The Interview

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After JJ, Will, and Henry left after dinner last night, I immediately crashed, wanting to give myself at least a full 8 hours of sleep before my interview the next day. I woke up in the middle of the night anxious for what was to come. Of course I am prepared for this, I've worked hard for this, but there's still that little nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach that is hard to push away.

But then I remembered, "Good luck on your interview!"


I can't stop for coffee tomorrow before the interview or else I'll be a bit too jittery and be off my game, but I hope that I'll see him soon.

7:00 AM

I woke up early in order to fully prepare myself for what today had in store. I made myself some chocolate chip pancakes, because those always seem to make everything better.

After I finish my breakfast, I take a look in my closet. What to wear, that is the question.

I quickly brush my teeth pondering how professional I want to look, and decide on a black pencil skirt that touches my knees, paired with flesh colored tights, a white button down tucked in and a pair of cobalt blue heels, that match my blazer. I kept my makeup to a minimum, patting my face with powder, adding some mascara, and topping my lips with a blush pink lipstick. I pulled my hair back into a sleeked back low ponytail, and I was ready to take on this interview.

11:30 AM

I pulled into the parking lot at 11:15 AM, making sure I was earlier than early. Sometimes I hate how early I get to things because I get anxious I'll be late.

I make my way through security up the BAU on the 6th floor. Hoping that no one tries to talk to me beforehand because I tend to go silent whenever I'm nervous. I don't know why I'm nervous. I could be confident if I wanted to. I guess that's just not me.

I make my way into the office and a bubbly blonde woman with lots of bracelets wearing all sorts of vibrant colors, runs into me.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you, I'm just a mess not knowing where I'm walking" she yells pulling me into a tight hug as a form of apology.

"It's alright, no worries." I say shyly, "could you tell me where SSA Aaron Hotchner's office is?"

"Of course darling, it's right up there, first office on the left," she says pointing across the bullpen. "I'm Penelope Garcia, BAU Technical Analyst" she says introducing herself.

"Hi Penelope, I'm Eleanor Jareau"

"Jar-, Jareu, you mean??"

"Yes, I'm JJ's younger sister" you say laughing off the connection Penelope just made.

"Welcome to our home sweet JJ jr, I'll walk you to the boss's office myself!" She says sweetly taking my hand and guiding me to the office.

"Sir, Eleanor Jareau is here to see you" Penelope says to Hotch, approving your arrival she leaves you to your interview.

"Hello sir, it's so good to finally meet you, you can call me Ella" I say holding my hand out for a firm handshake

"Aaron Hotchner, please sit Ella." His stare is intimidating but also intriguing.

"So Ella, after reading your files and hearing the recommendations from your colleagues and previous employers I have to say your resume stands out beyond any other applicant. I just want to ask you one question, what brings you to the BAU?" He says, confidently.

"Well first, thank you sir, I've definitely worked hard to get to where I am and I'm proud of those accomplishments. But the Behavioral Analysis Unit is the place that lights the fire under me. I feel like this is the place where everything I know would be used to do the most good, both here and all around the world. Eventually, one day, if I were to receive this position, I would like to build a program that is founded through the BAU to stop human trafficking from Quantico all the way to Beijing, based off studies of brain patterns and cognitive sciences. It's a large and lofty goal, but through the BAU I can be one step closer to achieving that." I say, the passion in me becoming clearer to Hotch as our conversation goes on for the next hour.

"Well, Ella, I would love to offer you the position if you're up for it. I think you'd make an excellent addition to the team" he says standing and extending his hand towards me for a handshake.

"Thank you sir, I accept the offer wholeheartedly. I won't let you down sir." I say, returning his offer

"Be here at 8:00 AM tomorrow, you'll start then. Oh, and what should we call you- with your sister here as well I want to make sure you're both comfortable"

"I'll be here then. How about Agent Kennedy. Kennedy is my middle name, it'll at least separate us both." I say smiling back at him, excited to work with my sister.

"Welcome to the team, Agent Kennedy" he says, as I leave his office, trying not to jump out of my heels while doing so.

JJ said the team had the day off today so none of them would be there and to call her as soon as the interview was over.

"J! I got the job!!"

"Oh my God, I'm so happy for you!! We're finally back together at last!"

"I am so excited, I start first thing tomorrow, basic training. God, JJ I can't believe this is happening.....Ros would be so happy for us..." I say, reminiscing on the presence of our older sister

"She would...absolutely." JJ says, I can hear the small crackle in her voice, I know they were closer than I was since I was so much younger.

"Well, hey- I'll call you later okay, I'll let you enjoy your day off. I love you."

"I love you little monster. See you tomorrow." She says, teasing me.

"See ya" I say as I make my way to the coffee stand down the block.

"I'll take a regular coffee with 5 sugars and two creamers please"


I hand the barista my cash, telling him to keep the change. He hands me my coffee and then I spot him. Spencer, sitting at a park table playing chess by himself.

"Mind if I join you?" I say to Spencer as he's taken off guard by my presence.

"Ella! Not at all, please do!" he says graciously offering the seat across from him

"How was your interview?" He asked, it seems like he didn't want to spook me with the fact that he remembered my interview, I like a man who remembers things.

"It was great, I got the job."

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