This Is Wrong But Is It? Pt 2

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Unaffected: Alex, Kara, Sam, Kelly, Clark, Diana, Sara, Ava, Felicity 

Unknown: Astra, Cat, Lena, Lucy, Winn, Cisco. Thea

Affected: Nia, Brainy, Eliza, J'onn, James, Lois, Mick, Barry, Caitlin, Jess, Oliver

A/N: This is not particularly good. Please read the note at the ending so you are aware of how this book will go. Meaning my plans for re-writing and editing. 

Kara walks towards her desk with Alex following behind "Okay do we know who is affected?" Kara asks her sister, Alex spoke whilst checking her phone, "Nia and Brainy for sure, J'onn shows some side effects, mum is in quarantine to be safe but most likely. Clark called to ask what the hell happened, apparently, both James and Lois have been affected but not him. Cisco got in contact because it's infected them as well, Barry and Caitlin have been affected, and that's gonna need couples therapy, but Cisco hasn't spoken to anyone else- he's been trying to stop Barry from calling Oliver. Speaking of him, Felicity called, she's a mixture of extremely amused and confused, Oliver has been calling Barry cute for the last hour apparently." 

The Kryptonian looked towards her sister, taking everything she said in, "What about Lena?", she asked panicked, she knew that Lena was into women and that Pink K won't do any physical harm but still worried for the Luthor. "I have been able to get confirmation that Jess has been affected and is trying to stay away from Lena, so she has not been in contact with her. I also could not get in contact with her. I haven't been able to get through to Astra, Cat, Lucy, Winn or Thea. So they are unknown but the same goes for Cisco, he avoided answering the questions."

Kara stood quickly after her sister explained, that no one had heard from her girlfriend. This brought a rush of panic to her heart that caused it to start beating so fast she thought it might bring her to her knees.  "I- I have to go. Try to get in contact with the others." She yelled as she rushed from her lab. 


Kara hovered above National City listing for a heartbeat that sounded like music to her ears. When she heard the familiar thump thump thump of Lena's heart she flew towards it. 

Lena was sat at her desk in L-Corp, her head resting on a stack of papers, Kara could hear the light snoring coming from the young Luthor. Kara landed on her woman's balcony and walked toward the sleeping form. "Lena. Lena wake up" the Kryptonian gently spoke, when she did not wake kara lightly shook the woman, waking her up. 

Lena groggily looked around her office when she saw Kara standing over her, she gave a small smile, "Hey, what up?" she said, her voice still induced with sleep. "Something happened and we need to sort it out" The Kryptonain's reply woke Lena into awareness, she sat up straight in her desk chair, "okay let's go." 


Kara and Lena looked at the machine that was supposed to reverse the mess they made, all thoughts of brilliance left their minds and it was replaced with dread, they had no idea how to fix this. They just knew that they had. 

Lena looked towards the beautifully bright scientist next to her, "When we solve this, how about we go on another date?" Kara looked towards Lena at the question, a huge smile upon her lips, "Oh 100%. Let's fix this then"

----------------------------THE (KIND OF) END----------------------------

A/N: Yes this is a terrible end, yes it will be re-written at a later date but who doesn't love a terrible cliffhanger at the end of a story. I had a million ideas when starting this work but life kind of decided to throw a brick at those ideas and now I am going to have to start anew. I just wanted to finish it. It will both be edited and re-written at a later date.

Feel free to write a better version of this, just please give me the credit for the idea first.

My apologies for how this ended, 


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