Chapter 26 Letters

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A/N: apology for what I'm about to say for all you Tex and Loona shippers, but I'm so glad he had a girlfriend. And for us who love Loona. SHE'S STILL SINGLE BOYS!!!!!


I went to the living world with Loona, preferably my bedroom. I found a letter on the table, I took the letter and was about to leave until...

"Max? Are you there?" I heard my dads voice, on the other side of the door.

"Wait don't go!!! Look Just hear me put. Max I don't know if we're going crazy or not... okay I don't know about a lot of things. But if you can hear me son... it's okay... you can come home anytime you want."

I bled at my dads words... Loona walked up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder, reassuring me.

"Your not crazy." I said as I went through the portal.

Max's dad quickly entered his room. Only to have missed him.

Hell I.M.P office

I read the letter my parents wrote me... I felt happy... but at the same time sad.

"I wanna see you guys too... but I can't... not like this." I said as I start to cry. Then Loona spoke up.

"If you wanna see them why don't you?" Loona asked.

"Yeah sure *sniff* "hey mom, hey dad I'm alright." While looking like this!" I said as I gestured to my appearance.

"What about your human disguise?"

*record scratch SFX*

"Wait... my what?"

"Ugh... they never told you? Demons have the ability to take on the appearance of humans."

"... what?"

"They seriously never told you?"

"... MOTHER FFFFFFFFFFFF.... ugh gonna kill myself. I'm gonna... *inhale* *exhale* we'll point is... I can do it... meaning I can see them, without looking like my demon form."

"Yeah... everything's okay... you know... the guys are away on business... what say we..."

She didn't need to say anymore I just pushed her to the floor and took her.

2 hours later

After that, me and Loona chilled on the sofa, talking.

"So... what made you wanna hook up with me?" I asked.

"Not gonna lie, there was another guy I was interested in but he had a girlfriend already."

"Oh really. Sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, when I heard what you said on the news, when I saw the look on your face, you displayed anger and insanity, but what stood out the most was sadness. It was then... for the first time ever... I felt bad for someone besides Blitz." Wow, for the first time?

I gave Loona a hug, her bare breast pushing against my chest. "Thank you... I glad I've meet you... I'm glad I meet all of you." I said, Loona then hugged me back. We then stared at each other in the eyes, and share a passionate kiss. Then Loona's phone rang.

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