.

"Hey, Darling. What are you working on?" She asked as her Irish accent slipped from her mouth.

Kara smiled brightly at the feeling of her girlfriend behind her as she relaxed in her presence.

"I'm just going through some finer details right now. By creating this, we will be taking away jobs, and I want to make sure people can still work, ...., Does that make sense?"

"You want to give back jobs to those who lose their jobs with this project. That makes perfect sense." Lena replied to the Kryptonian.

Kara turned fully towards Lena and looked into her eyes, "Do you want to come game night? It's a night for friends to come together and hang out. You can bring Sam or whoever you want to." Kara asked as she looked at Lena with that puppy look that Lena knows she will never be able to deny.

"I would love to."

"Yeah?" Kara had a blinding smile, happy that Lena was going to get a chance to know the people that have become her family.

Lena leaned down and placed a kiss on Kara's lips as her reply.

"We should get down to the lab we have work to do. Later, want to come to mine?"

Kara's smile was answer enough, but to smooth Lena's doubt, that Kara knew she had, she answered, "I would love to."

"There is a 96% chance that the design to hold the Pink K will work and channel the energy but we have very little Pink K, to fully test this out so have little idea of the kryptonite will react to everything." Brainy pointed out. Everyone was gathered around a workstation, working out a few details for when they have the means to start with the testing.

"When does the Pink K get here?" Winn asked no one in particular.

"Friday, I have no idea if it's going to be before game night starts or after, but I can get it Friday, no doubt," Kara answered her friend.

Back at Lena's apartment, Lena and Kara are cuddled on the sofa, Lena's hand lightly scratching Kara's head. Kara let out a noise of content and burrowed further into the embrace.

"We need a Disney marathon. All the best movies and Tv shows. I know you haven't seen most Disney movies." Kara said softly to her girlfriend.

"Okay, what would be at the top of the list."

"Well, the movie would be Beauty and the Beast, the Original one, I like the live action remake but if I'm going to educate you on Disney, you have to start with the originals. And Tv would be Wizards of Waverly place. Selena Gomez is just amazing in that." Kara got a little distracted when she started to think about Selena Gomez, she may not really have a crush on her but differently an admiration and well she was her first celebrity crush.

Lena chuckled when she saw the almost dazed look in her girlfriend's eyes.

Shaking out her daze, Kara looked back up at Lena, "You know I'm going to team up with Ruby, with this right."

"I'm sure you will." Lena said with a kiss to Kara's forehead.

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