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En Route To Texas
We started our work right as we got on the plane as the time was nearing midnight.

"Ballistics matched one gun to all 3 shootings.So, the same unsub killed one John and two prostitutes." JJ says analyzing the reports.

"At least he keeps it in the family." Rossi says sarcastically

"Maybe the John's a friend of the unsub, someone he picked up prostitutes with." I add

"Well, once he kills his friend, it makes it easier to kill the prostitutes." Derek concluded, which makes the argument make more sense.

"That would explain why there's no sexual assault on the victims. It's not about rape for this unsub, it's about torture." Spencer adds, I assume he was thinking the same thing I was so I smiled to myself knowing we were on the same page.

"I mean, that fits, kind of, but it just feels like
we're missing something." Derek says as he doubts what we've narrowed down

"What we're missing is whether this guy's a sadist or not. A gunshot to the back of the head throws everything off." Rossi says

"We're presuming he's using the gun to end things,
but it could be part of the psychological torture." Hotch says, starting a new working theory

"I'm gonna cut you, and if you flinch, bang." Spence says before I cut him off.

"Ok, so let's go with that for a second. There were 5 cuts on Lucas Wagner, 9 on Hannah, 12 on Abigail. He's escalating his torture. Sadists definitely do that."

"And they get deeper with each victim." JJ says arriving at my same conclusion before Spence begins to ramble
"That's right. The first cuts were experimental in nature, and the latter ones were about maximum infliction of pain."

"What if this is vigilantism?He's punishing these women and their johns to clean up the streets." Rossi asks

"But why take so long to do it? 3 victims in 11 months? That's a substantial cooling-off period." Derek questions before Hotch begins to give us our assignments for the morning

"Kennedy, you and Reid talk to anyone working the streets last night and see if they saw something useful. Dave and Morgan, go to the coroner's office,
see what you can learn there,and JJ and I will go to
the station with the sheriff and start interviewing friends and family." As we concluded everyone found their perspective seats and began to snooze, while Spencer and Rossi started a game of chess. After I grabbed a cup of coffee, I sat across from Hotch as Spencer was continuously beating Rossi's ass at chess. I'm honestly waiting for the day Rossi refuses to play chess with him.

"Eleanor" Hotch says pulling me from my gaze of the game between Spence and Rossi

"Yes Hotch?" I ask, suddenly feeling a knot forming in my stomach.

"You said you and Spencer were together when I called you. Is there anything going on between you two?" He asks, as I try to prepare myself to have this conversation while everyone else is sleeping besides the two of us, and the two stubborn hooligans playing chess.

"Well sir, I guess I'd first like to point out that the office doesn't have a fraternization policy in place. And I'd like you to be the first to know that we are dating, however we've planned on keeping it on the down low. We didn't really want anyone to know yet..." I say as I fiddle with the hem of my shirt before I begin to speak again, "I also want you to know that this will not interfere with our work. Our priority has always been this team and the people that we help on this job and just because we are getting to know each other in a different way doesn't mean that our professionalism will be impacted."

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