Its always her...

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Summary: Gon has been spending too much time with Retz and it affects his relationship with Killua
Age: 18 years old
Status: Boyfriends
Killua's POV
Gon has been out all day... I bet he's with Retz. He's always with her nowadays... it almost seems like he's tired of me or something. No... he's not tired of me right? I need to get these thoughts out of my head. I need to do something to distract myself... we have this puzzle that we never did, I can do that.

After about 4 hours I got the borders done. What time even is it? It's 7:30. Gon should be here by now. He left at 2 pm. Where is he???

Right in queue the door opened.
"Killua I'm home." Gon announced
"Hi Gon... what did you do today?" I asked already expecting a 'hanging out with Retz'
"I was with Retz." He said
"Oh... you've been hanging out with her a lot lately." I said
"Yeah? I didn't even notice." He said
"Umm.. can we go out tomorrow?" I asked
"Yeah sure. I just need to see if I had plans with Retz already." He said
I just nodded.

We ordered some takeout from this restaurant Gon said Retz liked... Not gonna lie it was pretty good, but just the thought of Retz makes my stomach curl. I hope he goes out with me tomorrow... it is our fourth anniversary after all. He wouldn't forget that, I'm sure.

After dinner we cleaned up and went to sleep. I snuggled into bed and just hoped that tomorrow goes well.

I woke up at 9:30 and Gon was not by my side. I sat up and saw a note by my bedside drawer

Sorry Killua... Retz asked me to go to the museum with her. I will try to be back by dinner. <3 Gon.

He said that he will be back by dinner so maybe we can still go out for a date.

I went to finish the puzzle that I was doing yesterday just to pass the time.

I checked the time ever so often and it became later and later. I hoped that he would be here by 5, but it's 6.

It's 7 now





It's 11... he's not here.

Then at 11:15 I heard the door.
I was in the living room of our tiny apartment when Gon walked in.

"Hey Killua."

I stood to look at him and the tears welling up in my eyes fell down to my cheeks and then to my chin.

"Where were you...?"

"I was with Retz... Why are you crying?" He got closer to my but I stepped back.

"Doing what?" I asked.

"We went to the museum.. I left you a note."

"You said that you would be back for dinner."

"I said I'd try... it got pretty late so we decided to go ourselves... Killua can you please tell me why are you crying? I didn't cheat on you if that's what you're worried about..."

"It's always her isn't it?"

"Killua what do you mean?"

"Gon... you've been hanging with her all the time..."

"Yeah I know that I've been hanging out with her a lot but I still hang out with you at dinner time... just because I didn't make it back today is not an excuse to cry!"

I started laughing

"Gon.. you really don't know why I'm upset right..."


"You should know."

"But I don't.."


"Killua tell me."

I just let the tears keep falling.

"Killua! Just tell me!" He screamed.

"Gon what day is it?"

"It's January seventh-"

I saw his face drop. And know seeing that he realized why I was crying I stepped out of the house and let my feet take me to where they went.

He forgot... after four years... FOUR YEARS!!!!

I looked at where my feet led me and I was in the place where Gon confessed to me when we were fourteen after we reunited.

It started to rain and I just sat down and saw the city lights glow. I remember why he brought me here when he confessed. He said that the lights looked like the whole world... and then he told me that he wanted to see the whole world with me.

I don't know how much time I spent there just standing in the pouring rain... until I heard someone.


I looked and it was Retz.

"Killua are you ok?" She asked.

"What does it look like... you're stealing my boyfriend from me." I said mindlessly.

"Killua... I didn't know that I was spending so much time with Gon... he just texted me a few minutes ago saying that he screwed up your anniversary. Killua... Gon loves you so much... he really does... All this time that we hung out he would never shut up about you... he kept saying how much you mean to him and how much he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. Killua... today we didn't go to a museum... we went house hunting. He wants to give you a better life... he really does." She said I looked at her and then heard someone behind me.

Retz looked at the person and she walked away.

"Killua." It was Gon.

"I am so sorry... I really am... I know that retz told you that we went house hunting. I wanted to surprise you with a better home. That's why I have been spending so much time with her... she studied these kind of stuff and I wanted to give you the best house I could find... because I love you... and I want to love you forever..."

he stoped momentarily and walked towards me. He grabbed the side of my face softly to look at me in the eye. He was crying

"... Killua I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to spend all of my days with you. I want to marry you someday, have kids someday, grow old... I really love you Killua... I love you so much... I... I just love you so much... Killua please forgive me. Please, Killua. I will never do this again, I promise." He finished in between sniffs and voice cracks.

I looked at him in the eye and saw that he was being sincere. I placed my hand on the side of his face, cupping his cheek.

"Gon you had me so scared. I was so worried you were replacing me." I hugged him, "Please... don't do this again... tell me what you're doing... and if you are planning a surprise don't abandon me in the corner." I said.

"I promise, Killua." He looked at me and smiled. "I love you..." he said and kissed me. I happily kissed back as an 'I forgive you'.
"I love you too, Gon."

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