Chapter 11

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A/N: I want to apologize for any errors since I am doing this at 12 am so... Also I just didn't want to make you wait a whole month for another update, so here you go. Sorry again if it's too short.


The walk back was super quiet. No questions asked, not even a glance, Laito just looked to the floor in shock.

"What do you mean..." he asks, looking at me in confusion.

"Don't worry about it now. It's as they say, "all will be revealed in time"." I reply, opening the large metal gate that surrounds the house, which was sloppily closed. It was a sign that someone had run through in haste. At least Yui listened... "Well this is where we part, I'm going to check-"

"I missed you...and I will do anything to keep you safe." Laito cuts off my sentence with his own, his arms wrapping around me in such a gentle manner, as if he thought that I would break.

"Come on," I sigh, not in an aggravated way, but one that hides a chuckle, "where's my playboy of a brother?"

"Well, if you want me to be that way, it can be arranged..." he whispers into my ear, his wondering hands heading south but I stop him just in time. Pulling out of his grip I run towards the front door, only glancing back to stick out my tongue at him.

I didn't plan to give out so much information...

I make my way to Yui's room, not even listening to Reiji as he calls my name, demanding why I wondered out so late at night. All I do is give him a death glare in reply, which makes him to mute for a while.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Yui it's me, you in there?" I call out to her from the outside off her door, only having to wait a few seconds until the doorknob jiggles and I'm hastily pulled inside. "Yui, you okay?" I ask, feeling her drag me into a hug, tears hitting my shoulder where her head rests.

"I thought that you wouldn't come back, I was so scared..." Yui cries, filling me with so much grief and sadness that I just explode.

"I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be worrying about me. I'm...I'm not a good person you know?" She looks up at me in confusion as I wipe away a tear from her eye.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, I haven't been completely honest with you...actually I'm not even-"

"Oye Pancake! Ore-sama is hungry." Someone shouts from the opposite end of the door. And without even a reply, they open it revealing the person to be Ayato, my older brother. But truth be told I actually came out the womb before him....hmph...stupid Japanese traditions...

"Melons, what are you doing here?" he asks me, walking up to me in, what is supposed to be, an intimidating manner. However all I can do is look at him with an unimpressed expression, showing him that he clearly was interrupting.

"I was having some fun..." I pull Yui close to me, since we were still standing, and tilt her head to the side. I whisper a few quick words of sorry before licking the side of her neck in a seductive manner, all of the while staring right at Ayato, daring him to defy me. "So, I would really appreciate if you leave Ore-sama."

"No way, not this time!" With that he forcefully pulls her out of my arms and roughly shoves her against himself, giving me such a harsh gaze, that it almost looks like...jealously? Inwardly smirking I leave them be, knowing that in order for Yui to stomach my secret she would need to grow some thicker skin. Besides, I doubt that Ayato is going to kill her, especially with that split second expression.

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