Pretty in Pink

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Kandor's building stood tall above the city. Within the top floor, in Kara Zor-El's office stood the CEO herself, Kara Zor-El, Kandor's COO Alex Danvers, CTO Querl Dox, CIO Winn Schott Jr., CSO (security) Astra, CMO Nia Nal, Biochemist Eliza Danvers, CatCO's CEO Cat Grant, L-Corp's CEO Lena Luthor and CFO Sam Aries.

The people gathered in Kara's office where the people she trusted the most and the people she wanted to get to know, and for some reason trusted. She felt an almost kinship with Sam Aries and with Lena an unexplainable amount of trust for someone she barely knows, but someone she also felt an attraction to.

Kara had an idea, one that could the world yet still keep her true identity hidden, however, to keep her identity hidden from the world, she would have to tell Lena Luthor and Sam Aries the truth.

She suspected that the young Luthor already knew she was because of her relation to Clark.

"I have a project I've been wanting to do for a while but before I get into the details there's something I need to tell you. Most of you know except I suspect one person. I am Kara Zor-El, from the house El, from Krypton. I am telling this because this project requires the use of a type of kryptonite." Almost every face in the room showed a variant of emotion, from the surprised shock on Alex and Eliza's face to the confusion on Brainy's.

"KRYPTONITE!!" the elder Danvers' yelled.

"Little one, I truly hope you know what you are doing."

Kara walked to her laptop and brought up the project on the big screen, for everyone else to see.


Project N.E.: A project for a new source of energy. Krypton was powered but the rare stones near its core that only Krypton had. When it exploded, those rare stones came down to earth, alongside Kal-El. This project will not include the use of green kryptonite or red K but Pink Kryptonite. Kryptonite is basically a rock form of Nuclear Fusion. It just needs to be harnessed. For this to work the Pink K's power would have to be redirected from the effects it has on Kryptonians and harnessed to power other sources. This can be done. It would require the power from a particle accelerator as well as in-depth research and knowledge of Kryptonite. There is also much unknown to this but krypton's power source information blueprints will be at F.S.

"What does Pink Kryptonite do?" Nia asked what everyone was thinking.

Alex, knowing what Pink K does from an incident a few years ago, burst out laughing. She saw the potential chaos from this project and with Kara's luck something was bound to go wrong. Clearing her throat, Kara answered her friend, "Well it has shown to have effects on the prefrontal cortex."

"For the people who didn't go into science?" Nia asked again.

"It turns Kryptonians, gay. turns straight Kryptonians gay. Temporarily." Alex blurted out after calming down from her laughing fit. There was more to it but nobody was going to go into it. That was a secret between those who were there that day. A secret they weren't going to ever tell a living soul. Well maybe Lois but she wasn't here.

Astra, standing at the back of the room, had a blush rapidly growing upon her cheeks. She, along with Kal-El, knew first hand the effects of Pink K.

"Yes, well I would like to work with this, it won't have much of an effect on me, however, it would affect members of my family and would like to be careful." Lena and Sam didn't miss the emphasis on 'much', meaning it still had an effect, but what effect, they couldn't even begin to guess.

Lena and Sam's minds were running in a wheel. Once they sorted through one thought they got caught in waves of another, their minds never stopping, in fear of falling from the attack of information. Lena's mind was wild from the new information of this pink K. That there was a stone out there that made people gay. It was an amusing thought that caused her to try to hold back a laugh. Yet she was still frozen from the fact that Kara had trusted her with a secret that didn't earn and that Kara knew that she knew the truth was something amazing to her. She barely knew this woman, this goddess, yet here she was in a room full of Kara Zor-El's most trusted people.

Sam was also stuck from the information that Kara told them the truth but it was for a whole different reason. Kara Zor-El was Supergirl, oh my god. Ruby would love this!! I've met the girl of steel.

Kara turned to Lena, a blinding smile graced upon her lips. "So, what do you say? Team up?"


Lena was sat in her office going over the information she was given earlier today when her assistant knocked and opened her door,

"Ms Luthor, there's a detective Maggie Sawyer here, she said she wanted to talk about Mr Hex."

Lena drew in a deep breath and nodded her head, signalling for Jess to let in the detective.

Maggie walked into the CEO's office and stood in front of women.

"Jonah said that you asked for information on Kara."

Lena knew the plays that she could play, she could play dumb but she knew that would on create a game of cat and mouse, or she could admit the truth and that yes, that was probably the best way to go. However, that's pleading guilty and she was not going to do that. So she stayed quiet instead and let the cop say her peace.

"Hex doesn't normally tell me this stuff, but little Danvers is family, I've known her for what feels like forever. Usually, I would take that file, that I know you have but haven't read yet, but Kara wanted me to tell you to read it. To see what Hex could find. It's her way of wanting you to trust her."

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