Chapter 7

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A/N: See...I told you guys that I would update...and I did.....kind of......Alright you guys probably don't want to hear me right now, therefore, on with the story! Also I edited the last chapter because I found so much grammatical errors I felt like I could bye! Also I own nothing but Yuka/Lori!


Opening my door, I sense another presence in my room. I peek into the room, shutting the door behind me, and locking it quickly. On my bed held Shu, his body sprawled out like a starfish, eyes closed as always. My feet carried me over to the bed, allowing me to fully take him in. He had grown so much over the years, his muscles were more toned and defined, and his hair was smoother than I remembered it. His body structure had turned him from a boy into a man, and although he is only 19, he has a mature look about him. One that comes with the air of authority.

"Are you enjoying the view?" a voice called out, snapping me out of my thoughts. I gaze at Shu, noticing that his eyes are now open, staring back at me.

"Well, what is there not to enjoy?" I reply, playing the confident card, seeing it as the only gateway that would get me out of this situation with the least amount of embarrassment.

"I suppose you are right," he states, scanning my body up and down.

" wanted to talk to me about something?"

" Yes..." he pushes himself so that he is now sitting, feet off the bed and body facing me. " ...Is there a reason you are hiding yourself from us Yuka?" his eyes held a certain seriousness that I didn't even think was possible.

"'s complicated..."

"Then un-complicate it."

"I didn't mean to hide's just that you guys wouldn't have believed me if I told you."

"What do you mean?"

"In simple terms, you all had a spell cast on you, though I'm not talking about one that is cast by a witch. You all had something done to you that made you forget about me, whether it be a potion put in your food, or a whiff of something, you all forgot. As soon as Ayato saw me on the first day he didn't even recognize me. If I had asked you all of you had a sister your answer would have been no. The only way that you all remembered me was through my blood, do you understand?"

"Yes, but who would have made us forget?"

"Cordelia of course, she hated me since the day I was conceived. She would have done anything to have me gone."

"Well, I am glad that you are back," he says, his ocean blue eyes coming alive, letting his walls of laziness and lack of motivation drop for a while. Finally letting the personality of his younger self arise.

"I'm glad too," I confess. He then grabs my arm, pulling us onto the bed. He laid beneath me, hooking his arm around my waist to ensure that I couldn't move. After a while I stop resisting and just rest my head on his chest, taking in his scent. Though it was faint, it still had me intoxicated. I snuggle into his chest a bit more, relishing in the comfort.

"This is a bit out of character for you isn't it?" I state, although it came out more like a question.

"But wasn't I just like this before you left?" he replied.

"Yes...but I don't want to make you feel like being someone who you are not."

"Trust me, I feeling more comfortable now than I've been in a while." He then moved, his head tilting downwards and inching closer and closer to my neck. However, before he could bite I turned my head, blocking the side of my neck that he was aiming for.

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