Chapter 2

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A/N: Remember Lori is Yuka's alias. And Btw, the pic on the side is her room. Also I own nothing but Yuka/Lori!


"Tch, whatever, you're not even worth it...Melon." Ayato snarled. Well, some things never change, like his snarky attitude, and obvious disrespect for breast size. While he was turning to leave, I took in every feature, reminiscing the feeling. Taking in his tall, slender build, his reddish-colored hair, and his narrowed green eyes that he inherited from her.

'He still wears it better' I snort at my amusing, yet ironic comment.

"I'm really sorry about him, I'm Yui, and that was Ayato, please come in..." the pinkish haired human muttered. Looking at her fragile figure, with the door widely open, she was very...girly. Her eyes were a beautiful glistening pink, and she had this adorable flower clip at the side of her hair. As I followed her inside, my mind made me think of something I never wanted to remember, something that haunted me day in, and day out.


"Mama, where are we going?" an 8 year-old girl with a mixture of blue and blonde hair asked, her gold eyes pleading for an answer.

"You will see my child, now come quickly, before your brothers wake up." The woman said in a soothing voice, but in her mind, was spitting it out like venom. The mother tugged the child's hands as they hurried out the door.

"Okay mommy..." The child hung her head as she followed her mother, not knowing that night was going to scar her for life.

I snap myself out of the nightmare when I heard my name being called. I turn my poker face to find my second eldest half-brother, Reiji, staring straight at me. His purple hair that was mixed with grey was so fascinating that I was tempted to touch it; missing the closeness we, in the past had shared. Then his bright red orbs fixed on my yellow ones, and at that moment, I swore that I saw his eyes widen, but it must have been my imagination.

"Welcome, I am Reiji, please sit down while we get this sorted out" he stated.

'Still acting like I butler I see' I chuckle inwardly. I sit on the blood red sofa, bouncing on the soft cushion. I see Reiji and Ayato whispering to each other at the opposite end of the living room. I could have used my super hearing to eavesdrop, but then what's the fun in that. Suddenly, I feel cold breath tickling my ear, making me feel cold and warm at the same time.

'Oh Laito you sure you want to do that? Fine two can play at that game...' I thought as I turn around to face him, our noses slightly touching. Then I kissed his cheek in a seductive manner, teasing him on purpose.

"Ah, a new toy, are you Bitch-chan's friend?" he asked moving his body closer to mine. His shoulder length reddish-brown hair gently brushed against my cheek. He had the same green eyes as Ayato, leaving me to wonder how come I never inherited them as well. I mean I know the reason, but... never mind.

"Sorry, I don't play with male prostitutes." I snarled, making his jaw drop in a mixture of anger, and no doubt surprise. I turned my back to him as I let out a smirk.

'He can't pull that on me, who does he think he is?' I then hear Kanato's voice from the seat next to me. Geez people, you don't know that I'm not human, stop popping up all over the place.

"Look at what she did to Laito teddy, isn't she mean?" he complained, gazing at me with his lonely purple eyes. His purple hair framed his face, as I recalled she had the same hair color. And I still could see the bags under his eyes due to lack of sleep.

'He spends too much time staring at his statues...' I thought, totally petrified on the inside, but smirking on the outside. He suddenly leaned towards me and licked my cheek.

"You're right teddy, she does taste sweet, but also very familiar, why is that?" He said as I rid my cheek of his saliva. I then see Reiji go towards Shu, my eldest half-brother. Shu's blonde hair still had the natural curls that I missed running my hands through. He then opened his eyes slightly as his light, ocean blue eyes sent me into a trance. The ear buds placed loosely in his ears, no doubt he was listening to some sort of classical music. I pulled away when his gaze met mine. Reiji then asked him,

"Do you know why this woman is here?"

"That man called....and told me that he sent us a gift." He mumbled bored. Turning his face towards the couch and slumping in annoyance.

"Oh, so not a sacrificial bride...."

"He also said you can kill her... but it would be wise not to."

"Well thanks for telling me this beforehand deadbeat." Reiji said, his voice dripping in sarcasm as he walked towards me.

"It seems that everything has been sorted out, thanks for being so patient." He paused, "Though I might have to teach you some manners due to that little incident with Laito." Reiji told me, sending shivers down my spine, making me remember how he taught me manners when I was younger.


"QUIET!" a voice roared from behind. I turn around to see my youngest half-brother Subaru glaring at me. His white hair hid one the eyes that was filled rage, while the other blood red orb could be viably seen.

"It seems that everyone is here now, so I will reintroduce them," Reiji proclaimed as he turned toward me.

"There is the eldest, Shu," 'Miss me.'

"I'm the second eldest, Reiji," 'Remember me.'

"The triplets, Ayato..." 'Need me.'

"...Kanato..." 'Sing for me.'

"...and Laito," 'Play piano for me.'

"The youngest, Subaru," 'Open up to me.'

"And our guest, who just arrived yesterday, Yui," 'Why do I feel uneasy with you?'

"Well, my name is Lori Yagami, thank you for allowing me to stay here." I said. Then Yui proceeded to lead me to a room, which coincidentally, was my old one.

"Make yourself comfortable, and you can borrow one of my school uniforms, since school starts at 7 pm." She handed me the clothes.

"Thank you" I replied. With the door finally shut, I fell to my knees in pain. My breath heavy. The material objects in my room started to float to the ceiling as I tried to even my gasps. After a while, when my breathing was steady, the objects fell back into their original place.

'That was close, I thought they were going to see me. I can't let anyone know of this ... curse, not even them.'


A/N: So what do you think? Remember comment, vote and follow.

See you next time :D

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