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Im always a little nervous around you

"Are you serious?" He questions, eyebrows raised and the smirk that seemed to be a constant resting on his face.

"Yes. Yes I am," she smiles brightly, a large bag from Zonko's with Fred's delivery in it clutched in one hand and the other pulling him along.

"You want to get ice cream. In February. It's cold enough as it is, don't you think?" His tone is light and teasing and he can't help but enjoy the way she's gripping his hand to pull him along and the determination in her eyes.

"It's not my fault you've never had Honeydukes ice cream Dray, that's on you and your bad choices," she protests, rolling her eyes as he laughs at her dramatics.

"What flavour do you want?" She questions as they enter the crowded store.

"Um, probably the double chocolate swirl," he shrugs, eyes scanning the menu for a second.

"Okay, you go get the chocolate frogs you owe Theo and I'll get the ice creams?" She offers. He nods, giving her hand a quick squeeze before disappearing into the large crowd.
She walks straight up to the ice cream server, unsurprisingly there was no line.

The pair reunite outside the store and Draco leads her with a hand on the small of her back, away from to crowd and down the street, both sitting on a wall overlooking the hilly countryside.

"Go on try it," she demands pressing the ice cream cone into his hand. He laughs at her childish antics before taking a kick of the ice cream. Letting out an unintentional groan at the admittedly incredible treat.

"I told you," she grins proudly, happily enjoying her own ice cream. They sit close together, legs pressed together and he can't help but stare as she enjoys her ice cream.

They finish their food before jumping down from the wall, his arm around her shoulder as they wonder through town, dipping in and out of stores.

"You want to go to Madame Puddifoot's?" He questions as they near it on the street.

"Yeah sure," she agrees. The three brook sticks was definitely more her style, something he was well aware of, but they were both vaguely avoiding Rosmerta so showing up in her establishment wouldn't be a great plan. Besides, is she returned without having gone to the 'romantic hotspot' she's pretty sure Lavender would cry.

He leads her in to the pink tea shop and they take a seat. Both of them scanning the room and all the overly affectionate couples filling it. They talk casually about the upcoming trial in the tri-wizard tournament that's a week today, before their tea and cakes arrive.

"You know I was so nervous about us going out today," she comments, he can't help but chuckle

"And why's that?"

"I don't know. Thought we would run out of things to say and sit in a big awkward silence. First dates  are scary,"

"Yes. But I've known you my whole life and we see each other everyday. Plus you're already my girlfriend, I kind of fucked up on the order of all of this,"

"A wise friend once told me there's no such thing as a wrong order, it's just a different one,"

"Hermione I assume," he smirks making her laugh

"How did you know?"

"Ron hardly seems like the type to be spurting out such intellect,"

"A good point well made," she laughs.

"Are you still nervous?" He questions.

She's not really sure when they leaned in, but in that moment she was only inches from his face, his eyes flickering between her eyes and her lips as she subconsciously bites the bottom one.

"I'm always a little nervous around you honestly," she whispers

"In a good way?"

"In a very good way," she nods. He's pressing his lips to hers in an instant. Kissing hard and fast. Pouting when she pulls away, both of their lips a little puffy and red.

"I am not becoming a girl who makes out with her boyfriend in Madame Puddifoots," she explains a smile on her face. He can't help the laugh as his eyes scan the room and the couples in it, a fair amount doing exactly as she said.

"Not even for me?"

"Think I would be tortured by the twins in a hazing to try and get the old me back,"

"I would also be tortured by them I assume,"

"Oh yes. They have big plans for it you hurt me," she grins

"I don't doubt that," he grins back. "So if you won't make out with me here I guess we have to go back to one of our dorms," he smirks

"Whoever do you take me for Draco? A girl who makes out on a first date?"

"You made out with me on a date to the Yule ball with someone else," he comments, a cocky smirk on his face.

"A blip in judgement,"

"And every time after that?" He teases. The pair had fallen into a routine, after classes end they take a walk around the grounds of go to the library to study, that inevitably ends with making out in a secluded corner or one of their dorms, before they head to dinner and separate to go to their own tables.

"Don't know what you're talking about," she grins, standing up and offering him a hand, he gladly takes it, dropping some money onto the table before leading her from the tea shop.


Having spent the remainder of the afternoon in Draco's dorm she can't help the giddy smile on her face when she drops into a seat opposite Harry at the dinner table.

"Where are the others?" She questions, piling some roast potatoes and lamb onto her plate.

"Hermione is studying and Ron is in a very heated game of Wizards chess with George," He shrugs, "came down so you wouldn't be all alone," he adds, sending her a gentle smile as he takes a forkful of his role

"Whatever would I do without you?" She questions, leaning forwards to pinch his cheek.

"Be the lone abandoned infant who gate crashes the Weasley's?"

It was no secret Harry and Emily were close. Although their situations were different they both found themselves parentless and lacking in family when they first met. Bonding quickly and becoming thick as thieves. Despite having their own best friends respectively, they had been each others family before anyone else. They were more a brother and sister than anything else and neither of them took any shame in admitting that they would be utterly lost without the other.

"Would have to be," she laughs

"So, how was the big date?"

"It was really good. Like the best first date I've ever had,"

"You've had three," he points out

"Better than your big fat zero Potter,"

"He was good to you?"

"He always is," she assures. Turning around to glance at him to find him already looking right back at her.

99 ways to say I love you- Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now