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You need me to pick you up?

Alcohol pulsed through her body as she danced. The hands of a stranger running up and down her sides and Hermione watches with a grin.

Ginny had opted to take her bridal party to a muggle club for her bachelorette party and they were all having a good time. Emily, Hermione, Luna and Fleur made up the group.

It had been a lovely day, they'd all gone to try on their bridesmaids dresses that morning before going to get facials and drink mimosas.
After they went for a lunch that had a lot of wine and then all got ready at for their night out at Emily's apartment as it was the one closest to the central London area.

They'd been drinking since 11 am and all five girls were pissed. Stumbling as they danced and laughing loudly at everything.

"Let's get shots!" Ginny shouts. She's dancing with Luna, Hermione and Fleur a few metres away. Emily being the only single one was the only one who had ventured off with an attractive stranger.

Fleur grabs Emily's wrist pulling her away from the man and off with the girls in the direction of the bar. Momentarily Emily feels bad for blue ballsing the guy, she hadn't necessarily decided she'd go home with him but she also hadn't decided against it but now they'd been separated she wouldn't be going looking for him.

Each girl chucks two tequila shots back, all ordering another drink and taking them from the bartender before Hermione pulls them to a booth.

"Ginny! How excited are you to marry Harry?" Hermione shouts over the music, the most sober there by a mile.

"I'm so glad. I'm so in love with him," she hiccups "the only person ever. No one else like my baby," she slurs as she talks

"How'd you know you wanted to marry him?" Emily questions, eyes dazed and one person in her mind.

"He's beautiful. I just look at him and I wanna jump on his dick!" Ginny grins brightly making the rest of the girls laugh "and he's like the only person who makes me that happy. No one compares. Just him. Know I could never want anyone else,"

"Zat iz beautiful," Fleur smiles

"Is that how you feel about Bill?" Emily asks

"Yez, he'z everything," she smiles back

"You're thinking about Draco," Luna comments, her head dropping to rest on Hermione's shoulder.

"I'm not!" Emily lies. All the girls squeal and laugh, reading straight through her bullshit.

"Call him!" Ginny shouts

"I can't. He'll be with Astoria,"

"Dare you," Ginny smirks. If there's one thing they all knew about Emily it's that she would never turn a dare down.

"He won't be able to hear me," she shrugs

"Call him in the bathroom come on!" Hermione shouts. The girls down the end or their drinks and then they all head towards the toilets.

They cram themselves into the small bathroom stall and Emily pulls out her phone.

Draco was adamant he didn't want a phone but Emily had purchased him one anyway. She had insisted that he have her number in it in case he needed to get hold of her quickly. He'd eventually come around and had the rest of their group and wider friends numbers too.

He picks up after two dial tones

"Angel? What are you doing calling me? Thought you were out with the girls?" He questions. The girls are grabbing each other and holding back giggles. The entire thing only funny due to the fact none of them can see straight.

"Draco! You picked up!" She calls excitedly

"Course I did. Are you okay? How drunk are you darling? You're slurring," he teases through the phone.

"How drunk are you?" She retaliates, although it makes no sense

"I'm sober, unlike some us clearly. What's wrong? You need me to pick you up?" He asks slightly concerned by her call

"You can't pick me up. You're at dinner with Astoria and her parents. That's why you can't sleep at my house so you're there when I get back and I need you to look after me," she grumbles, Fleur gives her shoulder a reassuring squeeze

"But if something is seriously wrong I'll take the bollocking from my father to make sure you're safe,"

"I am safe. I'm sad Draco,"

"Why darling?" Draco sounds worried, his heart is beating a million miles an hour, he hates the thought of her hurting.

"Everyone else is going to go home and their boy is going to be waiting for them and will look after them and will make them feel better and will make sure they're okay in the morning. But I'm going home to an empty house all alone," she grumbles. Hermione seems to sense the conversation has taken a private turn, dragging the rest of the girls out into the main area of the bathroom to give them some space.

"Angel," he sighs gently. Draco is stood in the bathroom of his home, having slipped out of the sitting room full of wedding planning (despite the fact he hadn't officially proposed yet) to take the call. His head resting against the wall. "You know I'd be there if I didn't have this meal,"

"There's always going to be something," she slurs and his heartbreaks "when you marry Astoria you won't be able to come and stay ever anymore,"


"No it's okay. I just have to remember that Max was right," she can feel the whole room stumbling and a feeling of sick in her chest, she's not sure if it's the thoughts in her head or the alcohol.

"Max? What does he have to do with anything?" Draco questions sounding shocked

"He told me it didn't matter if I choose you cause you choose her. He is right. I'll go home forever and it will be empty because you're not my boy so I can't not get a different one because otherwise I'll be alone forever and die and get eaten by cats an- oh my god I'm going to be sick,"

Her concerned statement breaks up her ramble. The door to the stall bursts open and Hermione is quick to grab her hair, rubbing her back. She can distantly hear Ginny throwing up into a different toilet.

Draco waits on his end of the phone until Hermione pulls it to her ear "Draco, hi it's Hermione,"

"Is she okay?" He questions immediately

"Yeah she's just drank way too much,"

"I'm going to go to her apartment. I'll tell my father it's work and-"

"Dont. I know you're just trying to help but the worst thing for her tonight will be to see you-"

"She just told me she wanted me there-" he cuts her off but she silences him.

"Draco, she wants you there every night and you can't be, if you're there tonight it's just going to make her feel even worse," Hermione sighs

"Okay-just- just make sure she gets home safe for me?" He sounds torn and Hermione knows how much he is hating this.

"I will, she can stay with Ron and I for the night. I'll text you," she confirms before hanging up. Cringing a little at the sound of Ginny spewing in the next stall.

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