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I had to know you were alright

Draco's heart twists as he glances round the home. Scorched and burnt. He sees family photos ruined. The clock he knows holds a spoon for Emily smashed on the floor. Even the Christmas decorations are black with soot.

He's lead up a flight of stairs. Harry and Ron both leaning over a banister to see who was outside. Before either can speak, and Draco is sure they want to, Molly's voice sounds

"You care about her. Shut up and go back into Ron's bedroom," she demands. The boys shooting him glares before doing as told.

Draco is led into a room on the first floor, a small double bed with red bedding and walls covered in posters. Ginny is sat on the air bed, a look of worry on her face. The twins sat cross legged at the end of the double bed Emily is laid in. Both leaning over to watch her.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Ginny demands. Her loud voice waking a groggy looking Emily.

"She's right mum! Get him out. Probably a spy!" Fred shouts

"Or maybe he cares about her as much as the rest of us," George snaps. He's clearly not happy about it.

"If not more. All of you out. Fred, George you go to your room. You're both sleeping here for the night. Do not even think of going to that flat I want all you kids under my roof tonight. Ginny, you sleep in Charlie's room. Emily needs space," Molly instructs.

The trio leave, shooting Draco glares on the way out.

"Draco, if you need anything help yourself. Your welcome to stay the night. It's late and I don't want you travelling all upset in the dark," Molly offers


Molly presses a kiss to the top of Emily's head, giving Draco's shoulder a motherly squeeze of support, before leaving the room.

"What're you doing here?" Emily questions. Draco is lingering awkwardly by the door way.

"I had to know you were alright," he speaks quietly. She nods, patting the mattress next to her.

Draco shoves his suit jacket off and toes out of his shoes, dropping down into the mattress next to her. Smiling slightly when he gets close enough and realises the jumper flooding her figure is his.

"You know that I had no idea. If I'd known-"

"I know Draco. You wouldn't let me be in harms way if you could help it,"

"How bad was it?" He questions, smiling as she lays her head into his neck, nuzzling as close as humanly possible.

"It felt like my whole body was being stabbed by burning kitchen knives. Never felt anything like it. The worst pain I've ever felt," she admits gently "broke my ankle running in the marshland as well," she explains, gesturing to her elevated foot.

"Mrs Weasley mended it?"

"Yeah. Set the bone and all, it should repair within the next 24 hours providing I keep it rested,"

"You'll have the Weasley's waiting on you hand and foot then,"

"Something like that," she smiles.

They lay for a while in silence. His arms holding her and her fingers trailing up and down his chest.  Both of them basking in being together for the first time in so long.

"I'll miss you," she admits gently


"I'll wake up and you'll be gone. I just need you to know I'll miss you,"

"I'll miss you too. More than anything," he speaks quietly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"Am I dreaming? Are you really here?"

"I'll always be here when you need me," he promises.

She slides his ring off her finger, holding it out for him.

"You keep it. Carry a little piece of me with you," he smiles, sliding the ring back up her finger. He wonders if she knows that she also carries his heart. His thumb strokes over the words carved into her skin by umbridge's quill. It all feels so long ago.


She wakes up, having had the best nights sleep she's had since they broke up. She's not surprised to find the mattress next to her empty, the pillow cold, she rolls over, inhaling deeply. Can she smell a trace of him? Or is it just his jumper she's wearing?

"You're not insane don't worry,"

She looks up to see George sat at the end of the bed, looking up from a clipboard she knows he uses to track stock at the store.

"He was here?" She questions

"He was. Left before any of us woke up. I think he knew mum could only restrain the rest of us for so long. He left a note though, thanking us for our hospitality," he speaks in a slightly mocking tone. She laughs a little. How very Draco. "The note also wished you all the best in your recovery. Apologised profusely for the damages caused. It was accompanied by a check to fix the house,"

"Oh," Emily isn't really sure what to say. Not sure how the Weasley's would take his charity.

"Don't think I have ever seen mum so relieved. She had no clue how she would swing it without,"

"I'm glad. You know if I hadn't been cut off-"

"Do not even start with that," George scolds glaring at her "I'd slap you if you weren't all pathetic and sick. You're  a Weasley now. You have been for years. What's ours is yours. We know you would help if you could," he assures

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