Chapter 15 Mad Max

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A/N: there's a reason why I named him Max.

Hazbin hotel

I was in my room.
I was sad.
I was betrayed.
What was the point?
What was the point of any of it?
.. all of my endurance, all of my suffering, and I was betrayed by the girl I loved.
Everything I've...

Images of Max when he was younger went through his head... those terrible memories in school, of all the suffering from his tormentors.

I've been good... my whole life... and this is what I get? "This iS HOW IM REWARDED!?!?!?!?!?!?!" I threw a lamp across the room.


Hotel Lobby

The commotion that Max was causing can be heard from all the way down stairs.

"What the fuck is going on upstairs?!?!" Husk asked.

"I think, he gave in to his inner demons." Angie said, with a smirk on his face.

Max's room

I was screaming out of anger. Destroying my room. And After what felt like an eternity. I stopped. I went to the bathroom and looked at my appearance. I changed... but unlike before both my arms changed, my hair lost its blue streak and now completely black, and my eyes were completely blue and with no iris' or pupils, just a blue color for eyes... and my teeth were now sharper than usual... this must be my demonic form.

I was pissed... I was...Mad.

I left the bathroom and went out my room. I need to go somewhere.


Charlie saw Max coming downstairs with his hood on. "Max are you-" But he headed straight to the door. "Max, where are you going?" He didn't reply, he just left.

Later, 3rd person (for the first and only time)

Max was walking on the street, heading towards his destination.

"Well, look who it is." He stopped on his tracks didn't even bother to find the source of the voice. But he knew all to well who it is. It was the same person who gave him that, already healed black eye, Seviathan von Eldritch, along with his sister Helsa.

"How's that black eye treating ya, still hurts?" He asked, but Max didn't reply.

"What? Too scared to talk?" Helsa asked. And continue to walk away.

"Okay I see how it is, he wants one for his other eye." Seviathan, walked up to Max and grabbed him by the shoulder, but as he laid his hand on him, Max gabbed it and turned around.

"What the- *smack*" Max grabbed his face and slammed it down on the concrete floor and started punching him repeatedly.

"What the fuck?!?!" Helsa asked. Max stopped punching him and continued to walk. Helsa walked up to her brother, and saw he was badly beaten. She then looked at Max "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?!?!?" Helsa asked, but Max just continued to walk away.

Later news station

Katie and Tom were preparing to go live. But as usual Katie was being a bitch.

"And we're live in 3...2...1"

"Welcome, I'm Katie killjoy."

"And I'm Tom Trench."

"We just received word that a robbery happen, not to long ago, all that's was taken was a metal bat. Huh, guess this dumb ass couldn't give two shits about cash-" as Katie was talking someone cut her off.

"Hey, bitch." Katie stopped as she heard THAT word she hated so much. Anger started building up inside.

"Who the FUCK said- *WACK*" Katie was hit across the face by a metal bat. Katie fell to the floor bleeding from her mouth. "You want ratings, I'LL GIVE YOU RATINGS WHORE!!!!" Katie looked up and saw the same person who called her a bitch yesterday, Max.

"Keep those FUCKING cameras rolling or you assholes are next." Max said, pointing at the camera men, with the metal bat. Max stood above Katie and continued to beating her with the bat.

After what felt like enough, Max dropped the bat and look at Tom. Tom looked terrified.

"Beat it Trench, I'm taking over the news at the moment, and someone get this white trash slut off the floor!" Max said.

Hazbin hotel

Vaggie walked in and told Charlie what's happening.

"Charlie, I found Max." She said as she turned on the TV. Everyone including I.M.P, looked as Max was on TV.

With Max

Max was sitting silent, for a moment.

"Have you ever been stabbed in the heart by the girl you loved? Well heh I have... literally, hehehe-"

Stolas' Castle

Octavia was eating when she saw Max on the news

"Oh Max..." she said, with a bit of sadness in her voice.

"she's the reason why I'm down here, HAHAHAHAHA, she was a satanic worshipping WHORE!!!!!!!" Max said as he slammed the bat on the news desk.

Porn studios

Velvet was hurt as she saw Max on TV.

"Oh my Max is hurt, and it's all because of HER!!!"

"All my life I've been a good soul, and because of HER IM STUCK IN HELL!!!!! WITH NO WAY OF LEAVING!!!!!"

Streets of pentagram city

Cherri bomb was watching the news from a TV in the window.

"Where you going with this handsome?"

"Stuck with all of you. EVEN THOUGH I HAVEN'T COMMITTED A SIN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!!!!!!"

Back at the news station

"... well then... if I'm gonna be stuck down here with all of you... I might as well commit the sin. I.M.P, I'm putting in a request for multiple targets... and I'm coming with... this one's personal. Max is dead, I'm now... Mad Max." Max said with a wicked smile on his face. Max approached the camera and smashed it with the metal bat.

A/N: if you thought the radio demon was a lazy name, pretty sure it won't top off Mad Max.

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