I'm sorry

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Summary: Gon and Killua have a huge fight and it threatens their relationship.
Age: 17
Status: boyfriends
Tw: cussing and yelling
(Ps this might be short)
Gon's POV

Killua and I were fighting. We were fighting because Killua saw me and Retz kissing. I didn't want to kiss her... she made me. It was too late before I pushed away.

He ran all the way home and I followed him.

"Killua please!" I pleaded as I closed the front door behind me.

"Just get away from me!" He cried.

"Killua please! I didn't want to!" I explained.

He turned around and faced me. He had tears in his eyes.

"Then why the fuck were you kissing her?!"

"She made me!"

"How did she make you?!"

"She just pulled me in! No warning!"

He turned away, and as he was walking he said, "It still no excuse! You shouldn't have been with her on the first place!"

"Oh why?! Am I not allowed to have friends?!" I yelled.

"You are allowed to have friends! But you know that she likes you!" He complained.

"Is that a reason to stop being friends with her?!"

"No but at least you could've told me you were hanging out with her so I can go too!"

I didn't like his attitude. Telling me how to be around my friends!

"Ummm??! Who are you to tell me how to be around my friends?!" I questioned.

"Oh! I don't know! Maybe your boyfriend the person who loves you the most and also the person who has helped you in every single problem you have had and the person who literally saved your life?!" He yelled.

"WELL I NEVER ASKED FOR YOUR HELP!" I yelled. Fuck... I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean that.

His face dropped. He started crying.

"No... wait I didn't mean that." I explained.

"No... you're right. I just did it without anyone asking." He said quietly.

He walked past me and ran up to his room.

"Killua wait!" I called for him.

I went up to his room and tried to open it. It was locked.

I pressed my ear to the door to hear Killua sobbing. God! What did I do?! I didn't mean what I said! Every single sob that he let out made my heart break more and more.

I started sobbing too. "Killua please! Let me in I want to talk!" I cried.

"No! You said that you didn't need my help! SO NOW I WONT DO ANYTHING THAT YOU ASK!" He sobbed loudly. I sobbed too.

"PLEASE KILLUA!" I cried again.



"Killua... please!"

"Killua.... you have no idea how much I regret saying that to you. Please let me in!"

"Go away.."  I heard something against the door. I asumed it was Killua.

Right after he said that I got a call from Retz. I answered and put it on speaker.

"Hi Retz." I said. I heard Killua gasp.

"Hi Gon~" she said.

"What do you want?"

"Well I wanted to see if you liked the kiss that I gave you today?" She said in a singsong voice.

"Actually... I hated it." I said. I heard Killua gasp again.

"What?" She asked sadly.

"Yeah! I hated it! They don't even compare to the ones Killua gives me."

"Ugh! Why are you still with him?! He is an assassin and he is very mean! I'm better!"

I laughed.

"I think that you have things backwards. Killua is not mean! He is sweet, and kind. He is the most beautiful person I have ever layed eyes on... he is caring, he is a great friend and an even better boyfriend. He is amazing. And yes he might be mean sometimes... but that is one of the many things that I love about him. He says what is on his mind, and always says the truth.... and he is not an assassin anymore. He is the love of my life..." I said.

"You're disgusting."

"And I'll see you in hell..." I hung up.

After I put my phone in my pocket I knocked on the door softly again.

"Killua... can we talk please?" I asked softly.

The door slowly opened and Killua was standing there. Eyes red and puffy from all the crying. I stepped closer and hugged the boy in front of me. He melted into my arms.

"I'm so sorry Killua..." I whispered.

"I'm sorry too... I should've let you explain."

"No... I'm sorry for not bringing you today, and for saying that I didn't ask for your help. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. I'm so so so sorry."

"It's ok... you didn't mean it right?"

"Of course not!"

"...I forgive you."

"I love you."

"I love you too... can we go cuddle?" He asked shyly.

"Of course kitty."

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