Chapter 5

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A/N: Here you go my lollipops. I hope you guys like this one. Btw if you hadn't noticed before, I don't update on a schedule, but I do whenever I have time, please forgive me. :D Also I own nothing but Yuka/Lori!

"So...what are you going to have me do now?" I inquired, my gaze shifting to him, then the cup, then to him.

"We will get to that later, but first I just wanted us to have a small chat over some tea. Do you mind?" Reiji replied as he beckoned me over to the chair opposite of him, with only a table to separate us. I approached the table slowly, glancing at the perfectly laid out tea set that presented itself before me. The silver chair dragged across the floor board as pulled it out from underneath the tall metallic coffee table. The purple cushion that surround the sitting area of the chair sunk at my wait as I try to make myself comfortable as I can. However I knew that nothing could have stopped the nagging feeling in my stomach of anticipation and nervousness until the cause of this sensation had passed.

"I see that you have finally settled, would you like some tea?" Reiji studied me closely, as if he was daring me to say no.

"Yes please, that would be lovely" I cowered out, knowing that I had no choice. He poured a clear liquid into my cup, waves of steam silently floating to the ceiling. Does he expect me to drink just water? What the heck....

I waited a while to see if he was going to add any other ingredient, or herb, but Reiji just stared at me. His eyes twinkling with mischief and pride, as if forcing me to drink it just with shifting his orbs to look at mine. I raise the porcelain cup to my mouth, and before I took a sip, I figured out what Reiji was trying to do.

"Reiji?" I spoke, making his gaze move away from my face and directly to my eyes.

"Yes?" He murmured angrily, his thoughts filled with annoyance. I'm not even guessing, I just know.

"Is there any reason why you are trying to get me to consume thallium?" gritting my teeth at the mention of the substance. I know that he has always wanted to test out his experiments, however, trying to make me take in such a dangerous substance was totally bonkers.

"My, my, my, you really are a smart one. There isn't even a scent to the liquid yet you were able to detect that it wasn't safe. Impressive..." he applauded, looking mildly amused at my discovery. My eyes widened, so was he trying to kill me deliberately, or does he just not care?

"Do you hate me or something? I know that you are fully aware that if it even touched my tongue I could have been dead in less than 24 hours right?!" What have you become...this isn't the brother I loved...

"For your information, I had the cure right here. Your doubtfulness isn't very befitting of a lady now is it? For a human such as yourself, it is your job to cater to our needs. You fail to realize that we don't have to keep you alive unlike that sacrificial bride." he stated harshly, making my pores raise, and a chill rush down my spine.

"Do you forget that the effects of that drug is irreversible, and therefore, there is no cure? How stupid can you be! It's this same cockiness that caused Yuka to fall ill for 3 months, bedridden the whole time! When are you going to learn that everyone isn't your guinea pig!?" I ranted. Only after a minute or two had passed had I recognized my error. I had said too much, and now I'm going to pay the price. Just hopefully this price isn't my life, or at least what I have left of it.

Reiji stared at the floor, his purple strands shadowing his eyes from my view. I proceeded to walk to the door, trying to get myself out of the mess that I had just made. Just before the tip of my fingers could even brush the doorknob, I felt his hard grip drag me back to his bed. Thrown onto the bed like a sack, I look at Reiji appalled, but not surprised. I dug my nails into the purple coated comforters, as I swiftly crawled backwards, my spine hitting the head of the bed, its metal structure pushing against my skin.

Snake. That's what he reminded me of. He was toying with me, bringing himself onto the bed, and swiftly moving closer to me, until I was buried beneath his well-built figure. His hand on both sides of my head, followed with legs pinning my knees down.

How unattractive, at least he could have been cuter about this whole thing, instead of having that eternal frown etched on his face. I'm not even turned on slightly...

"Humans should learn their place..." Reiji lowered his head, turning his neck slightly.

"You have no right..." His fangs appeared at the side of my view.

"To even know than information...or say something like that..." I felt the tip of his fangs slide against the surface of my skin, but before he could get his guilty pleasure...

"Ow! Tch...what the..." The body that kept me to the bed suddenly recoiled back, shock evident on his face.

"I don't remember giving you permission to taste my blood," I snarled, and I was sure at least one of my eyes were shining just as bright as the sun. He should think twice about who he messes with, I'm done playing games. My eyes stared into his soul for a moment, before swiftly removing myself from his bed. Giving him one last glance, I marched towards the door, head held high. Though, before I could get out the door...

"Who do you think you are?" and I before I could even process what he said, I felt two fangs force themselves into my exposed neck. I could have felt the hostility and the angered built up inside of him. But, I also felt the sadness that he kept burden with him. His bite was worse than Shu's, not even a pinch on sympathy is in it.

Well, since he got me by surprise, might as well leave him, since he is going to release in 3...2...1...

The sharped object that was engraved into my neck had suddenly disappeared, and now the cold and harsh grip that had placed itself on my shoulders, now became a warm embrace. He turned me around in one swift motion, locking his eyes with mine.

"Why...What...How?" these words seemed to stutter out of his mouth. Whoa, this is the first time I've ever seen him at such a loss for words, I've got to give myself props for this.

Reiji POV ~ (I think you guys understand the pattern now)

Why is this little, insolent, person here, she disappeared a long time ago. Why does she have to come back and....*sigh*.This might cause a slight problem in the future, but no matter, we would just have to wait and see how it plays out.

"What are you doing here?" I question, wanting to know more.

"Is that any way to treat your sister? And here I thought I was the one who needed to learn manners, tsk tsk tsk. You should be ashamed of yourself, don't you love me anymore?" she replies, causing my cheeks to slightly flare up, and my cold heart to pound only a fraction faster.

"Well this was unexpected, how did you expect me to act?"

Yuka/Lori's POV ~

"Happy..." I whispered, but I knew too well that he could have heard me.

"Yuka..." he turned his head away.

"Well at least can I get a hug?"

"....You're such a nuisance" but nevertheless, his arms wrapped around me and pulled me into an embrace. Even though currently, he was the most heartless person I had ever met, there was still some love buried somewhere. I know that he least I hope he still did.

I raised my hand to the back of his neck, creating an energy bolt, and zapped him with it. I levitated him back to his bed, and lay him to rest. Such a peaceful face. Jumping out of his bedroom window, I landed in the garden below. I didn't want to risk anyone seeing me come out of his room, especially with these marks on my neck.

Finally walking into the house, and then entering my room, I throw myself onto my bed. Inviting the king of darkness to take over and send me to the land of dreams.

Two down, four to go. I wonder who's going to be next...


A/N: and I'm finally done with episode 2, like damn. But anyway, did you enjoy? I hope you did, and don't forget to vote, follow, and comment.

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