Chapter 10

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A/N~ Okay okay I know I'm a horrible person and I'm a failure at updating but being a high school student is super stressful (yes I just revealed a part of my secret identity :P). However, I really appreciate those who see the effort that I make and still read my story. Thanks for be amazing my lollipops (and cake).


"And who told you that I want to be here?" I was furious in an instant. What right does he have to tell me to be a maid, especially to them? However, even though it's frustrating, I calm down, not wanting any more of my secrets split, at least not over something like this.

"It was quite obvious, I mean you did come here for a I wrong?" Reiji smirks in triumph, using my own weakness as leverage. By now I was off of the bed, though the quiet protests from Shu were tempting.

"No...but why a maid? Do you just love me so much that you're at the end of your rope?"

"Ungrateful swine. Don't be too full of yourself, or would you rather be a slave?"

"..." I couldn't answer back, there was only so much a little sister could do before being pushed back in submission.

Arguing back and pleading my case were two things that were completely useless in this situation. I am the lamb and he is the lion, therefore we both knew who is going to fall first. As much as my mind tells me to plead to Shu for help, I don't. I was more than capable of dealing with things myself, and he knew that.

"Fine, but..." I walk up to him brimming with confidence, catching him off guard, "this fight is far from over. Remember that." With that I slam the door behind me, daring it to fall off its hinges. Alright, now let's go find that trouble maker... Although there's no guarantee that she had returned, I myself moving in the direction of her room.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Oye Yui, you in there? It's me Lori." No answer. I knocked again just in case she was asleep but still got no reply, so, I just opened the door. Hopefully she would forgive me.

As I turn the knob and force the door open, no voice cries out to me, allowing me to think that she hadn't gotten home yet. However, after seeing the rumpled sheets, which is still a light shade of rose, I let out a sigh of relief. Or, at least I was relived until I realized that the bed was empty. Damn it. So, my only choice is to stay here and wait, fun...

I position myself on her bed, the frame of it protecting my eyes from the light on the ceiling. Feeling slightly tired I yawn, laying myself down on the bed as I wait for Yui. Although, as soon as my head hits the pillow, I feel a prickling sensation that makes me sit right back up. Clutching the silver rosary that laid on the pillow I let out a sigh, knowing exactly where Yui had gone.

I venture outside her room, and move towards the door before knocking into someone which sends me flat on my butt.

"Hm, so the walking corpse is still here? I didn't expect for the monster to show herself so soon." A rough voice states, making me look up to see whose memory I would have to wipe. Although, the voice turns out to be Richter, which makes me stand up, instantly raising the shield which I had forgotten to do before.

"What I do is-" I try to reply, but suddenly feel a pain in my chest, causing my mouth to release a cough which I cover with my right hand. Ready to continue my sentence I remove my hand, only to see that it's caked in red.

Is that...blood? But why is this happening now? I used my powers the last few times but I didn't get the backlash...

"Is your curse catching up with you Yuka?" his voice full of amusement.

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