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I can't stop thinking about you

"Where are you going Draco?" Pansy questions, her voice, which she is attempting to make high and cute, sounds like nails on a chalk board to him.

"To find Davies," he responds sharply. His hand yanking the compartment door open.

"Why Dray? I want to hear about your summer," she fakes a giggle that makes him feel a little sick

"Drop it Pansy, let him go find his girl," Theodore Knott reprimands from the corner, nose still in a book. Draco likes that. Someone calling Emily his girl, he wants the whole world to think of her like that, think of her and him and know that he feels so deeply connected to her that he can never get her out of his thoughts.

He's surprised when he turns left after exiting his compartment to see a familiar figure just down the hall. She's already in  her uniform and although her body is in the corridor her head is poking into a compartment.

"I'll be right back I swear!" Her familiar voice calls, a laugh held within it as she retracts her head and shuts the door. He watches as she turns and her smile seems to double in size at the sight of him.

They both walk towards each other and he is slightly taken aback when her arms fling around him and pull him into a tight hug, nonetheless he hugs back. His face in her hair as he squeezes her close, the smell of her vanilla shampoo invading his senses.

"Someone missed me," he teases into her hair.

"Oh like you didn't miss me Malfoy," she laughs. Grabbing his hand and pulling him down the corridor a little. She leads him into an empty compartment before dropping onto the seat. "Well, you going to sit?" She questions when he stands in the doorway a little too long.

He moves then, as if suddenly reminded how to function like a normal person, shutting the door and sitting down across from her.

"So, how was Paris? And Italy?" She questions a bright grin on his features

"They were the same as ever. Beautiful, warm, cultured, ruined by my fathers company," he jokes

"He seems the same,"

"You made quite the impression,"

"I always do," she winks. She leans her head back letting out a content sigh.

"How was the Weasley's?" He questions, eyes fixed on the way her fingers fiddle with the end of her short school skirt.

"It was great, it always is cause they're all just so lovely, but it was just the best trip. They are practically family now and it's the most at home I've felt in a while," she explains. She isn't quite sure if he will get why the Weasley family mean so much to her but she really does want him to understand. He has to know that she's not the girl he once knew if all of this is to last she had decided that.

"I can imagine, a family full of love and light and laughter. It's what you deserve. What you always wanted," he smiles gently. And he means it. God he means it. He wants her happy always.

"You deserve it too yknow? If it's what you wanted I mean," she feels a little too awkward to look at him so instead she looks out of the window.

"I'm my parents son. I'm the only one they've got. I can't turn my back on them,"

"But they treat you-"

"I mean it Emily. I will do what I have to do to make them proud because I am indebted to them," he announces. It's a darker tone that she has never heard directed at her and it silenced her. She feels like she's a child being told off by a teacher and can't help the embarrassment.

"I didn't mean to over step,"

"You didn't. I just needed you to know. You may have changed, and I'm glad you have as you're clearly happier but I won't. If that's going to be a pr-"

"No. No of course it's not. I understand Dray, I'm not judging," she assures. He nods a soft smile on his face. He's happy to hear that, it means maybe she might be in his life again for a long time.

"Can I tell you something really embarrassing?" She questions, glancing at him before staring at the hem of her skirt.

"Course you can," he grins, standing up and dropping into the seat next to her.

"I can't stop thinking about you," she admits. Still refusing to look at him as she begins to ramble "I mean- not like- just that I'm happy we are friends again  and it feels like I've been missing a part of me and I have it back- and- and I just I missed you and now I've got back I just can't stop thinking about you,"

He reaches his hand out, gently cupping her chin in it and moving her face to be looking at him.

"I can't stop thinking about you either," he informs. Voice soft. His eyes flick between hers and her lips and he's happy to see hers move to do the same, so close he can feel her breath on his face

"Oh my god!" She shouts, pulling away suddenly before jumping up and repositioning herself so she isn't blocking the light.

"What's wrong?" He questions, slightly panicked. Had he overstepped?

"Your lip!" She exclaims, moving close and angling his face so she can see it properly "Dray , it's all busted. Are you okay? What happened?" She questions worriedly. He looks away. He doesn't want to tell her it's because he had talked to her so openly after she 'disrespected' his father. Doesn't want her to feel guilty.

Her eyes widen and he can tell that she has worked out what his lack of an explanation means.

"Your dad this?" She questions, eyes boring into is as he shrugs, ashamed to admit it. "Why? Why would he do that?" She presses hand cupping his cheek, thumb stroking over it comfortingly. He can't help the butterflies, she remembered that as a kid stroking his cheek was the only way to get him to calm down or fall asleep.

"It's nothing darling, I promise, we just disagreed on-"

"Draco did he do this because of what happened at the quidditch World Cup? Because of me?" She questions. He wants to badly to lie but he knows she will see right through it

"Yes. But honestly it's okay, it's not your fault an-" he's cut off when, for the second time in less than twenty minutes, she is flinging her arms around him and holding him in a tight hug.

"Oh Dray," she sighs gently against his chest "I am so so sorry. I would never said any of it or even spoken to you if I had known he would punish you for it and I would take it all back if I could,"

"Don't you worry precious, it's all alright. Not your fault at all and I'm going to be just fine," he comforts her, rubbing her back as she rambles into his chest

"You can punch me and bust my lip if you want? An eye for an eye and all that," she offers, he thinks at first it's a joke but when he sees the look in her eyes he knows it not

"Why would I ever want to do that?"


"Payback would be to bust his lip, not to ruin that pretty face,"

"If it's any consolation you look pretty even with the busted lip," she smiles. He blushes madly and rolls his eyes at her. "Can I fix it? I'm good at fixing minor incidents, Bill taught me ages ago so I could help the twins when their pranks go wrong," she explains. He nods and watches as she pulls her wand from her robes, pointing it to his lip before muttering under her breath. After a weird tingle he feels the sting in his lip has vanished, lifting his hand to touch it and feeling it has returned to normal.

"Thanks," he smiles

"Anytime Malfoy," she grins back

99 ways to say I love you- Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now