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I'll always be here, you know that right?

"This is possibly the worst party I've ever attended," Emily mutters to Hermione, smoothing the crease in her emerald green dress as she stands behind a curtain hiding from Hermione's date with her.

"Yes, well you should have got yourself a date," Hermione shrugs, peeking her head from behind the curtain

"Yes. We could hide from two boys instead of just your date," Emily smirks, ignoring Hermione's eye roll

"Would have been fun, shame you're all hung up on Draco," she snaps back. Exhaling loudly as she realises the comment she's made "Em, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that I am just stressed and-"

"It's okay. You're right. I'm all hung up on Dray and it's not exactly healthy," Emily shrugs, sticking her arm out of the gap in the curtains to tug Harry behind them.

"What're you doing here?"

"Hiding from Cormac," Hermione shrugs, smirking as Emily steals the glass of champagne from Harry's hand and chugs it

"Having fun?" He questions Emily, sarcasm dripping from his voice

"Ran out of my own drink," she returns, giving him the empty glass back "Why do you look all tense?" She adds

"I could have sworn I just saw- never mind," he cuts himself off after receiving a pointed look from Hermione, it goes unnoticed by Emily as she scans the room.

"Going out for another drink," she announces "Hermione come with, if Cormac approaches I'll fake cry and give you an excuse to get away,"

"Sure," Hermione agrees

"Harry get back to Luna, she looks like she's scaring Slughorn,"

"Right," Harry nods. With that the trio exit their little hideaway.

Emily bee lining for Neville who is holding a tray of champagne, dragging Hermione with her.

"Hey Nev, how's it going?" Emily questions, taking two glasses and passing one to Hermione

"Great, how are you?"

"I am okay. Hey Nev, any time you spot me without a drink in-" she cuts herself off when she spots a commotion.

Draco is being held by the scruff of his jacket by Filch, Slughorn looking at him in curiosity. Emily sighs before walking towards the commotion.

Draco notices her approaching and internally is grateful. He's not sure if it's because she's about to get him out of trouble or because she looks so damn good in the short strappy green dress that accentuates her cleavage. Either way he's happy for the first time in a while under her small smile. He notices she's fiddling with her hands, she always does when she's nervous, his ring still sitting on her hand.

"Draco, there you are. I was beginning to think you'd stood me up!" She declares as reaches them. Taking his hand and yanking him out of Filch's hold.

For a second they both forget how to breathe. The first time they've touched in months and they can both feel their hearts racing. He strokes the side of her hand with his thumb like he always does, it's reflex at this point, and she wonders if he's aware he's even doing it.

"Mr Malfoy is your date, Emily dear?" Slughorn questions with a cheery smile

"Yes Professor,"

"Well aren't you two a darling couple. No worries Argus, Mr Malfoy is plenty welcome," he smiles, dismissing the care taker who walks away grumbling to his beady eyed cat.

Slughorn disappears off to mingle and she immediately pulls Draco off into a quiet corridor.

"What're you doing here?" She questions, eyes scanning him to check she's okay.

"Nothing. I was just walking about. Forgot it was even on," he lies. He knows she doesn't believe him from the look in her eyes but she drops it.

They're both thinking it. As they stand a little too close together for friends, his hand on the side of her hip without either of them even thinking about it. They were like two magnets. Throughout their relationship and even now they always seemed to be touching.

If things were different they'd be here together. Maybe the party would suck a little less.

"Potter is watching us," Draco comments, breaking the silence

"Ignore him," she shrugs, glancing over her shoulder at him "he seems to think you're suspicious,"

"Not entirely wrong," Draco mutters. She sighs, sensing the shame that practically radiates from him and rubs her hand up and down his arm soothingly.

"I'll always be here, you know that right? If you need me I mean," she offers gently

"I know. Thank you," he nods

"Of course," she smiles a soft smile that doesn't reach her eyes. "I'll see you around," she adds, pulling from his light grip and slipping back into the party.

Draco watches from the corridor as Harry places a glass of champagne in her hand before seeming to bombard her with questions, no doubt about his presence. She seems to shrug them off, instead pointing in Ginny Weasley's direction, clearly a big enough distraction for Harry.

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