Chapter 2

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Language, guns, mention of killing
MISSION NIGHT (present-day)

I turned and stomped towards Benjamin. He honestly looked surprised at my reaction.

"Benjamin, I'm going to ask you once and once only........ Did something change on today's mission?"

He looked at me confused. Tired. Ready to give up, but he quickly rearranged his posture and looked into my Hazel eyes and said firmly, "No nothing has changed-" he stopped  and quickly and glanced at Travis and continued, "The mission will go as planned." he said firmly

"Bullshit!" I say back to him "I can read you like a book, and I swear if you know something that has changed about today and you aren't telling me I'm going to hunt you down and kill you myself!"

"I think in the midst of us becoming friends you may have forgotten who the hell I am to you!" Benjamin said to me firmly yet slightly raising his voice which caught the attention of everyone in the room.

"Nothing has changed. Now go put your damn coms on or I will give this mission to someone else!" When Benjamin said that last part something in me ticked.

I realized that something had changed and I'll be damned if I don't take the shot when I have that son of a bitch in my sight.

"Adria come on let me get your coms set on you." Travis said behind me. I went to him before I said something I might regret to Benjamin.

When entered a room and before the subject changed I asked Travis the one burning question on my mind. "Travis, did something change on today's mission?"

Travis stopped and stiffened with his back still towards me as he was looking for my coms. But he continued to look for them and answered me. "No, of course not why would anything change?" he asked me with his back still towards me.

But I could feel that something had changed. So I made a plan:

No matter today's change of plans when I get the shot I'm going to take it and wait for the consequences afterward!


After Travis adjusted my coms I was on the rooftop of the building where I had staked out Pavel for months. It was at night so I won't be seen by him or his men. My hands started shaking from excitement, my Adrenaline was pumping full speed throughout my body.

I realized that I was alone on this rooftop. The other times that we had practiced this I was always with someone, but today I was alone. Meaning if I got caught command would cut the coms and I would be on my own.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself.

Ok time to set up my gun. Today everything would change, and the burden I have felt since the death of my parents would be lifted.

"Adria, can you hear me?" Travis asked on the other end of my coms from command.

"Yeah, I can hear you loud and clear." I answered back.

"Look I know that you're probably impatient to get Pavel in your sight, but you're going to have to control you trigger finger until we give you the go-ahead," Travis warned me.

"Alright, got it thanks." I said back annoyed that he would think I would jeopardize this all because of being impatient.

"Travis, I want you to know that I'm going to wait for the go-ahead to take the shot, but I am going to take it!" I said, emphasizing 'am'.

"Of course, why wouldn't you?" Travis asked me back. Sounding nervous.

"Ok listen I have to go to talk to Benjamin about something so someone else is going to help coordinate you out of there when you take the shot." Travis told me.

I had a feeling of unease but I quickly pushed it down and continued with what was in front of me.

"Time?" I asked command

"T minus one minute." command said back to me.

You're going to have less than ten minutes to have your gun packed up and get off that rooftop without being caught.

I remembered Benjamin's words as I saw black cars pulling up to the Pavels club.

"Alright, I see the cars." I updated the command with what I was seeing.

"Any sign of Pavel?"

"Negative!" I said

"Alright hold your position."

"What are you going to do on the first day you kill him?" I remember the words of the man I once thought I was in love with.

"I'll probably buy a beach house and stay there for some time."

I smiled at my naive words when I was taken out of my memories as Pavel was stepping out of his car caught my eye.



Things are about to heat up.

A little preview of the upcoming chapters

1) Benjamin POV
2)Travis POV
3) flashback in Adria's POV
4) flashback in Kaces POV
5) Kace POV

Slight smut if you will

Not sure what order I'll do it in buuuuttt it's coming.

Please vote and comment so that I know that people are reading. Thanks love you lots see you in the next chapter ❤️❤️

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