Chapter 5

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okay so I got my i think its @LovinPrinceton

yea i think it is.

well i'll TRY to make this good b/c i have no ideas but i don't break my promises, so i HAVE to update b/c i don't want to disappoint my fans ^___^ plus i was happy & in the mood of writing.........

ok, on to the story


Monologue #1

Saying love is easy........but showing and appreciating it is hard.


Palace Central  / 2:46 P.M

Nicole POV

i looked into Darcey's eyes thinking about how i was gonna break it down to her that i got raped and  hit by Jaquaves...... she looked at me with anger, confusion, and curiosity. I chewed on my bottom lip worried to tell her the truth but eventually it was going to spill out anyways right? So i breathed in heavily and about to start telling the whole story when my phone started to vibrate. i looked down and the calller i.d said  Baby 'Quaves :) Out of disgust and madness i ignored the call when a few seconds later my phone vibrated AGAIN but this time it was a text and it said "Nicole c'mon, it was a joke......i love you. Meet me at my locker after your gym class. Love you babe ;)" really niqqa? Really?!? First off to him it was a joke? What, raping your girlfriend and recording the whole thing and then sending it to everybody at P.C, is a joke??? And Secondly i'm NOT even in gym! I'm in dance class. his b^tch ass. I turned to Darcey who was looking at me with pleading eyes.

Dar: tell me Nicole.

Me: i'm worried

Dar: of what?

Me: i don't want the whole world to know i got raped by him

Dar: so, f*ck him! tell me Nicole

Me: why do you want to know?

Dar: i'm your best friend

Me: i just met you this year. i didn't even label you as my best friend

Dar: oh so now...we have labels?

Me: yes. your just "part" of my starlight should be lucky your even talking to me.

Dar: cut the bull shit Nicole. you know we're friends

Me: since when? oh sorry i never got the memo

Dar: oh so NOW, you wanna act fake and say we're not friends

Me: i ain't never say we weren't friends. i said we weren't BEST friends 

Dar: whatever Nicole.

Me: so. i have no right to tell you shit

Dar: but i DO know ONE detail

Me: and that is.

Dar: you said it flatly and easily. he raped you.

Me: and what?

Dar: you wouldn't want your business to be all out there

Me: well i won't hurt me, it'll hurt Jaquaves

Dar: no, you'll be taken into all that lawyer stuff and will miss the day of the Palace Dance, 'member?

Me: *gasped* b^tch, say shit and you will regret it

Dar: mmmm, you finally realized how it could

Me: just keep your pie hole shut and we'll get along nicely.

Dar: like it could affect me....

Me: if you say anything i'll tell David that you are a pro STRIPPER

Dar: you wouldn;t dare

Me: try me

Dar: your on





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